Whats Goin on!?!?


Veteran Expediter
More and more Daily local newspapers are strating to see barry for what he is, and they are also starting to write about it...are we seeing the fading of the love affair with the choosen messiah!?!?

Obama Taking Us On Path To Fascism

By HERB DENENBERG, For The Bulletin
Monday, October 26, 2009
Obama Taking Us On Path To Fascism - The Philadelphia Bulletin

During the last presidential campaign, I said there was a light whiff of fascism coming from the Obama campaign. That was based on its habit of improperly trying to repress criticism of every kind. Example: A Chicago radio station was planning on airing a critic of President Obama, who was publicizing the candidate’s close association with terrorist Bill Ayres. The Obama campaign organized a call-in campaign to flood the station with calls and prevent the critic from being heard. Anther example: The Obama campaign warned that any critics in Missouri would be subjected to prosecution there if they voiced criticism that was not true. There was a "Barack Obama Truth Squad” made up of prosecutors and sheriffs to keep critics in line, promising rebuttals and prosecution in appropriate cases (NewsBusters, September 29, 2008).

Now that whiff has turned into a strong stench of fascism, as the Obama Administration uses the vast resources of the federal government to squelch criticism and silence and intimidate critics. Here are some of the recent examples of that:

• The administration has organized a concerted campaign to marginalize, demonize, de-legitimize and destroy Fox Cable News simply because it, virtually alone among broadcast outlets, originates strong criticism of the Obama Administration and asks tough questions about what it is trying to do. Obama spokesmen, including Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and Senior Advisor David Axelrod have said, in effect, that Fox is just an arm of the Republican Party and is not a legitimate news organization. Obama spokesmen say the station has a perspective. There are several answers to this. First, its news programs (as opposed to its opinion and commentary programs featuring the likes of Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck) pre- sent both sides of issues in a fair and balanced manner, and that has been confirmed by the survey of a respected research organization. The Pew Research Center found, by a wide margin, Fox had the most objective coverage of the last presidential campaign. Second, it is true that opinion programs have a “perspective, ” but that is true of all opinion programs including those on other networks such as MSNBC. Third, the White House doesn’t complain about networks or broadcasters with a Democratic perspective, even though they dominate the dial. In fact, with the exception of Fox, all the major broadcasters have a liberal and Democratic Party perspective, admittedly some in much stronger form than others. The White House is not only trying to intimidate Fox but is clearly also trying to fire a warning shot at any broadcasters that might take the same path as Fox. This is the way Fox reported that development (October 19, 2009): “White House chief of staff Mr. Emanuel told CNN on Sunday that President Obama does not want "the CNNs and the others in the world [to] basically be led in following Fox." Obama senior advisor Mr. Axelrod went further by calling on media outlets to join the administration in declaring that Fox is "not a news organization."

"Other news organizations like yours ought not to treat them that way," Axelrod counseled ABC's George Stephanopoulos. "We're not going to treat them that way."

The Obama campaign (thus referred to as they are in a campaign and not a governing mode), in the tradition of corrupt, thuggish, Chicago politics and fascism have also set out to destroy the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Rush Limbaugh, insurance companies and any other critics that stand in their way.

• When a health insurance company that marketed Medicare policies tried to warn its policyholders that Obamacare would hurt seniors’ insurance programs, the Department of Health and Human Services issued on a gag order on such communications with policyholders. It also said that the warning was misleading, which it was not. The gag order was since revoked, but its initial promulgation tells you something about the mentality of the White House and its attitude toward criticism. The Washington Post reported on the “gag order” as follows: “The federal government has ordered health insurers to stop telling Medicare beneficiaries that proposed health reform legislation could hurt seniors and jeopardize their benefits. The government might take enforcement action against insurers that have tried to mobilize opposition to the legislation by sending their enrollees "misleading and confusing" messages, a senior official of the Department of Health and Human Services said in a memo…” Query: Who will take action against Mr. Obama for the countless lies he’s telling in an effort to sell Obamacare?

• When segments of the health insurance industry turned against Obamacare, Mr. Obama threatened to have the antitrust exemption of the industry revoked. When the timing of the threat is taken into account, it is clear that this was revenge and payback for Obamacare criticism. For details see New York Times (October 17, 2008). Working in tandem with Mr. Obama, Congressional leaders also issued threats to insurance companies that dared to dissent.

