Who to vote for?


Veteran Expediter
In the next election TRY KEEPING THIS IN MIND.

Do you want your Government Working For Us? or Do YOU WANT TO WORK FOR THE GOVERNMENT?

You answer when you vote.


Seasoned Expediter
Sorry Broom hate to let you in on it. But we have been working for the government since the days of Reagan. When he broke the traffic controller union he proved that government could do what ever they wanted when they wanted. And this administration has done nothing to disprove that theory. Sorry Buddy we will continue to work for them. I think its called taxation without representation. We have no say in what happens. We only get the blunt end. Only my opinion but it is what it is.


Veteran Expediter
Does it matter who you vote for, One side says that they could not do what they promised because the other side would not let them, and so on and so on. Till we as the American People do something major and stop letting the same old trash ( maybe rewraped) Run for Office we are going to keep getting what we have. I dont know what we needed to do to change it, All my ideas fall short when I and others talk about. I do belive that it does not matter who gets in this time it will be 4 years of B... S...


Veteran Expediter
Sorry Robsdad but that is simply not true, we have been working for the government since FDR and the advent of the social programs that are killing our country. No other country can claim to be the land of the free but have such a theft of peoples hard earned money to provide people with a ‘safety net’ that never really existed.

We got shafted big time under LBJ and his vision of the ‘Great Society’ which pretty much put our country in the dumpster. We have produced generations of people who think they are entitled to money that we all earned.
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Seasoned Expediter
OK Greg:
I will agree with all the way back to FDR. But you must admit the impact that Pres. Reagan made with the unions undercut the wages of all americans. When the unions work for less the entire work force is affected. I am not pro union but higher union wages require non union companies to raise their pay scale or not be able to compete for a better work force.
Results= A middle class


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The ATC's violated federal law in striking. There was little choice other than the one made. I don't fault Reagan for anything he did except giving amnesty to criminal aliens. That was the biggest error he made and the one that had the worst effect.


Seasoned Expediter
I know you are from Texas and unions are not known there. But, do you not beleive that unions prop up the wages of every american? Sorry, not a Reagan fan. Just another cowboy like the one we have trying to run our country. Out of their element. Just my opinion but that's why we are Americans. Freedom to say and do right.


Veteran Expediter
OK Greg:
I will agree with all the way back to FDR. But you must admit the impact that Pres. Reagan made with the unions undercut the wages of all americans. When the unions work for less the entire work force is affected. I am not pro union but higher union wages require non union companies to raise their pay scale or not be able to compete for a better work force.
Results= A middle class

That I sort of agree with you, the premise that the result was the middle class is where I depart.

There always have been a middle class in our society, going back to the founding of the country. The middle class at that time was the people in the cities who for what ever reason decided to make a living being cobblers, haberdashers, brewers, printers and tailors to name a few.

Some claim that Henry Ford created the middle class but in realty he elevated it to a more predominate footing within the class structure. The unions (auto workers) on the other hand in the 30's through the 50's further forced improvements and had a more equalizing factor. But that all fell apart during the big expansion in '64 and '65 where the union protected anyone that the company hired and there was such a need for bodies that the companies were hiring anyone that could put an X on the dotted line.

The departure from the world and the US with unions was the problem that there was a false friction between the two here where as Europe ended up working with the companies through the government. The issue for me is the propaganda that we have been fed for a long time, like the middle class thing still deflects people from the truth of our past and what the differences are between the past where we needed some changes and the present where we need to redo the entire system.

I also don't think that the union was busted by just the government under Reagan, it goes back to Robert Kennedy. Overall during Kennedy's administration we seen an assault on the unions and organized crime and union connections. For some odd reason it seemed to me really stupid to bite the hand that got you into office and hope we never ever see another Kennedy in office and hope we never see another relative in an appointed position.

But with that said, I think the unions have dug their own hole by supporting a party, the democrats, 100% without questioning anything they do or have done. I remember when Clinton was pushing NAFTA, here is a democratic president who really got into office because of the union vote and screwed the union and everyone else for that matter. What is really troublesome is the people crying that they lost their jobs and they still voted for Clinton for his second term.

The sad things is the unions don't represent the people that are called their rank and file anymore, they represent the companies and political parties.

If it was so important for unions to keep the American way of life alive and flourishing, then they would not vote democrat or for that matter republican but start using their political power to recall senators, congressman and governors who believe in open borders. Don't expect the American people to back unions until they do something when you have the teamsters going to court to prevent Homeland security from enforcing the laws, it makes more disbelievers out of the common people that unions do good for America and the sympathy is all gone for the union worker.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
In general, for the last 50 years or so, unions have been nothing more than a front for criminals, either the mob on the outside or the union officers on the inside, to steal from the rank and file. Unions do far more to hurt than help anymore. They don't prop up the wages, they drive wages to such onerous levels that the jobs leave the country. A century ago I'd have probably agreed but today there's no way I can.


Veteran Expediter
I am curious about your take on what I am saying, I mean you don't seem to be the screaming pro-union person I run into a lot here in good ol' Redford or at my family gatherings (where the ratio of UAW members to the non-union members are 12 to 1).


Seasoned Expediter
There is no way I will get into a deep discussion with you on politics or unions. You are more educated than me and have the patience to read the lies both parties are trying to feed the american people. My take on unions is based on the state I live in. I remember Kentucky before the coal miners got their union. I know that the mines and miners that chose to stay non-union saw a major increase in pay and benefits. This was a direct result of union mines. (Raise the pay or loose the work force to the union mines) The mines here today are both union and non union. The pay scale between the two is minimal. The retirement and other benefits is where the line separates.
That is my take and the reasoning behind my belief that unions prop up wages at least in Kentucky. The part about having to vote Democrat when you are union I do not understand. My whole family was union at one time or another and not one has ever voted Democrat but myself. I voted for Bill Clinton. Am I proud of it. Yes and No. Thought he did a good job the first 4 years but kinda lost his way and his pants on the other 4. Does that mean I am a Democrat, No. It means I vote for the person that I feel in my heart can do the best for the country. Do I beleive in all the illegals being here. No. Would I much rather see the money spent in foreign countries spent enforcing our own borders. Yes. I hope this helps you understand how an undereducated country boy thinks. I love my country, but I have very little time for liars such as this administration and am having a hard time picking through the rotten basket trying to find one that is still good in this presidential primary. LOL
Have a great day. This is the longest post I have ever typed. Well at least I may get a
vote on my rating.

highway star

Veteran Expediter
The air traffic controllers went back on their words when they struck. They had agreed not to. Despite that, they were bargained with and asked several times to return to work. They had it coming and deserved it. The truth is, it's barely a footnote in the devolution of the union.