Veteran Expediter
We are in trouble. There is no way around it.
The fact is we have been warned many times but most of us, especially in today’s society would rather worry about Brittany or sports or something insignificant that it distracts us from the real issues.
The people in power wants us to worry about some Hollywood wh*res or sports than what is going on with the country. It is just like Rome, give the people a distraction and they will not care about what happens in the country.
Many among us hopelessly cling to people like Obama who say that there has to be a change in our capital but like many others know he is part of the same system and won’t change things.
The words Change and Hope have no real meaning behind them; they are used as a sales pitch from a flim-flam artist. They, Obama’s handlers ride on these two words giving a message that we look at Change as to rid ourselves of the people who control us, our Hope is that we will be taken care of but they fail to reveal it unfortunately comes with a very big price, our real freedoms.
People like Obama are ones who want to control things, and like Lenin and Hitler before him, the party who is behind Obama and handles him, has taken a grip on a religion instead in place of Marxism or socialism that most of the people who fund the democrat party. This new religion is global warming and it is used to play on fear and guilt.
The parallels too close to these Lenin (workers rights), Hitler (National Socialism based on pride) which comes to the present campaign as the need to rid ourselves of the old guard based on 8 (40) years of failed policies and a country going down the tubes.
For many of us, it is scary to see these parallels, knowing that we will see an aversion for the truth and another revision of history through the campaign to fit the new leadership of the country, to show us we free thinking people are wrong.
But in truth it is supposed to be scary to put us in our place, to stop people from questioning things by building up momentum based on fear of the future and guilt of the past.
In the past during Lenin, it was about eliminating oppression of the workers and removing the shackles of the monarchy, presenting the fear that unless something is done, there is no hope for the people. In the past when Hitler campaigned, it was about renewing the hope of the people that Germany will return to it’s former glory and allow people to work and live by correcting the mistakes of the Weimar republic and the failed monarchy presenting the fear that if other groups take over, there will a form of occupation of the pride of Germany and Germany will end up a slave to others.
Right now the fear is health care, it is gas prices, and it is global warming. Without serious intervention by the government these crisis will create more problems for us in the long run.
Fear my friends is one of the most basic instincts we have and fear my friends is one that is used will invoke change for the worst in the history of man kind.
Right now the election is about race, correcting a past that can’t be corrected. The use of guilt has been honed to the point that if we question one candidate over another, than we are in fact racist if this candidate is of a different race. Many people here are asking the question “can America elect a black president?” which is the wrong question to ask at this time in our history. We can but do we want to or should we actually want to elect a man who is best we can find? This single question plays on our emotions of guilt because of the slavery issue that was actually settled at the conclusion of the War Between the States and no other time can there be a correction to this fact in our history. We still have different forms of slavery and the ones who promoted actual slavery are themselves still promoting slavery of a different kind today. But in fact no where can you find a slave alive today that lived during that time in our countries history and no where can you find the effects of slavery in our culture as you can in other countries, we wiped out all indications that we actually had slaves and through guilt we have elevated those who claim to be a victim above the rest of us to show we can in fact right a wrong. The country as a whole needs to move on to the future while embracing the past, not reliving the past. The handle’s of Obama have used guilt to drum up support and if we look at incidents of recent, for example the jumping on Geraldine Ferraro when she made the right comment that it is his race that got him this far, we can see a clear pattern that was used with Lenin and Hitler to force people to think there way.
We live in a great country, we live at a great time but the people are handing the keys to the ones who never should be in control. No matter what people say, the country is the best we can be, there is no improving it. We were handed a country that is the best in the world’s history that was created and protected by the blood, sweat and tears of sacrifices of people who believed in our country enough to die for it.
The biggest obstacle in our country is not the government but the people. They don’t understand how it is supposed to work or what dangers we are in by letting ourselves be led.
The hatred of one man, President Bush is really driving a lot of people to force a change for the worst. Hatred, another emotion has replaced rational thinking and has led us to a true division in our great country. This division is not what we have had before, it is a true division that others to war but here we won’t go to war. We will end up hating our fellow citizen because one side will have to lose and like the recent past, the loser will not want to move on in life or let our country move forward but instead we will dwell on another stolen election and a setup for more hatred in the country that will lead more division.
These people who use hatred will not discuss any compromise; it is their way or no way. It is these people who can not think for themselves, buy into the change and hope terms that are used to convince people we are so bad off and these people can’t reach back into history to discover what path we are going down.
If you want change – Fair Tax read about it, buy the book (used if you can) and learn how to change something for once. THIS is the biggest improvement that can be made to our country right now; it returns a lot of power back to the people.
If you want to see the warnings – Road to Serfdom by Hayek is a good start (this is in PDF format).
If you want to see what has been intended for our lives;
Brave New World – Huxley
WE – Zamyatin
Men Like Gods – Wells
I also recommend the book The Forgotten Man byAmity Shlaes
And read the essay, this is really important! The Forgotten Man by William Sumner
The fact is we have been warned many times but most of us, especially in today’s society would rather worry about Brittany or sports or something insignificant that it distracts us from the real issues.