• Any criticism of Mr. Obama and Obamacare is met with harsh criticism and what Mr. Obama once described as “calling them out.” For example, a recent radio address from Mr. Obama accused the insurance industry of misleading and improper criticism of Obamacare. The address lasted a little over six minutes, but did not sight a single fact or bit of evidence indicating that the industry was using deceptive tactics. As usual, the Obama speech was long on name-calling but devoid of facts and information. Unless you accept the Obama program, you are almost immediately and automatically branded as dealing in illegitimate criticism and “politics as usual.”

• Mr. Obama and his administration are willing to tell lies, and big lies, over and over again, perhaps on the Goebbels theory that if you tell a big enough lie often enough it will be believed. One of the Obama lies that I found particularly irksome was his claim after the Senate Committee passed a version of Obamacare that it was a bipartisan product. In fact, Obamacare had finally garnered one Republican supporter (Senator Olympia “Republican in Name Only” Snowe, R., Me.) out of a Congress with 535 members. What’s worse, in the legislative process, the Republicans were frozen out and “did not have a seat at the table” to use one of Obama’s favorite figures of speech.

• The Obama administration is known to favor and is now maneuvering to get some version of the Fairness Doctrine on the books to wipe out conservative talk radio. If Mr. Obama’s people can’t get the Fairness Doctrine revived, they’ll try to kill conservative talk radio with some other device such as “diversity” or “localism” requirements in broadcasting.

• Then there was the highly publicized attempt of the Obama Administration to use the National Endowment for the Arts to influence artists and others who received government grants to create “works of art” supporting the Obama program. This is not an isolated example of the illegal and improper use by Mr. Obama of the government to propagandize and campaign: “Senate Finance ranking member Chuck Grassley, R., Iowa, is raising concerns that a Department of Health and Human Services Web site that urges visitors to send an e-mail to President Barack Obama praising his health care reform plan may violate rules against government-funded propaganda.” That’s a report from Roll Call (Oct. 20). You will probably also recall the White House’s collection of e-mail names, addresses and comments of those making “fishy” comments about Obamacare.

• Mr. Obama and Democratic Congressional leaders have expressed support for the Employee Free Choice Act, which would abolish the secret ballot in union elections. This shows the willingness of Mr. Obama and the Democratic Party leadership to do anything to satisfy the demands of one of their voting constituencies. In this case, it’s the labor bosses, who want to revive their fortunes by making it easy to organize new unions – without the need to pass the test of a secret ballot obtaining the right to organize a union.

• Mr. Obama has had a long and close association with ACORN, the corrupt community organization that has specialized in intimidation and other improper tactics to force banks to lend and has long been in the business of election fraud. That kind of anti-democratic activity is part of the picture that emerges from Mr. Obama and his administration.

• Mr. Obama and the Democratic Congress have been willing to indulge in outrageous anti-democratic techniques to get legislation passed: Not reading a bill before it is signed, not posting the bill on the Internet prior to voting on it, as promised, and keeping negotiations secret and one-sided, also in conflict with promises.

I’ve emphasized one aspect of fascism – its objective of the forcible suppression of opposition. But it also qualifies under the other elements, including the suppression of private enterprise and putting it under centralized government control. That is one hallmark of the Obama Administration, it expands government, contracts the private sector and places new and unprecedented power in the hands of a centralized, expanding government bureaucracy.

This government expansion also is a restriction of our freedom because as the government gets bigger, the individual citizen gets smaller. Consider some of the belief systems of his Czars. Ron Bloom, the manufacturing czar thinks the “free market is nonsense.”

He also agrees with Chinese tyrant Mao Tse Tung that political power comes from the barrel of a gun. Anita Dunn, a communications director, also a big fan of Mao, expresses those views even when speaking to young students. And there is Mark Lloyd, Chief Diversity Officer at the FCC, who views tyrant Hugo Chavez in Venezuela as his model. The White House is brimming with socialists, communists, radicals and hate-America types. The only ideology not found there is one that respects American values and believes in American exceptionalism.

Herb Denenberg has served as insurance commissioner of Pennsylvania, a member of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, and as the Loman Professor of Insurance at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He can be reached at [email protected].


Veteran Expediter
When you actually study fascism in detail, there are a lot of things that are subtle and missed by all who don't know what to look for.


Veteran Expediter
When you actually study fascism in detail, there are a lot of things that are subtle and missed by all who don't know what to look for.

