Who's The Real Racist ?


Veteran Expediter
Maybe neocon William F. Buckley, former Editor-In-Chief of the neocon rag National Review:

National Review’s Racist Rants
by Thomas J. DiLorenzo

The whole world should know by now that the neocons at National Review magazine, the War Street Journal, and elsewhere will tell any lie in pursuit of political power. Lying the nation into war with Iraq by spreading the falsehood of "weapons of mass destruction" that were supposedly headed our way was the most atrociously evil act perpetrated by the U.S government and its propaganda organs in decades, having led to the senseless death of thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.

No one should be surprised that National Review is now engaged in a spectacular act of chutzpah, to put it mildly, by smearing Ron Paul as being insensitive on matters of race. Before anyone gives any credence to the latest smear campaign against Congressman Paul it would be useful to take a look at National Review’s own record of publications on the issue of race relations. It is not a pretty picture.

National Review’s Support of Apartheid

All during the time that the real godfather of neoconservatism, William F. Buckley, Jr., was editor, National Review editorialized in favor of the evil South African system of institutionalized discrimination against blacks known as "Apartheid." In an unsigned editorial on November 9, 1979 the magazine praised South Africa’s President Botha who it said "has earned the benefit of a doubt from responsible critics." The critics were not named, but Buckley is probably who the anonymous editorialist (probably Buckley himself) had in mind.

On February 8, 1985 Buckley praised the supposed "liberalization of the Apartheid laws under Prime Minister Botha," reminiscent of how some intellectuals used to talk about "socialism with a friendly face." Apartheid with a friendly face.

On March 28, 1985 Buckley pronounced that Botha was "widely, and properly, derided’ for suggesting that Nelson Mandela was "a political prisoner, rather than a terrorist . . . " On September 20, 1985 Buckley pontificated that "Where Mandela belongs . . . is precisely where he is: in jail." On May 23, 1986 an unsigned National Review editorial criticized those who called for the abolition, as opposed to what Buckley called the "reform" of Apartheid. He wasn’t opposed to institutionalized government discrimination against blacks as long as it was done "the right way."

Buckley waxed indignantly over the international criticism of the Botha regime in South Africa, complaining in a July 23, 1976 article about the United Nations that there is "international indignation" whenever the South African government stepped up enforcement of the Apartheid laws, but much less so when crimes are committed by "black Africans." Here Buckley was criticizing the UN’s criticisms of the brutal and murderous Apartheid suppression of the Soweto uprising against the system.

National Review’s Smears of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Unlike Ron Paul, who has stated publicly and on television that Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rosa Parks are among his heroes for practicing peaceful, civil disobedience against government, in the true spirit of libertarianism, Buckley’s National Review expressed nothing but contempt (and worse) for Dr. King. Complaining bitterly about the King national holiday, an unsigned National Review editorial on October 28, 1983 remarked that "it rankles that we should be asked to take the day off to remember a man whose career was built on leisure. (The GNP, after all, is not produced by people marching in the streets)." Thus, if the neocons at National Review had their way, there would have been no protests against unequal treatment of blacks under the law in the 1960s.

Even worse, the editorial goes on to say that since Dr. King was supposedly such a bum and a loafer, "Perhaps MLK Day should be celebrated only by the gainfully employed, and all those on welfare should be required to collect their checks as usual." That would be more acceptable to Buckley and his fellow neocons, says the editorial.

It gets worse. In a February 13, 1987 unsigned editorial Dr. King is portrayed as the epitome of the old racist stereotype of the black man who cannot control his sexual urges. Citing a professor who had produced "studies" of Dr. King, the editorial called him "a compulsive philanderer, and compulsive may be too weak a word." Not only that, but "King was [allegedly] closely and continuously associated with several men who were almost certainly Communists . . ." Martin Luther King, Jr., according to the neocons at National Review, was "almost certainly" a communistic sex maniac.

This comment about consorting with communists reminds your writer of the highly publicized friendship that Buckley had with the preeminent communistic public intellectual of his day, John Kenneth Galbraith. Of course, as my old friend Yuri Maltsev reminds us, even the Soviets never actually practiced "communism" per se. Communism was always the theoretical end state of history that was never realized. What the Soviets practiced was socialism, and there was never a bigger American cheerleader for socialism during the twentieth century than William F. Buckley, Jr.’s pal, John Kenneth Galbraith.

Being exasperated about the enshrinement of the King holiday, National Review figuratively threw up its hands in another unsigned editorial on February 13, 1987 and besmirched the holiday as" affirmative action in the creation of national memorials." "But let’s hang in there," the neocon tabloid advised, "and contribute to the disposal of the historical Dr. King down the memory hole."

