Wow someone get's it


Veteran Expediter
This is from the EU parliment member, MEP Daniel Hannan.

He is not the only one who sees where we are headed for. Brown is taking the same steps as Obama, and it is like we are in lock step with them.

AND did you know that we have given Mexico $700 million to fight crime. How much would a trench across the border cost? it would be cheaper to put the trench in than give them money.

Here is the video if you want to watch it. Maybe read along with it.

Read this carefully;
Prime Minister, I see you’ve already mastered the essential craft of the European politician, namely the ability to say one thing in this chamber and a very different thing to your home electorate.

You’ve spoken here about free trade, and amen to that. Who would have guessed, listening to you just now, that you were the author of the phrase ‘British jobs for British workers’ and that you have subsidised, where you have not nationalised outright, swathes of our economy, including the car industry and many of the banks? Perhaps you would have more moral authority in this house if your actions matched your words? Perhaps you would have more legitimacy in the councils of the world if the United Kingdom were not going into this recession in the worst condition of any G20 country?

The truth, Prime Minister, is that you have run out of our money. The country as a whole is now in negative equity. Every British child is born owing around £20,000. Servicing the interest on that debt is going to cost more than educating the child. Now, once again today you try to spread the blame around; you spoke about an international recession, international crisis. Well, it is true that we are all sailing together into the squalls. But not every vessel in the convoy is in the same dilapidated condition. Other ships used the good years to caulk their hulls and clear their rigging; in other words – to pay off debt. But you used the good years to raise borrowing yet further. As a consequence, under your captaincy, our hull is pressed deep into the water line under the accumulated weight of your debt We are now running a deficit that touches 10% of GDP, an almost unbelievable figure. More than Pakistan, more than Hungary; countries where the IMF have already been called in. Now, it’s not that you’re not apologising; like everyone else I have long accepted that you’re pathologically incapable of accepting responsibility for these things. It’s that you’re carrying on, wilfully worsening our situation, wantonly spending what little we have left. Last year - in the last twelve months – a hundred thousand private sector jobs have been lost and yet you created thirty thousand public sector jobs.

Prime Minister, you cannot carry on for ever squeezing the productive bit of the economy in order to fund an unprecedented engorgement of the unproductive bit. You cannot spend your way out of recession or borrow your way out of debt. And when you repeat, in that wooden and perfunctory way, that our situation is better than others, that we’re ‘well-placed to weather the storm’, I have to tell you that you sound like a Brezhnev-era apparatchik giving the party line. You know, and we know, and you know that we know that it’s nonsense! Everyone knows that Britain is worse off than any other country as we go into these hard times. The IMF has said so; the European Commission has said so; the markets have said so – which is why our currency has devalued by thirty percent. And soon the voters too will get their chance to say so. They can see what the markets have already seen: that you are the devalued Prime Minister of a devalued government.


Veteran Expediter
Bush gave that money to mexico, and it was a joke then also.

The president of the EU ripped Barry also and made it clear he was leading the US on the way to HELL...

Wow, it seems more and more of the world is seeing that this KING has no clothes...!!! The G-20 meetings should be interesting with all that is going on here........

EU president: US on 'a way to hell'

Mirek Topolanek

(CNN) - The European Union president went head-to-head with Washington over the global economic crisis Wednesday, condemning President Barack Obama's economic recovery plan as "a way to hell."

The comments came as the prime minister of the Czech Republic and current holder of the EU presidency Mirek Topolanek addressed the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France. The Czech PM blasted the "Buy America" campaign and growing US budget deficit, saying "all of these steps, these combinations and permanency is the way to hell."

Topolanek continued his attack saying Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner's toxic assets plan was "quite alarming" and that US fiscal bailouts "will undermine the stability of the global financial market."

"We need to read the history books and read with it the lessons of history and the biggest success of the (EU) is the refusal to go this way," he said.

Topolanek's criticism followed UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown's speech to Parliament Tuesday where stressed the importance of EU-US cooperation and lauded President Obama's transatlantic collaborative efforts.

Party of European Socialists chair Martin Schulz was critical of the EU president's claims Wednesday, saying that the US "had taken the wrong road, the road to hell" was Topolanek's view alone and the EU should "not be operating at this level."

President Obama will travel to London next week to participate in a Group of 20 summit, where the president is expected to champion EU-US unity on global economic policy.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Rather than resort to plagiarism (which seems to be an acceptable practice on this forum) and create an Americanized version of this speech, I'll just suggest that everyone re-read the content and substitute "President" for "Prime Minister", and "American" for "British". What could be a more accurate statement than "the truth Mr. President, is that you have run out of our money." Granted, this could be said for the Bush administration in league with the Democrat-controlled congress the past two years, but the Barack Hussein Obama budget worsens it threefold in today's estimates and the reality will probably be worse.

In addition, the deficit that has taken 43 presidents to build up will be tripled in less than six years by this radical socialist president. More than likely it will be worse because these govt. estimates are always smaller than the actual numbers that come to pass.

It's great that this young member of British Parliament has the courage and eloquence to speak up and be recognized on the world stage. Hopefully, he will inspire some of the conservative Republicans in our House and Senate to do likewise. Can you imagine the hysteria in the mainstream media if a young Republican congressman were to aim a speech like this against The Anointed One? Legions of investigative reporters and lawyers would be sent to his district to launch a counter-attack and completely smear his or her credibility (remember Sarah Palin?).


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
What? The press really go after Obama and expose him for the fraud that he is? NAW, never happen, unless he screws one of them. layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Rather than resort to plagiarism (which seems to be an acceptable practice on this forum)

OK, did I miss something? I have the source, the EU parliament.


Veteran Expediter
Greg, i don't think he was talking about you or even this thread, just some post(s) in general with alot of technical (maybe not the right word) info to explain anyones point of view that looks as if it should be followed by and attribution...I don't think he was hitting at anyone in general...LOL, at least I can't be accused of that since i am already considered the "cut and paste member with attribution and the link (one of the 2) for the most part.......:D