Why we don't need liberals ideas


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Why we don't need liberal's ideas

on gun control. Just a few of the laws already in place. We don't need more laws, we need to enforce the laws we have and we need to blame the person not the object. Liberals, with their defective brains, aren't capable of grasping and understanding.

18 U.S.C. 922(g): A felon, fugitive, or drug user may be sentenced to 10 years in prison for being in possession of a firearm or ammunition. In other words, the firearms that liberals want to ban are already banned for criminals, fugitives, and drug users. What is needed is better enforcement of this existing law—not new laws that will not be enforced. This reinforces a point often made by those of us who support the Second Amendment: gun laws will take guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens but will do nothing to prevent criminals from getting guns.

18 U.S.C. 922(j): An individual may be sentenced to 10 years in prison for possessing a stolen firearm. Since criminals often use stolen firearms in committing the violent crimes liberals are constantly wringing their hands about, simply enforcing this law would cut down on gun violence. This being the case, one can only wonder who liberals are really aiming at with their campaign for new gun-control laws. The answer should be obvious: law-abiding citizens.

18 U.S.C. 924(b): An individual may be sentenced to 10 years in prison for shipping, transporting, or receipt of a firearm across state lines with intent to commit a felony.

18 U.S.C. 924(a): An individual may be sentenced to 5 to 30 years in prison for carrying, using, or possessing a firearm in connection with a violent federal crime or in the act of drug trafficking.

18 U.S.C. 924(j): An individual may be sentenced to death for committing murder while possessing a firearm in connection with a violent crime or in the act of drug trafficking.

18 U.S.C. 924(g): An individual may be sentenced to 10 years in prison for interstate travel to acquire or effect the transfer of a firearm for the purpose of committing a crime.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

Liberals, with their defective brains, aren't capable of grasping and understanding.
I'm sure Liberals would love to debate the issues, but when right-wing conservative wacko's resort to needless comments, many liberals figure whats the point.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

Yes, they'd love to debate the idea, endlessly, which they already are doing and have done. What's the point? Good question. Liberals can't grasp the point. That there are many many thousands of gun laws already on the books. That inanimate objects are and always will be inanimate and never will be the cause of any problem. That bad people are the problem. That enacting a million more laws against inanimate objects won't solve one single problem. There's no point discussing it with those who are so full of disgust and hate toward inanimate objects.


Veteran Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

Oh I dunno ... I think some ideas from liberals - or at least those who appear to be liberal - are pretty entertaining ... and sometimes quite insightful ...

1:41 PM MAY 27, 2014



The poor oppressed gun fondlers in the San Antonio chapter of Open Carry Texas just can’t seem to get the respect they deserve. In San Antonio, the poor dears were asked to leave a Sonic and a Chili’s after showing up with all their guns, prompting one of the victims of fascist Nazi gunhate to explain to his daughter that they had to leave because it’s just not safe to eat fast food without your AR-15 close at hand. Yes, this is what America has come to. Why can’t things be like the good old days, when bands of guys with assault rifles were a common sight at the old malt shoppe?

We are also kind of in love with the lady at Chili's who doesn’t want one of their dumb "Have You Heard the Good News of the Second Amendment" pamphlets, calling them "Texas retards," and adding, "There’s children here, and you’re a dumb***."

The gun fondler replies, "Thank you. 'Preciate that," and as she moves out of earshot, someone says, "Yeah. I'm a dumb*** ... must be Moms Demand Action," the anti-gun group the Open Carry folks respect so much they call them "thugs with jugs."

Sadly, the patriots were asked to leave their guns in their vehicles, prompting more discussion of how "this Chili’s is no longer the safest Chili’s to eat" and leading a fellow (the same one?) in the parking lot to rehearse what he shoulda said to the mean lady in the restaurant: "I wish I had my kids with me, I’d have gone like, 'hey dumb***, I got my kids right here. Your child's safe. You think I’m gonna let someone shoot my kids?'"

And then they went on, ready to save America from gun-grabbing thugs and dumb*****.

Texas Open Carry removed the videos this weekend after releasing a statement Friday calling on their affiliates to please not open carry rifles into private businesses any more, since for some reason the tactic doesn’t seem to be showing people that gun fondlers are sweet caring people who just want to protect themselves — and YOU — from whatever scary threat might pop up at any moment, really any moment now, you know there are killers everywhere and you have to be ready to shoot someone every time you leave your [begin strikethru] bunker [end strikethru] home, it’s just common sense.

