you need to know how much it is going to cost you to move your truck. The company is going to offer you freight, if the offer covers your "nut" and makes you a profit, take it and roll. Don't look at your settlement daily, weekly or even monthly. Look at it on a quarterly basis and even a bi annually basis if you can handle it.
If you take those loads that cover your nut, you will make money, how much is up to you and each of us have a differnet need. I don't need this business to make a dime ever, I don't need this business to pay any of my expenses for my household or the truck itself, it will pay for itself, but it really doesn't have to, you might need $4000 net a month, and others will need something inbetween us or more then the $4000, but only you know what you need and what you need to do to get it.
I don't care what others say, there is freight that needs moved, and you will be offered your share if you keep yourself available and are willing to work as hard as it takes. As in any business, you are the only limit in what you make. Yea the comapnies have to find your freight, but if you are available, they will get you loads.
And if you think they are screwing you, get your own authority and pay to join as many freightt boards as you can, and bid in the same freight they are...... There is more then one way to skin most cats.......