White Glove Crybabies


Expert Expediter
I was in St. Louis yesterday having coffee and some guy was crying because he didn't get a load offer for 6 hours. I said big deal, a lot of us don't get offers right away. He told me he is W/G and shouldn't be treated like that. I told him all FDCC people should be treated the same. I guess my question is why should W/g be treated better than anybody else. It is bad enough tnat dispatch and everyone else treats the better but why act like a crybaby over everything?


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Navy
when i was with fedexcc for 11 year's it was the same a couple would say we are in white glove, and we are in top of class, i would have to fire em up and say i'm in white glove back up and they would ask what is that , and i would say when white glove can't handle it they would call me to help out to do it or cover the load
and also ask if they are in ac division they would ask what is that
air charter, they only had a select group do that and i would say so much for being the top of class
just did it to get under there skin and they would call white glove and ask why they were not in ac , white glove or express would know that i was in area and clausing trouble
i come from a long line of trouble maker and proud ot


This White Glove snob thing cracks me up every time I hear about it. Elitist truck drivers are one of the dumbest things I can imagine.

Rattling their cages with talk of units even more elite than they are is a good approach, I think.

I'm looking forward to the opportunity to tell someone about Con Way Now's new top secret super expedite corps known as "platinum glove". Platinum glove's motto is "we eat white gloves for breakfast and put the leftovers in our NASA designed satellite controlled reefer boxes."


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Platinum Glove may be hot, but you obviously have not heard of the even-more secret Latex Glove division. When you meet a Latex Glove expediter, you'll know it!


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I will expose the top secret Latex glove division here. They are all certified Proctologists. If you see one approacching with glove affixed don't leave yer seat. Some of you may have encountered them allready


Expert Expediter
Just remember, to them, If you are not a latex glove expeditor...your'e just another a--hole!!!
All in a days work I guess!?!



I'm afraid that the truth is no one has ever actually lived to tell about meeting a latex glove driver. What a horrible death it must be at the hands of a latex glove team.

As I recall, one of the James Bond movies had a latex glove driver as the villain.

Critter Truckin

Expert Expediter
The thing that kills ya about those Latex Glove boys is the cornstarch. I can't stand the feeling it leaves on my hands!!!

Oh wait...RUNAWAY!!!


Expert Expediter
with another company there white glovers, have done two loads of yours that Fed w/g subbed out two us.. Am now having to use Michal jacksons other missing glove,EEEHHEE... Fed EX said"dats cool"


Veteran Expediter
There is a new glove unit out there and they call him the streak. He is bare handed and loading freight. Oh no!!!!