When To Stop


Seasoned Expediter
Last night in returning to Saint Louis from Pennsylvania I came across two accidents. The first had firefighters directing traffic and several police vehicles on hand. The second accident must have have just occurred, though, as there were no firefighters or ambulances around and only two police cars approaching the scene. There was still accident debris in the roadway.
Is it ever a good idea to stop at an accident site and offer help? I felt guilty just driving on but I don't want to get in way either. FWIW I have no medical skills to speak of.


Seasoned Expediter
I have stopped several times when I was the first one to happen upon the accident scene. The last one was a pick up truck load of mexicans that ran over 3 cows in the road @ 0530. No people were hurt but I called 911 and waited til the sheriff got there. 2 cows were killed instantly and the 3rd one had broken legs and could not stand up. I asked the deputy if he was going to shoot the cow to put her out of her misery and he replied that the Texas law would not let him, had to call out a vet to give her a lethal injection!


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
A friend back in lower Conn. had a horse get out and be hit by a Mercedes Benz Wagon, Conn. State & local Police refused his request to put down the horse. Instead he had to wait until a Vet could be found on a late Sunday afternoon and arrive at the scene to euthanize the poor animal.


Veteran Expediter
When are these hippy liberals going to realize a bullet between the eyes is less painful than laying on the road forever waiting on a vet to come with a shot that with kill them in a matter of minutes!?! The bullet goes bang and the horse/cow/deer/dog/illegal immigrant goes to sleepy town instantly never to wake up again. Well maybe not the illegal. He can suffer a little.