When is money so important?


Veteran Expediter
Warning long post ahead

After a few odd (and funny) threads on EO, I made a comment to another EO member about some comments on one thread that had to do with a top performer.

It really made me think; is it all that important to be a “top performer�

To me - No, it is not important at all.

I think it doesn’t matter to most of us here on this site to compare what you made against what I made to see who is better. I actually think that it is poor taste to post successes and other comments when they can’t be generalize them for all to compare and learn from, but that is my ethics surfacing. I can say that I honestly want everyone to get loads to make money, even the person sitting next to me at the truck stop.

The issue for me is simply defining ‘top performer’ to the general audience here on EO so making an ‘one size fits all†is like trying to describe a flavor to a Martian who does not have a mouth; it simply can’t be done.

Being only an average owner/operator, belonging to the majority at this site and the expediting world in general, I have less control over a lot of the things that determine my overall success. Truthfully it all depends on the customer, the market and their needs that drive the business. I can only use so much skill/knowledge (also luck) to leverage my money making potential. While others (they go unmentioned) that make it a point we must emulate others, it is impossible to do so and more improbable to be a success trying. So my point of view is simply the definition of top performer does not exist with the individual owner/operator but rather it does with the fleet owner or a company where competition and the bigger picture is more in focus. Being a driver for a fleet owner even has more restrictions and achieving a top notch in this business at that point is impossible when compared outside the fleet owner’s fleet and boosting such is not justified at all. It is still luck.

Defining performance for me is more akin to being a provider, paying the bills and having money left over at the end of the day to save up for or buy something, not chasing a specific numeric goal. Going hand in hand with performance is ethics; most importantly being truly ethical in life is a mark of success, not just work ethics. Performance is also about being honest and realistic with yourself and your capabilities, setting realistic goals, even small ones that are stepping stones to larger ones. It is too about learning and sharing, you actually grow through sharing knowledge, hence the purpose of this site.

I used to work with some really wealthy people, some you know, many you don’t. All have said that chasing the buck will burn you out, it does not matter what your neighbor thinks, how many cars you have or the size of the house that matters, but what really matters is that you are happy, healthy and have a good family and that you understand that being rich is not about money at all, being rich is paying the bills, no debt and having money left over. As stupid as this sounds; it is true – you could be rich too.

Oh well I could go on for a long time on this but I won’t to save your sanity.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Being a "top performer" is very important when taken in the proper context. I've read many of the threads and found the references. Being told to observe good grooming, to wear clean and appropriate clothing, to interact with the people you deal with in a professional manner are all important points. They have nothing to do with saying "I'm better than you." and everything to do with saying "Those are the qualities that will make a positive impression and get you remembered."

I have been at stops when a guy climbs out of his truck wearing shorts, hawaiian shirt and flip flops. He looks like some school yard kid at recess not a professional businessperson. I don't wear a suit but I do wear clean denim pants and usually a shirt with the company logo on it or else a nice button up shirt. I am fairly confident that for my profession I look "professional".

I agree we can't control all variables however I disagree that it's only in the hands of a company or fleet to rise to the top. We control our positioning, our time in/out of service, and basically every facet of our business. If we are working our business properly we are learning and growing all the time. We learn when/where to move to a new position to have a better chance for a job. We learn which express centers or dispatchers to work with whenever possible. There are many things we can do to improve our load ratio and to move above average.

It definitely is more important to be a good provider and a good person than to have the highest gross or lowest rejection percentage. It is also imperative to have a plan and goals. You can't measure your performance if you don't.

I don't think every post should be filled with dollar amounts however I do think it's important for this information to be available and not just from the recruiters. People need to know what's available before they get into this. I also don't think there is anything wrong with someone saying their best run was $xxxx. I certainly wanted that information before getting into this. I know enough to know the word best means all the rest were less. I know enough to know the average is going to be no better than half as much as the best and more likely 1/3 that amount. I also know if I'd researched this and the best run for my type unit was $837 I wouldn't be in this so I'm glad people will share their results.

The readers digest version of this is everyone should be doing everything they can to be the "top performer". Not the top as in better and above every other person doing this but the top as in the very best they possibly can be using the tools of appearance, vocabulary, attitude and respect for both yourself and those you interact with to the best of their ability.

Leo Bricker, owner trucks 3034, 4958
OOIDA 677319
73's K5LDB
EO Forum Moderator 1+ Years of Service
Expediters Online.com - The Best is Getting Better!
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Expert Expediter
Very well put!
This is a thread worth reading and then re-reading because it is deeper than it appears.
Happiness is measured with many different rulers.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Thank you for the kind words. It is unfortunate that when one person posts it is received openly and positively and when another posts the identical information it is openly and negatively criticized. My point to my prior long post was not only to reaffirm what I believe are all good and salient points but to also demonstrate that they are no less valid based on who posts them.

Leo Bricker, owner trucks 3034, 4958
OOIDA 677319
73's K5LDB
EO Forum Moderator 1+ Years of Service
Expediters Online.com - The Best is Getting Better!
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
In alot of cases it is not the content but how it is delivered.

21 years
EO moderator


Veteran Expediter
Thank you Leo,

I have saved this to show others.

As much as I may have been put in my place, as one person just told me via email, Leo clarifies my point for a better delivery.

To address one comment I received, this was not about trashing someone, but to illustrate there is no need to reach for the stars without thinking. Sorry I can’t make a better delivery than I did.

I agree with you Leo about professionalism, this is a book upon itself. but I must add it takes work to be a professional in any venture anyone takes on.

Anyone else.... your thoughts?


Expert Expediter
I would like to apoligize for not including you in my kudo's for a great and meaningful post. Both you and Leo stated the facts as they are, and stated them well. There was no fluff there...just facts of life in expediting in general. We are all out here to make a decent living. Some have higher goals than others, and that's OK. We are individuals with different goals and needs and should be respected as such.



Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Success in expediting is what each expediter says it is for him or her self. If you are achieving the goals you set for yourself (income oriented, lifestyle oriented, or any-other oriented), you are a sucessful expediter in my book.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Allow me to add, by the definition of success I gave above, Diane and I were failures in 2005, relative to the financial goal we set. We do not consider ourselves top producers by any means, and I never said so in this thread. The top producers I speak about are other people whose income level Diane and I have yet to achieve. It is with some disgust and regret that we review our 2005 numbers. We are now striving to make 2006 a better year.

Fortunately, expediting is not just about the money for us. It's a lifestyle choice too. In that regard, 2005 was great and we're looking forward to more of the same in 2006.


Expert Expediter
You have your health,each other,and your numbers are positive in your choosen feild. To me that is sucess.