[RawStory / Mother Jones]

Follow Doktor Zoom on Twitter. He can sympathize with the gunvangelists — nobody ever takes his "Have you accepted Ponies into your life?" pamphlets.
Texas Gun Fondlers Take Toys, Go Home After Lady In Restaurant Calls Them Dumb*****
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Veteran Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

Calling the women of Moms Demand Action "thugs with jugs" perfectly illustrates both their mindset and tactics. Disrespect to/for anyone they perceive as 'weaker', and ugly name calling in place of reasoned debate and/or rebuttal.
They sure don't display the maturity I'd like to see in a person with a weapon.


Veteran Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

Calling the women of Moms Demand Action "thugs with jugs" perfectly illustrates both their mindset and tactics. Disrespect to/for anyone they perceive as 'weaker', and ugly name calling in place of reasoned debate and/or rebuttal.
They sure don't display the maturity I'd like to see in a person with a weapon.

What if I were to point out that the article you are referring to was written by a lefty? No, not a left handed person but one of those wacky liberals and possibly a woman. Would the disrespect and ugly name calling be okay then?


Veteran Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

The disrespect & name calling you mention is exactly one person who said "You're a retard" [and in her shoes, I probably would have said it too] when the group made a big show of bringing weapons into a restaurant.
Other than that, the article is written by just one person, who calls them 'gun fondlers' - definitely disrespectful, but he/she is aiming the barb at one small group for this one specific 'publicity stunt' that backfired. He/she exaggerated for effect, because the idiotic act deserved ridicule. It only makes lawful gun owners look like clueless crazy people, which most of them aren't.
That's not comparable to describing a group of women who express concern as "thugs with jugs". Seriously: why call them thugs? We already get the second part of the label, and it's just extraneous 'humor' of the most immature sort, like fart jokes: not smart if you wish to be considered a mature individual.
Never mind, we know why: because it rhymes with jugs. It also shows how much thought they put into what they're doing.
As someone who supports the right to bear arms, I think they need to shut up and stay home, before we're not welcome anywhere.


Veteran Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

What if I were to point out that the article you are referring to was written by a lefty? No, not a left handed person but one of those wacky liberals and possibly a woman. Would the disrespect and ugly name calling be okay then?
The article is written by a satirist ... for a satire site ... which, by the way, does go after both the political right and the political left ...

IOW: they're equal opportunity abusers ...


Veteran Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

The article is written by a satirist ... for a satire site ... which, by the way, does go after both the political right and the political left ...

IOW: they're equal opportunity abusers ...

I think ... maybe ... you might possibly have ... directed this reply to the wrong person.

IOW: It is Cheri that missed the entire satire angle. From the few things I have read by the Wonkette, most seemed to be written by left leaning people. Judging from the name, I would make a guess that most of the writers are women.


Veteran Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

I think ... maybe ... you might possibly have ... directed this reply to the wrong person.
Nope ...

IOW: It is Cheri that missed the entire satire angle.
In light of her replies, I wouldn't want to bet the farm on that.

From the few things I have read by the Wonkette, most seemed to be written by left leaning people.
Undoubtedly true ... but that doesn't seem stop them from skewering idiocy on the political left either ...

Judging from the name, I would make a guess that most of the writers are women.
I don't know that to be necessarily true - I think the name derives from the fact that the person that wrote the original blog (and named it) was a woman: ie. Ana Marie Cox ...

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Veteran Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

The article is written by a satirist ... for a satire site ...

Nope ...
In light of her replies, I wouldn't want to bet the farm on that.

Her replies were exactly why I questioned if she realized it was satire. She responded as if the incidents in the restaurants actually occurred instead of being a product of the author's imagination for the purpose of a satirical article.

I took the article you posted to be satire. A total fabrication to be used as a vehicle by the author to take a shot a gun nuts. For good measure you reiterated that is was satirical. Is Cheri's responses some form of double reverse satire? If so, its lost on me. Someone will need to walk me through this, real slow.


Veteran Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

Her replies were exactly why I questioned if she realized it was satire. She responded as if the incidents in the restaurants actually occurred instead of being a product of the author's imagination for the purpose of a satirical article.

I took the article you posted to be satire. A total fabrication to be used as a vehicle by the author to take a shot a gun nuts. For good measure you reiterated that is was satirical. Is Cheri's responses some form of double reverse satire? If so, its lost on me. Someone will need to walk me through this, real slow.

