A number of times lately, we have chosen to 'censor' or lock threads on this forum.
You all know the history of how some of these disagreements can quickly degenerate into name calling, and all out war.
In the past, and in recent times, this has ruined other boards. Check other drivers' forums, and you will see that trolls, attacks, rude language, and bickering are all that's there.
We REFUSE to allow that to happen to this board.
Therefore, in an interest to keep this forum what it has always been, THE source of information for Expediters, AND the professional forum it has always been, we will take action.
When we, the moderators, in our opinion, see trouble brewing, we will step in. That's our job. It may ruffle some feathers, it may hurt some feelings. That is not our intention. Our intention is to keep peace, the best way we see fit.
We do not make policies, we leave that to Lawrence. Our job is to keep peace.
If at all possible, unless something has totally degenerated, we try not to remove a thread, simply lock it from further posts. The hope is, that people will understand why it was locked, get the information, but not continue the brewing argument.
That purpose is defeated when the argument is started over in another thread. Sometimes, it's best to just 'let it go', or take the issues to private email. We cannot let the forum be disrupted.
We have some very experienced, and intelligent posters here, who provide wonderful information. We have the benefit of many different viewpoints, from newbies, to 10 and 15 year drivers, singles, teams, recruiters, fleet owners, and even company owners.
Realize, that each one of those categories will have a different viewpoint on each situation based on their experience.
In an ideal environment, no moderator intervention, or 'censorship' would be necessary. However, as long as there are strong personalities, and different opinions, there will be a need for someone to watch the posts.
This is not in any way to say you are not entitled to your views, and does not mean we do, or do not agree with any party. It simply means in the BEST INTEREST OF A PROFESSIONAL FORUM.. a moderator, or moderators felt it necessary to step in, and stop the situation, and if necessary, contact Lawrence for a ruling.
Thank you for your understanding, and continued contributions.
A number of times lately, we have chosen to 'censor' or lock threads on this forum.
You all know the history of how some of these disagreements can quickly degenerate into name calling, and all out war.
In the past, and in recent times, this has ruined other boards. Check other drivers' forums, and you will see that trolls, attacks, rude language, and bickering are all that's there.
We REFUSE to allow that to happen to this board.
Therefore, in an interest to keep this forum what it has always been, THE source of information for Expediters, AND the professional forum it has always been, we will take action.
When we, the moderators, in our opinion, see trouble brewing, we will step in. That's our job. It may ruffle some feathers, it may hurt some feelings. That is not our intention. Our intention is to keep peace, the best way we see fit.
We do not make policies, we leave that to Lawrence. Our job is to keep peace.
If at all possible, unless something has totally degenerated, we try not to remove a thread, simply lock it from further posts. The hope is, that people will understand why it was locked, get the information, but not continue the brewing argument.
That purpose is defeated when the argument is started over in another thread. Sometimes, it's best to just 'let it go', or take the issues to private email. We cannot let the forum be disrupted.
We have some very experienced, and intelligent posters here, who provide wonderful information. We have the benefit of many different viewpoints, from newbies, to 10 and 15 year drivers, singles, teams, recruiters, fleet owners, and even company owners.
Realize, that each one of those categories will have a different viewpoint on each situation based on their experience.
In an ideal environment, no moderator intervention, or 'censorship' would be necessary. However, as long as there are strong personalities, and different opinions, there will be a need for someone to watch the posts.
This is not in any way to say you are not entitled to your views, and does not mean we do, or do not agree with any party. It simply means in the BEST INTEREST OF A PROFESSIONAL FORUM.. a moderator, or moderators felt it necessary to step in, and stop the situation, and if necessary, contact Lawrence for a ruling.
Thank you for your understanding, and continued contributions.