YOU solve the deficit


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I solved it on the first go. I was thinking of the least impact on the average citizen. Not politics, or influence, or re-election. Can you solve it? Actually I had more than solved it.


Veteran Expediter
You mean this link?

Budget Puzzle: You Fix the Budget - Interactive Feature -

Well I tried but it doesn't have what I would cut on the list.

After listening to the "debt commission" idiots, I have to ask "why am I being asked to make a sacrifice? Let one of them or the federal government do that"

I would like to see a serious attempt to fix the problems I had nothing to do with, and here is my list.

Return Federal Employee level to 1930 levels. This is a fair level and excludes some of the justice department and of course defense. ALSO at the same time, stop allowing federal civil servants the right to have union representation - they work at our behest. Freezing federal pensions, paying them out at the same age as Social Security.

Eliminate the Federal departments that have been created in the last 50 years, including education, energy, much of the commerce department and the 350 or so administrations that don't do much. What do we need an Office of Agricultural Library when we have the Library of Congress? Or can we better spend the money on other things than the NEA?

GIVE all the land that Native Americans are supposed to have back to them and let them administer it themselves - just learned how much that all costs us.

Having one hell of a garage sale. If we don't need to have it, why keep it. The tax payer paid for it, so as a tax payer who paid taxes (not just filed), they should be able to get some of the stuff to use or sell at a bargain price.

These steps will eliminate a lot of the deficit within a few years AND than we can tackle getting the debt down, like retroactively demanding interest on all that tarp money they threw around.


Veteran Expediter
I solved it on the first go. I was thinking of the least impact on the average citizen. Not politics, or influence, or re-election. Can you solve it? Actually I had more than solved it.
Boy, was that ever flawed. It didn't give control over the entire budget, just over current proposals of modifying the budget. There was no way to abolish entire programs or departments, no way to abolish the entire income tax, no way to abolish SS or medi-scare.

It also made faulty assumptions about the effect modifying tax rates has on economic activity. One proposal was to close loopholes and reduce rates, while it's opposite was to close loopholes and raise rates. The latter was projected to decrease the deficit more, while everybody knows that the reverse is true--that a tax increase decreases economic activity and therefore decreases federal revenue, which would increase the deficit, not reduce it, and especially not reduce it faster than the tax cut, Must have been designed by Keynesians.

The budget deficit can be solved in five minutes by someone with complete control over the budget.


Veteran Expediter
There was no way to abolish entire programs or departments, no way to abolish the entire income tax, no way to abolish SS or medi-scare.

Actually there is a way, it is called a collapse of the country.

The income tax is an experiment and it can be replaced.

Social Security is a supplement, not ever intended to replace an income. It can be either phased out the right way or ended when there is no more money. Either way it should be seriously cut on many fronts and remember our SC said we are not entitled to that money.

Medicare/Medicaid another program that can be phased out or also end when there is no more money.

We need real leadership at the federal level who can say "this is what we are going to do" and just do it. BUT we have no one with the ******* ***** to be a leader in politics, so we will see patches and no solutions. Already the republicans are backtracking and the dems are spinning the country is going to end if they don't do something next week.