Where is Al?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
OK, where is Al Sharpton? Where is Jessie Jackson? Where is Bumbling Barry? Where are the protests funded with federal tax dollars? A teen, reports three others for attempting to sell him drugs and the 3 teens, 15, beat the crap of of the 13 year old who was doing EXACTLY what he should have done. I wonder, does the fact that the 13 year old was white and the 3 15 years old drug dealers were black have anything to do with it? If this had been the other way around there would be hell being raised right now. Why is this even being blatant attack being called a fight?

Why was there even questions about why a 64 year old bus driver did not try to break up an attack by three teens intent on doing bodily harm? I bet they don't allow that driver to be armed. IF there ever was a case where force SHOULD be used, this IS IT!

OKEE DOKEE, Where are the all the professional rabble rowsers? There is, after all, school bus video of the attack.

August 6, 2013
According to a UPI and various other media reports on Tuesday, John Moody, 64, a former school bus driver, was not charged for not having tried to stop a physical fight on his school bus in Florida's Pinellas County. Beyond the controversy about how much physical interaction a bus driver should engage in to break up a fight, there is equal controversy as to why the race of the boys has been ignored by the vast majority of the media accounts concerning this horrendous story.

Three black 15-year-old boys severely assaulted a 13-year-old white boy – allegedly because the white boy had told school authorities that one of the black boys tried to sell him drugs. The fight resulted in the victim having a broken arm and two black eyes.

According to the bus driver, he believes he could have put students in danger if he tried to stop the teens from being the boy on July 9 when the fight occurred. The story went viral when a video of the school bus fight was released and posted online.

Last week, prosecutors said that the bus driver would not face charges because he did what was required of a person in his position by having called for help on his radio. Additionally, he yelled at the boys.

In the video, the bus driver can be heard telling the school bus dispatcher via radio:
You’ve got to get somebody here quick, quick, quick, quick. They’re about to beat this boy to death over here. Please get somebody here quick. They’re still doing it. There’s nothing I can do.
Gulport Police Chief Robert Vincent said that there was clearly an opportunity for the bus driver to intervene and to check on the welfare of the child. In a CNN interview, Moody said he feared for his own safety and that the beaten-boy had hurriedly gotten off the bus at his stop – which didn’t allow the bus driver the opportunity to survey the boy’s injuries. Again, the bus driver is required to dispatch for help in such incidents, and he obviously did that – as can be heard on the video. In a subsequent interview, Moody said that he was shocked and emotionally petrified by the incident.

The questions that have come up since this story broke involve the bus driver’s responsibility and the issue of race.

Many have asked if a 64-year-old bus driver should be expected to endanger himself by trying to engage in a brutal fight where there are three angry boys swinging fists with obvious intent to injure. Racially, it is being asked why – by far – most media reports have refused to mention that the three teens who assaulted the younger boy are black – and the assaulted boy is white. Critics claim that when the victim is black and the assailant is white, it is a major portion of the story.

Frank McDermott, Moody’s lawyer in the charges against him, called any child neglect accusations against Moody as being preposterous. He went on to say that law enforcement should never tell a citizen to intervene in a violent attack. According to McDermott, Moody did exactly what he was trained to do – call for help.

The questions on radio talk shows are basically, “Where are Al (Sharpton) and Jesse (Jackson) on this one?” The criticism, as heard on former-Congressman Joe Walsh’s WIND-AM talk radio show in Chicago, is that there is no racial outrage when a white boy is beaten by older black boys from the nation’s prominent people on civil rights. However, when a black gets beaten by whites, Al and Jesse are right there stirring up the racial emotions in the nation.

The incident resulted in the three attacking-teenagers being charged with aggravated battery, and the bus driver retiring.

School bus fight: Three black teens attack white, bus driver doesn't intervene - National Conservative | Examiner.com


Active Expediter
When I was 15, kids got beat up all the time. Any race, for any number of reasons. The police werent called. The news wasnt alerted. And the sun came up the next day.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
This is NOT a normal fight between kids. It was a wanton attack, on a law abiding citizen, who had the AUDACITY to turn in a would be drug dealer. These are criminal THUGS, who should be in jail.