Sorry guys, satire it may well be, but the incident described in the article happened, exactly as described. The Open Carry group in Texas has been attempting to win people over to their point of view by carrying long guns into various restaurants, and it has not worked as they planned. [If one can use the word 'planned' in connection with such a dumbazz stunt.]
They have now caused numerous retaurant chains [including Starbucks & Chipotle] to create policies restricting the bringing of weapons into their places of business.
Well played, morons. :(


Veteran Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

Her replies were exactly why I questioned if she realized it was satire. She responded as if the incidents in the restaurants actually occurred instead of being a product of the author's imagination for the purpose of a satirical article.

I took the article you posted to be satire.
It is - per the definition:

satire - noun:

the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
A total fabrication to be used as a vehicle by the author to take a shot a gun nuts. For good measure you reiterated that is was satirical. Is Cheri's responses some form of double reverse satire? If so, its lost on me. Someone will need to walk me through this, real slow.
As cheri notes in her latest response, the events being satirized did indeed happen ... so not a fabrication.


Veteran Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

As cheri notes in her latest response, the events being satirized did indeed happen ... so not a fabrication.

I read the Wonkette piece yesterday. I took it to be satire. The video in the Wonkette link you posted came up as "Private, Unavailable". I couldn't believe Cheri was quoting from the Wonkette to bolster her point. Although she did for a short time believe I was making extra money on the road by raising chinchillas.

This morning I found a video of the Texas boys going into a Chilis on The Raw Story. Seeing the actual video makes the Wonkette piece by Doktor Zoom look more like a childish name calling editorial than satire. The video portrays the gun toters as the nuts they are. They certainly didn't need any help from Doktor Zoom. They did a fine job all by their lonesome.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

What in the world is a "gun nut"? I guess that goes along with the "gun culture", a term invented by the LiBeRaLs to demean those who believe in the idea that private gun ownership is a needed part of the checks and balances set up to guard against the government becoming too powerful. I guess a "gun nut" would be someone who has the audacity to, either conceal or open carry, as is their right. Maybe it is one who is determined to defend the lives of themselves, their families, home and property, with the use of force if needed?

Since when is the owning of a legal tool to be looked down upon? Since when are those who do not commit crimes to be condemned, and treated like criminals, ever been a good idea?


Veteran Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

What in the world is a "gun nut"? I guess that goes along with the "gun culture", a term invented by the LiBeRaLs to demean those who believe in the idea that private gun ownership is a needed part of the checks and balances set up to guard against the government becoming too powerful.

What in the world are LiBeRaLs?

I guess a "gun nut" would be someone who has the audacity to, either conceal or open carry, as is their right. Maybe it is one who is determined to defend the lives of themselves, their families, home and property, with the use of force if needed?

I guess a "LiBeRaL" would be someone who has the audacity to not allow guns, either conceal or open carry, into their place of business as is their right.

Since when is the owning of a legal tool to be looked down upon?
It was the setting to which the legal tools were brought into that was the problem. The restaurant manager in the video didn't want 8 men carrying long guns into the restaurant. He said they were welcome but asked them to leave their guns outside. One could assume he would also request 8 roofers to check their ladders at the door.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

They might make their point more effectively if they all went in carrying a 12 pound sledge hammer. However, the point is there are thousands too many gun laws on the books already. The point is you cannot affect needed change by legislating against inanimate objects. The few examples in the OP cover pretty much all that's needed in the way of laws against people who illegally use an inanimate object. Prompt and extremely severe punishment of the people who abuse the law is the solution.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

What in the world are LiBeRaLs?

I guess a "LiBeRaL" would be someone who has the audacity to not allow guns, either conceal or open carry, into their place of business as is their right.

It was the setting to which the legal tools were brought into that was the problem. The restaurant manager in the video didn't want 8 men carrying long guns into the restaurant. He said they were welcome but asked them to leave their guns outside. One could assume he would also request 8 roofers to check their ladders at the door.

The exercising of one's rights makes one a nut? There is absolutely NO reason in the world for anyone to fear law abiding citizens who happen to arm themselves, they are not the ones committing crimes. That same store does NOTHING to keep out criminals, who may or may not be armed. ALL so called gun controls, and public panic, is directed solely at those who are NOT the problem and do NOTHING to restrict criminal activity. In fact, what the "antis" are doing will, and have, INCREASED criminal activity.


Veteran Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

People have been called car nuts for decades. It hasn't hurt car sales or owners one bit.

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