National Review’s Support for White Supremacy

In an early, August 1957 editorial National Review asked the question of whether "the White community in the South is entitled to take such measures as are necessary to prevail, politically and culturally . . . " "The sobering answer is Yes – the White community is entitled because . . . it is the advanced race." It is "almost certain" that this was written by Buckley. To bolster its case for White supremacy in the South (and presumably in the North as well), the editorial cited unnamed "statistics" that supposedly proved "median cultural superiority of White over Negro . . ."

Universal suffrage (i.e. ending government interferences with the right to vote by blacks) would be harmful to "the claims of civilization," said the editorial. The same editorial also praised the actions of the British government in Kenya for basing its discriminatory policies on its perception of "qualitative differences between its culture and the Negroes," or "between civilization and barbarism . . ." After all, a March 1960 National Review editorial intoned, "in the Deep South the Negroes are retarded" and any attempt to argue this point is mere "demagoguery." Ah, that Buckley had a magical touch with the English language, did he not?

Buckley even had kind words for former Ku Klux Klansman David Duke of Louisiana. "[J]ust as we like to think Gorbachev has truly renounced the evil doctrines he was so recently associated with," Buckley wrote on December 2, 1991, "so has David Duke." He then praises Duke for his view that "white people also have rights." Huh? Whoever said that white people did not have "rights"?! Buckley then says that if he lived in Louisiana he probably wouldn’t vote for Duke (who was running for public office at the time), but then again "I would however force myself to wonder whether I was being vindictive" by not voting for David Duke.

In sum, most of these racist rants were probably the work of William F. Buckley. If they were not, he certainly approved of them since he was the editor-in-chief of the magazine in which they appeared. As the "flagship" neoconservative publication for so many years, these views can be legitimately called the Official Doctrine of the neocons on the issue of race.

When the smear campaign against Ron Paul commenced in 2007, a leader of the smear campaigners was a young twenty-three-year old neocon named James Kirchick who laughingly called Congressman Paul a "racist" for merely expressing support for the Jeffersonian, states’ rights/decentralized government philosophy. Kirchick was responsible for other much more outrageous smears as well, and was assisted by many of the anti-Paul D.C. "libertarians" associated with the Cato Institute and other elements of the "Kochtopus," the empire of think tanks and propaganda organs funded by billionaire Charles Koch.

As a neocon in good standing, Kirchick has had nothing but the highest of praise for the man responsible for all of the above-mentioned racist rants – William F. Buckley, Jr. In a eulogy for Buckley that was published in the February 27, 2008 issue of The New Republic (the day of Buckley’s death), Kirchick swooned that "liberals could not find a more gracious intellectual opponent than WFB." Kirchick said he enjoyed "relishing Buckley’s intellect, style and the voluminous service he performed on behalf of the English language." "[N]o American writer of the last half century had a more significant impact on our politics than he has," Kirchick approvingly intoned. What a love story.

Thomas J. DiLorenzo is professor of economics at Loyola College in Maryland and the author of The Real Lincoln; Lincoln Unmasked: What You’re Not Supposed To Know about Dishonest Abe and How Capitalism Saved America. His latest book is Hamilton’s Curse: How Jefferson’s Archenemy Betrayed the American Revolution – And What It Means for America Today.

Copyright © 2011 by LewRockwell.com. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.​

National Review’s Racist Rants


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
"And I don't like anybody very much"

Everybody is a racist these days. Everybody hates everybody. All it seems to take is a disagreement with a position or idea and bingo you are a racist, a bigot or just stupid. The level of formal education or economic status seems to make little difference.


Veteran Expediter
"And I don't like anybody very much"

Everybody is a racist these days. Everybody hates everybody. All it seems to take is a disagreement with a position or idea and bingo you are a racist, a bigot or just stupid. The level of formal education or economic status seems to make little difference.
You are, of course, entirely correct :eek:

I think I'll have a bite to eat .... hmmm ... perhaps humble pie ... :eek:
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You are, of course, entirely correct :eek:

I think I'll have a bite to eat .... hmmm ... perhaps humble pie ... :eek:

No need for humble pie. My comments were not aimed at you nor anyone in here. Just a general comment on the state of things today. The article you posted kinda proves my point, does it not?


Veteran Expediter
No need for humble pie. My comments were not aimed at you nor anyone in here.
Fair enough. In any event a little humble pie every now and then might a good thing :D

Maybe help keep me regular or something ....

Just a general comment on the state of things today. The article you posted kinda proves my point, does it not?
It does indeed - the good thing is all that it takes to change it is a just decision.

The hardest thing to do is change is one's mind ..... fortunately it's also the easiest as well ;)


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
There are different levels of "mind", so to speak. Most everyone has these levels.