The other point was the hipocracy of Al, Barry, Jessie and the media. Not to mention how some TRIED to shift the blame onto a 64 year old man. Who, by the way, did his job as directed.

I am SURE glad I did not go to school where you did. In my entire school life we NEVER had an attack like this! I guess I was lucky and did not have to go to "Thug U".


Active Expediter
Raised In the suburbs of Indianapolis... hardly thug U. We all know children would never lie to protect themselves.

I have no interest in buying ANYTHING sold by media or politicians. You wont find me around these parts of the forum again unless its a matter that concerns me. Sorry to intrude.


Seasoned Expediter
I went to an inner city school were fighting was fairly the norm and security was in the school...this is outside of normal fighting over whatever teenage angst most kids fight over!
Layout ignoring race and going light with punishment due a teenagers race is nothing new. When I was in 8th grade a black boy grabbed my boob, after the teacher refused to intervene and the kid did it again I smacked him...he then proceeded to choke me until I almost passed out and had fingerprint bruises on my neck. The only person who helped was the smallest boy in the class, he pulled the kid off of me. Teacher did call for security but it took them five minutes to get there. When I could breathe again I used a racial slur...long story somewhat short I got detention for foul language, the principal was afraid to "throw a young black man's life down the drain" and only gave him a three day suspension. Oh and when I refused to be in the same classes as the boy they tried to tell me I would have to drop my advanced classes because they wouldn't make him change classes!!!

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Seasoned Expediter
Raised In the suburbs of Indianapolis... hardly thug U. We all know children would never lie to protect themselves.

I have no interest in buying ANYTHING sold by media or politicians. You wont find me around these parts of the forum again unless its a matter that concerns me. Sorry to intrude.

The suburbs of Indy are quite different than the inner city...I grew up in the inner city, lived near Greenwood for a short awhile as a child. The schools in the suburbs were much better...in IPS we had random metal detector days when I was in school a long time ago. Had guns, knives and crap found even way back then!

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Raised In the suburbs of Indianapolis... hardly thug U. We all know children would never lie to protect themselves.

I have no interest in buying ANYTHING sold by media or politicians. You wont find me around these parts of the forum again unless its a matter that concerns me. Sorry to intrude.

No intrusion. All I said was this is NOT NORMAL, at least by my standards. I don't know what lying you were talking about. You lost me there. This was a case of drug thugs trying to intimidate people. This kind of activity should be condemned, no matter WHO does it! There is no excuse for this nor is there any for the bias we see these days.

It has to stop, ALL of it!


Veteran Expediter
In the early 60's we took care of business regardless of color. That's just how Chicago's inner city was then and now. Back then we didn't have busses we walked through alleys on the way to and from school. Guys like that would not have led a long prosperous life. Everyone's neighborhood was controlled by the higher authority. Once someone was marked they were history. You just have to handle it the old fashion way and not get your hands dirty.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I went to an inner city school were fighting was fairly the norm and security was in the school...this is outside of normal fighting over whatever teenage angst most kids fight over!
Layout ignoring race and going light with punishment due a teenagers race is nothing new. When I was in 8th grade a black boy grabbed my boob, after the teacher refused to intervene and the kid did it again I smacked him...he then proceeded to choke me until I almost passed out and had fingerprint bruises on my neck. The only person who helped was the smallest boy in the class, he pulled the kid off of me. Teacher did call for security but it took them five minutes to get there. When I could breathe again I used a racial slur...long story somewhat short I got detention for foul language, the principal was afraid to "throw a young black man's life down the drain" and only gave him a three day suspension. Oh and when I refused to be in the same classes as the boy they tried to tell me I would have to drop my advanced classes because they wouldn't make him change classes!!!

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Here is what would have happened when I was in school.

IF I had just grabbed a "boob" like that the girl would have clocked me on the spot. I then would have been taken to the office where the vice principle would have taken a paddle to me. THEN HER father would have "taken me out back" and taught me a lesson. THEN MY Dad would have taken me out back and taught me a lesson. Then again, we were taught not to do stuff like that from day one.

Normal fights have always been there, this was an attack.

