Who Speaks for UPS-SCS ?


Veteran Expediter
With all due respect to jbrbears, who admittedly claims to be a dispatcher for the new expedite division, I would caution anyone not to draw any conclusions from any post on this forum.

I have been associated with UPS-SCS for almost 11 years, and if there is one thing I know, it is that their corporate policy is very confidential when it comes a business plan or direction.

I only post this to remind the members of this forum that only corporate knows how many drivers and what type of business they are seeking.

Lastly, one would hate to see another driver alter their business plan because incorrect information was passed along as something purported to be as factual.

Be safe.


Seasoned Expediter
>With all due respect to jbrbears, who admittedly claims to
>be a dispatcher for the new expedite division, I would
>caution anyone not to draw any conclusions from any post on
>this forum.
>I have been associated with UPS-SCS for almost 11 years, and
>if there is one thing I know, it is that their corporate
>policy is very confidential when it comes a business plan or
>I only post this to remind the members of this forum that
>only corporate knows how many drivers and what type of
>business they are seeking.
>Lastly, one would hate to see another driver alter their
>business plan because incorrect information was passed along
>as something purported to be as factual.
>Be safe.


I have been part of what is now UPS Expedite for 11 years also, and as the recruiter, I would probably need to know what the business plan and/or direction would be. Confidentiality aside, what I post on this forum and what I tell applicants is what I have been directed to by my corporate people, which is more than likely seperate from yours. UPS SCS is quite large, Expedite just happens to be a new part of it. My drivers don't run loads for SCS, or Sonic, or Overnight. they are under a different part of UPS than what you are probably speaking of. As far as drivers altering their business plan, I emphasize to the applicants that we are going thru a transition, and the first 2-3 months may not be all that great. It would be quite irresponsible and unprofessional to promise applicants one thing, then have another thing happen. This website is too powerful a tool, for good or evil, for me to risk ruining our (new) reputation. Ask any driver out there that has spoken to me by phone, I have been very truthful and up front about our situation. to quote bill murray, "and that's the facts, jack!" peace:)


Sounds like the mans knows his stuff.

Drive Safe
David Mayfield
O/O since 1/27/95


Veteran Expediter

<<<<<<<<<<"RE: UPS expedite"
Oct-18-06, 11:03 AM (EDT)
In response to message #11

personally, I would hope we would be moving away from NLM and the like, or at least decreasing the percentage of runs we do for them. right now, it's about 40-50%...I would like to see that down to about 25-30%. As a dispatcher, I know drivers really don't like having to run for lower than their contracted rate, not on almost half of what they run. Only time will tell, but I'm sure UPS will maximize the profit when it's all said and done.>>>>>>>>>

For the sake of clarity, which one are you? Dispatcher and/or /Recruiter ??

Be safe


Expert Expediter
If you had read what he said in those same articles, you would see that he is both. Which recruiter would you rather trust, a recruiter who is a salesman at heart, or a dispatcher who knows what the drivers are going through on a daily basis?

Drive Safe!



Seasoned Expediter
That would be correct Jeff...though I can foresee leaving the dispatch world for good here in the near future....:'(