It's a Team's Life

  • Warm Weather

    By Bob & Linda Caffee
    Posted Jan 10th 2010 3:04PM
    We dodged the cold weather bullet just barely! We made is south just as the cold was coming across the center of the co
  • Our Family Member

    By Bob & Linda Caffee
    Posted Jan 8th 2010 1:55PM
    Our truck is always in the background of our lives and in many of our pictures. The truck sits there waiting till we ar
  • First load out

    By Bob & Linda Caffee
    Posted Jan 6th 2010 11:53AM
    After being off for awhile you are on pins and needles waiting for that first load offer taking you away from the house.
  • Frozen Truck

    By Bob & Linda Caffee
    Posted Jan 5th 2010 2:22AM
    Winter time, the truck, home time, and the generator not running is hard on our water tank and our water pump. We learn
  • Loading the truck

    By Bob & Linda Caffee
    Posted Jan 4th 2010 10:28AM
    We are loading the truck and getting ready to head out for a month before coming back home. When we start loading the t