I don't know what would have happened with a black kid in our school, there were none.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Now it only matters to Al or Jesse is whether they can make money off of someone elses misfortune or be able to make a rap song.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Now it only matters to Al or Jesse is whether they can make money off of someone elses misfortune or be able to make a rap song.

That is EXACTLY what the problem is. It is all about dividing the nation and exploiting whom ever they can to achieve that goal.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Isn't that how you win a battle?

If you consider destroying THIS nation a battle, yes. They SHOULD be trying to IMPROVE relations, and the Nation, instead of padding their own pockets at the expense of others. Evil is as evil does. I am not fool enough to believe, for one split second, that they care for the "down trodden" etc. They are doing EVERYTHING they can to keep those people where they are to continue their OWN meal ticket. Disgusting.


Veteran Expediter
I am not fool enough to believe, for one split second, that they care for the "down trodden" etc. They are doing EVERYTHING they can to keep those people where they are to continue their OWN meal ticket. Disgusting.

Of course they don't care and of course they want to keep "those" people where they are. That is their industry. it's how they make their money. Always has been always will be... Would you want your carrier to pay you truck load rates for the freight you carry? If not, why not?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Of course they don't care and of course they want to keep "those" people where they are. That is their industry. it's how they make their money. Always has been always will be... Would you want your carrier to pay you truck load rates for the freight you carry? If not, why not?

Freight and people cannot be compared. Moving freight and destroying lives, well, I don't see the comparison.

To deliberately set out to destroy peoples lives for the sole purpose of enriching yourself is criminal. To do it under the guise of "helping others" is devil's work. They are disgusting examples of "leaders".

What I don't understand is just WHY SO many people fall for their line of BS? How stupid can people be? Their "industry" only exists because of stupidity. IF and WHEN people wake up and tell the Sharpton's, Obama's, Jackson's, Kennedy's, etc of this world to "STICK IT", will things change. Until then, enjoy being a slave, a WILLING slave. That is EXACTLY what it amounts to.


Veteran Expediter
Freight and people cannot be compared. Moving freight and destroying lives, well, I don't see the comparison.

Of course not.

They are disgusting examples of "leaders".

I wouldn't classify them as leaders. More like alleged advocates...

What I don't understand is just WHY SO many people fall for their line of BS?

I don't think anybody really does. They get face time to help fill the all encompassing 24/7 news cycle.

How stupid can people be?

You really need to ask that question?

Their "industry" only exists because of stupidity.

No, it exists because it makes money.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Al, Jesse, Barack, Jeremiah et al are completely racist and do nothing to curtail racism in this country and everything to continue it and promote it. They are parasites and should be recognized as such.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
"I don't think anybody really does. They get face time to help fill the all encompassing 24/7 news cycle."

HEY! now THAT was REALLY funny! Not believe them? Obama got elected by spewing the same type of hatred and lies. IF Hilary runs, she will do the same. Detroit is now filed for bankruptcy because, for DECADES now, they continue to elect the same kind of people, the hate mongers and wealth redistributors, decade in and decade out, and STILL believe the problems are caused by "rich people.

There are generations of "Popcorn Ducks" out there, indoctrinated in the public (indoctrination camps) schools, steeped in Marxism, and it shows.


Veteran Expediter
Al, Jesse, Barack, Jeremiah et al are completely racist and do nothing to curtail racism in this country and everything to continue it and promote it. They are parasites and should be recognized as such.

Oh, ok, so you're just calling a spade a spade right?


Veteran Expediter
"I don't think anybody really does. They get face time to help fill the all encompassing 24/7 news cycle."

HEY! now THAT was REALLY funny! Not believe them? Obama got elected by spewing the same type of hatred and lies. IF Hilary runs, she will do the same. Detroit is now filed for bankruptcy because, for DECADES now, they continue to elect the same kind of people, the hate mongers and wealth redistributors, decade in and decade out, and STILL believe the problems are caused by "rich people.

There are generations of "Popcorn Ducks" out there, indoctrinated in the public (indoctrination camps) schools, steeped in Marxism, and it shows.

Obama spewed the same kind of hate and lies as Sharpton and Jackson? When and where did this take place? Be specific.