"...some of the members were so shocked, horrified, furious, and concerned about the future of America by what was revealed to them inside the secret meeting, that they have started to leak this secret information to independent news agencies around the world."
Which is why, of course, the first news outlet they burned up the phone lines to was an Internet blog out of Fingal Head, New South Wales (not even Brisbane, as this blog purports), and completely ignored news outlets such as ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, Fox, BBC and the Children's Television Workshop.
The Associated Press managed to scoop the mass media, and the Australian bloggers, apparently, cause they had it in lurid detail, the whole one-hour long meeting.
The other one that keeps me laughing is the prediction of a total collapse of the US economy in late 2008, followed by the collapse of the US government finances about 6 months later. Nothing like putting the cart before the horse.
Oh, and the FEMA coffins? Those are storage bins manufactured by a company called B&B Concrete in Madison, GA, who's core business is concrete septic tanks, but among the hundred of things they do is:
Products: Tanks: septic; tanks: septic, fibreglass; agricultural equipment: storage bins, crop; bins; bins:..
Custom fiberglass & plastic fabrication, rotationally molded plastic tanks, above-ground plastic storage tanks, fiberglass reinforced plastic storage tanks, septic tanks, high density corrosion-resistant tanks, fiberglass gratings & ladders, cylindrical open-top plastic wastewater tanks, acid-resistant chemical processing equipment,..
I've delivered there, and have seen the "coffins" and they don't resemble coffins in any way, shape of form, not even for FEMA. They're the same plastic bins that you might see stacked up outside a John Deer plant (seen 'em there, too), or Pilgrim's Pride (seem 'em there, too, too). I have three of these bins that are used to store horse feed.
Good to know that I can use them to bury people, even though the lids aren't air tight.