Oh, and I'm trying to make it to the expo too! What's this BBQ thing about?
It's a thing we started the first year the Expo was held in Wilmington [at least, I think so - only went to one before that, at the Detroiter, and didn't see it there], where EO members have a cookout, and everyone brought something to share, like a potluck. We outgrew the ability to cover the grilling requirements, so Lawrence stepped up and provided burgers & dogs, and plates & stuff, with EO people contributing side dishes/desserts.
It's just gotten too big to do as a 'pot luck' event, anymore, because who can bring a side dish for hundreds? And why should the same few people do all the work involved, while so many others just show up to eat?
It's a good thing, making people contribute, especially as it goes to a good cause, I think.
Show up, fork over a few bucks, and dig in - you can't beat the company you'll meet.