You all are too kind and thanks for the flowers..
Wish I could make $$ off some of these to pay for my gear addiction.
Unfortunately there is not a lot of money in photography right now and with the prices of DSLR's everyone is a photographer much like me.
As far as stock photography the competition is fierce and the payout hardly worth the time and aggravation imho..
This past year I have had the privilege of shooting a few semi famous models in Los Angeles and rub elbows with a few notable names in photography that I really admire so my payback has been pretty sweet.
I have had a great ride but at the end of the day I am just a truck driver and I like it that way.... but hey it is a new year right?
If ya wanna see a "real photographer" (I have put this up before) check out this kid named "Joey"
Joey L : The Blog
Meanwhile if you see Cyn and I on the road give us a shout...
Happy New Year EO Folk!