It's a Team's Life

  • Am I the problem?

    By Linda Caffee
    Posted Feb 24th 2017 7:22AM
    When the sign says, right lane closed ahead I move over to the left pretty quickly. Have I been doing this wrong all of
  • How dare you insult me with that rate.

    By Linda Caffee
    Posted Feb 19th 2017 4:14AM
    Why are the rates so low? We cannot run this cheap and the company is forcing me to go broke. How often have we heard
  • Who has the Monkey on their back?

    By Linda Caffee
    Posted Feb 14th 2017 6:54AM
    There are many situations where we need to step back and decide who really owns the problem we are experiencing.

    By Linda Caffee
    Posted Feb 9th 2017 6:50AM
    What do you do when you are so mad at your partner you could spit nails?
  • The thought of that frightens me

    By Linda Caffee
    Posted Feb 4th 2017 10:01AM
    We all have our trigger points that stress us while in the truck or driving. What stresses you and how did you overcome