The people in power wants us to worry about some Hollywood wh*res or sports than what is going on with the country. It is just like Rome, give the people a distraction and they will not care about what happens in the country.
Many among us hopelessly cling to people like Obama who say that there has to be a change in our capital but like many others know he is part of the same system and won’t change things.
The words Change and Hope have no real meaning behind them; they are used as a sales pitch from a flim-flam artist. They, Obama’s handlers ride on these two words giving a message that we look at Change as to rid ourselves of the people who control us, our Hope is that we will be taken care of but they fail to reveal it unfortunately comes with a very big price, our real freedoms.
People like Obama are ones who want to control things, and like Lenin and Hitler before him, the party who is behind Obama and handles him, has taken a grip on a religion instead in place of Marxism or socialism that most of the people who fund the democrat party. This new religion is global warming and it is used to play on fear and guilt.
The parallels too close to these Lenin (workers rights), Hitler (National Socialism based on pride) which comes to the present campaign as the need to rid ourselves of the old guard based on 8 (40) years of failed policies and a country going down the tubes.
For many of us, it is scary to see these parallels, knowing that we will see an aversion for the truth and another revision of history through the campaign to fit the new leadership of the country, to show us we free thinking people are wrong.
But in truth it is supposed to be scary to put us in our place, to stop people from questioning things by building up momentum based on fear of the future and guilt of the past.
In the past during Lenin, it was about eliminating oppression of the workers and removing the shackles of the monarchy, presenting the fear that unless something is done, there is no hope for the people. In the past when Hitler campaigned, it was about renewing the hope of the people that Germany will return to it’s former glory and allow people to work and live by correcting the mistakes of the Weimar republic and the failed monarchy presenting the fear that if other groups take over, there will a form of occupation of the pride of Germany and Germany will end up a slave to others.
Right now the fear is health care, it is gas prices, and it is global warming. Without serious intervention by the government these crisis will create more problems for us in the long run.
Fear my friends is one of the most basic instincts we have and fear my friends is one that is used will invoke change for the worst in the history of man kind.
Right now the election is about race, correcting a past that can’t be corrected. The use of guilt has been honed to the point that if we question one candidate over another, than we are in fact racist if this candidate is of a different race. Many people here are asking the question “can America elect a black president?” which is the wrong question to ask at this time in our history. We can but do we want to or should we actually want to elect a man who is best we can find? This single question plays on our emotions of guilt because of the slavery issue that was actually settled at the conclusion of the War Between the States and no other time can there be a correction to this fact in our history. We still have different forms of slavery and the ones who promoted actual slavery are themselves still promoting slavery of a different kind today. But in fact no where can you find a slave alive today that lived during that time in our countries history and no where can you find the effects of slavery in our culture as you can in other countries, we wiped out all indications that we actually had slaves and through guilt we have elevated those who claim to be a victim above the rest of us to show we can in fact right a wrong. The country as a whole needs to move on to the future while embracing the past, not reliving the past. The handle’s of Obama have used guilt to drum up support and if we look at incidents of recent, for example the jumping on Geraldine Ferraro when she made the right comment that it is his race that got him this far, we can see a clear pattern that was used with Lenin and Hitler to force people to think there way.
We live in a great country, we live at a great time but the people are handing the keys to the ones who never should be in control. No matter what people say, the country is the best we can be, there is no improving it. We were handed a country that is the best in the world’s history that was created and protected by the blood, sweat and tears of sacrifices of people who believed in our country enough to die for it.
The biggest obstacle in our country is not the government but the people. They don’t understand how it is supposed to work or what dangers we are in by letting ourselves be led.
The hatred of one man, President Bush is really driving a lot of people to force a change for the worst. Hatred, another emotion has replaced rational thinking and has led us to a true division in our great country. This division is not what we have had before, it is a true division that others to war but here we won’t go to war. We will end up hating our fellow citizen because one side will have to lose and like the recent past, the loser will not want to move on in life or let our country move forward but instead we will dwell on another stolen election and a setup for more hatred in the country that will lead more division.
These people who use hatred will not discuss any compromise; it is their way or no way. It is these people who can not think for themselves, buy into the change and hope terms that are used to convince people we are so bad off and these people can’t reach back into history to discover what path we are going down.
If you want change – Fair Tax read about it, buy the book (used if you can) and learn how to change something for once. THIS is the biggest improvement that can be made to our country right now; it returns a lot of power back to the people.
If you want to see the warnings – Road to Serfdom by Hayek is a good start (this is in PDF format).
If you want to see what has been intended for our lives;
Brave New World – Huxley
WE – Zamyatin
Men Like Gods – Wells
I also recommend the book The Forgotten Man byAmity Shlaes
And read the essay, this is really important! The Forgotten Man by William Sumner