Ron Paul on Earmarks and Term Limits - YouTube
Talks about how bad earmarks are wasteful spending and how he is against them even votes against them .Yet he puts them earmarks in the bills because he knows they will pass anyway.Now if a person truly is against the wastefull spending then he would not attach the earmarks to the bills to began with.Hypercritical at its finest!
IMHO when you say something to the like this
Yahoo! Video Detail for Ron Paul on Illegal Immigration
I have to question how tough he will really be on immigration
Ron paul say he is against abortion yet he also says he is ok with it if the states say it is ok.The state governmet can tell you what is right/wrong but not the federal government.He even voted against a bill that would have made it illegle to for an adult such as a teacher/coach/ overage boyfriend /pedophile to take a minor across state lines for an abortion with out parental consent.
Another thing that always gets him on the national level was his stance against the 1964 civil rights act.There is no way the left will leave this that out this time around.I mean think about it on the 40th anniversary of the civil rights act in 2004 Paul had this to say the civil rights act violated the constitution and reduced the individual liberty.Now I know he had more then that to say But face it,running against Obama that will be his biggest downfall.Can anyone say MLK day??????
Gay marriage,He is against it but only on the federal level this is another issue that is important to both sides.This is also a issue that on a state level he changes his stance.Nope no flip flopping there!
In 2004 paul talked about the war powers act and how important it was that congress is the only body that can declear war and how it is protected under the constitution.
In 2009 PAUL supported an attempt to repeal the war powers act calling it unconstitutional.Then in JUNE of this year PAUL said Obama had had violated the war powers act and the constitution by going to war with lybia with out going to congress first.Yep no flip floping there!
Term limits even in 08 he was calling for them!Now thats funny right there because he knows it is what some people want to hear.He also knows that while they want to hear it they over look the fact that the guy calling for term limits has been in office for 30 years.for 30 years he talks term limits all the while doing the very thing he says is part of the problem with washington.He knows it is easy to let the people hear what they want when he knows it has no chance of happening.
Now I also know some of the good things Paul has not voteing to raise taxes like often giving people in his district free medical care instead of taking the medicare/medicade payments because he belives they are wrong.I know that he has pledged not to take his pension when he leaves office.I also know he is not the only one to make this pledge.
You see when people shut off their TV'S and really learn about RON PAUL and look past the fact he calls for smaller government and less spending he has no problem with spending as long as its on something he wants..A person learns that in fact RON PAUL Stance on many issues change with the tides.He has spent 30 years in congress how many of you really belive he does dont flip flop?30 years in congress how many of you he has not made deals that have went against the very things he says in public he stands for.In 30 years in washington RON PAUL has perfected the art of being a career politician and telling people what they want to hear.IMHO with 30 years of washington under his belt he is in fact what many of you say you dont want he is IMHO a RHINO.Now all that being said if some how he wins the nomination he will get my vote because I belive a write in vote for someone else will in effect be a vote for OBAMA.