Most people of character have a set of core beliefs. These are the basic beliefs that an individual bases their entire life on. Core beliefs, or values, are developed early in life and often are solid in a person's mind by their mid '30's. Every important idea, every important decision made in mature life is based on those values. These core values are set in stone. A person who has the courage of their convictions stick to their core values regardless of the negative results that may have. No monetary or social gain is worth compromising those beliefs. Many would chose death over compromise.

Then there are mobile ideas. These are ideas that can change with circumstance, as long as they do not compromise personal core beliefs. Much of politics falls into this category.

Then there is general likes and dislikes. Such a taste in music or a favorite sports team.


Veteran Expediter
Yup - the point I was making that it's easy enough to decide to love one's fellow man ... rather than hate them. It's probably the only way that we'll ever survive as a species.

BTW ... TKT ... good band (IMO)


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yup - the point I was making that it's easy enough to decide to love one's fellow man ... rather than hate them. It's probably the only way that we'll ever survive as a species.

BTW ... TKT ... good band (IMO)

Yep, it is easy to love your fellow man, except that it is not. It must not be as easy as we think.

It is also possible to despise a government, without hating those who live with or under it.

Don't know who "TKT" is.


Veteran Expediter
Yep, it is easy to love your fellow man, except that it is not. It must not be as easy as we think.
Oh, yeah ... I think it is. Not really all that difficult at all. Just a decision.

It is also possible to despise a government, without hating those who live with or under it.
Yup - kinda the same way that it's possible to despise war and militarism, without hating everyone in the armed forces, or those that support those who serve.

Don't know who "TKT" is.
The Kingston Trio :D


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Oh, yeah ... I think it is. Not really all that difficult at all. Just a decision.

Unfortunately decisions based on emotion are not always easy.

Yup - kinda the same way that it's possible to despise war and militarism, without hating everyone in the armed forces, or those that support those who serve.

In some cases.

The Kingston Trio :D

DUH!! I should have got that one, eh? :p Yes, I enjoyed a lot of their work. Saw them live when I was in Japan. BB King too. They came to our base.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Maybe ... I dunno .... I was trying to make ya work a bit for it, so I disguised it a little :D


Cool. :D

New Christy Minstrels fan as well ?

Like a lot of their work, never got to see them live. Did see the "Seekers" live at a place called the "Iron Gate" in St. Louis back in 1970. Saw "Fat's Domino" that same weekend. He and I talked a bit, the show was in a very small club. He let me "sit in" on the drums for "Blueberry Hill" when he found out I was in the Army. OH SO COOL that was!


Veteran Expediter
Like a lot of their work, never got to see them live. Did see the "Seekers" live at a place called the "Iron Gate" in St. Louis back in 1970.
Sweet .... :p

I remember 'em .... and the music - HTGG :p

I was bit younger at the time when that music genre was more popular and getting lots of radio play .... so I didn't pay all that much attention at the time, too busy just havin' fun.

Saw "Fat's Domino" that same weekend. He and I talked a bit, the show was in a very small club.
Double-header :D

Perhaps not your musical preference, but my first concert was the Rolling Stones at the Rubber Bowl in '74. The James Gang opened for them (girlfriend's brother was a roadie for 'em)

He let me "sit in" on the drums for "Blueberry Hill" when he found out I was in the Army. OH SO COOL that was!
I'll bet :)


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Sweet .... :p

I remember 'em .... and the music - HTGG :p

I was bit younger at the time when that music genre was more popular and getting lots of radio play .... so I didn't pay all that much attention at the time, too busy just havin' fun.

Double-header :D

Perhaps not your musical preference, but my first concert was the Rolling Stones at the Rubber Bowl in '74. The James Gang opened for them (girlfriend's brother was a roadie for 'em)

I'll bet :)

I was born in 1950. Stones were "ok" liked some of their stuff. In reality my music tastes are varied. Ranging from "Classics" to what ever. Liked a lot of the 1930's-40's stuff. Polish and Italian music. No real favorite.

The best "concert" I ever saw was "Simon and Garfunkle" at Cobo Hall, 1969. "Bridge Over Troubled Waters" What a night!


Staff member
Retired Expediter
All it seems to take is a disagreement with a position or idea and bingo you are a racist, a bigot or just stupid.
The use of the term "bingo" here is deeply offensive to us Catholics who play Bingo, and are farmers who have dogs who's name-o is Bingo. Oh, wait! I forgot. I'm not Catholic, nor do I play Bingo. I'm not even a farmer! Yikes! Sorry, it's just that I feel I need to be offended, deeply, by something.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The use of the term "bingo" here is deeply offensive to us Catholics who play Bingo, and are farmers who have dogs who's name-o is Bingo. Oh, wait! I forgot. I'm not Catholic, nor do I play Bingo. I'm not even a farmer! Yikes! Sorry, it's just that I feel I need to be offended, deeply, by something.

I will see if I can find a way to offend you. I really hate seeing people needs going unanswered. :p