Your statement is quite vague. I for one know exactly what to look for. It isn't hard to find. If you want to see it up close and personal, look straight into the eyes of Dick Cheney. He is the personification of fascism. Even now he is trying cram his fascist crap down our throats. There is no doubt this guy would create an autocracy with him as the central leader if he possibly could get away with it. Obama is no fascist. He is in over his head and he knows it. He's not a nuts and bolts or hands on kind of guy. he delegates everything, which explains why there are so many czars in his administration. Fascists don't delegate. They are generally power hungry psychotics. Obama is certainly a narcissist, highly arrogant and full of self importance, but he is definitely not a fascist.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
They are ALL fascists. They want to take over our economy. The auto industry, health care, steel and mining are not far behind. They even want to control farming and are doing a pretty good job with the lastest farm bill. Obama is a wacko. Just another in a long line of "puppets" controlled by the "PuppetMaster" This "Puppet" was the one picked to finish off the Constitution. He is, along with that mess up in congress, is doing a pretty good job of it. They may win and most here will not care. I find it VERY hard to believe that SO MANY are STILL going on about Bush this or Cheney that, they were the setup crew for this mess. Mark my words, vote out EVERY imcumbent over the next 10-20 years or prepare to face the scurge that is coming.


Veteran Expediter
Your statement is quite vague. I for one know exactly what to look for. It isn't hard to find. If you want to see it up close and personal, look straight into the eyes of Dick Cheney. He is the personification of fascism. Even now he is trying cram his fascist crap down our throats. There is no doubt this guy would create an autocracy with him as the central leader if he possibly could get away with it. cheney is not the Obama is no fascist. He is in over his head and he knows it. He's not a nuts and bolts or hands on kind of guy. he delegates everything, which explains why there are so many czars in his administration. Fascists don't delegate. They are generally power hungry psychotics. Obama is certainly a narcissist, highly arrogant and full of self importance, but he is definitely not a fascist.

Cheney might be as well, the big difference is Cheney isn't in power. Obama very well may delegate everything, but he has done that with people who answer to no one but HIM. That's power.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
And his goal is TOTAL power which equals TOTAL corruption. He, and ALL of the rest of them, MUST be stopped.


Veteran Expediter
what happened to the one shot one kill phrase??? now its like dont say nothing bad.. whatever happened to espionage??? guess that doesnt matter anymore..


Veteran Expediter

Nice try but no cookie for that.

First let's tackle cheney.

He is an insignificant person now, his policies were those of others within an administration that was messed up and without real focus. Always being attacked for the Nazi style way of doing things which was nothing near what the Clinton administration did within the justice department and the treasury.

What led to 9/11, Cheney's policy on how to treat prisoners or Jamie Gerelick's Policy to put a wall up between agencies and treat the information as a commodity?

The contemporary definition of Fascism has been formed to limit the truth and to fit into a mold to define people as you are doing. So Cheney, as much as a bad person that he is in your eyes, didn't run for president which tells me your idea of his forming a autocratic government with him as a central figure holds no water. In addition, his failure to support McCain also says that he was not looking for any means to shift the Constitution or the way government actually works to a more centralized, planned system of commerce like the Italian or even the pre-1923 Soviet government.

The other thing that really makes me think this is Huffington post/Randi Roades dribble is the fact that neither Cheny, nor anyone in the administration has tried to capture any industry, or control key elements of our lives - which is really a fascist move.

Obama is no fascist.

Obama is a socialist, but we can't forget so was Mussolini and Hitler. Fascism was borne out of socialism and you know that. Obama's move just within the TARP program where he is now dictating to private businesses how much people make is a page out of the Nazi form of government control - Fascist. The next step was already done, taking over the businesses under some guise to save it and letting people with party connections to own or run it with outrageous salaries (freddie mac comes to mind but also GM and Chrysler rewarding the loyalty to the unions by making them an owner without actually having a real investment into the company).

Health care is the next step, Obama feels that the government must control health care and dictate to the people how to live to "keep cost down". He is for the single payer system, modeled after Medicare, which is fascist because you can not opt out of the system for another insurance system. The health care debacle is better defined as taking control of a free market system that actually works and putting under bureaucratic control to help the few at a big sacrifice for all. Rationing is a reality, as is corruption and black market medicine. Already there is a Fascist move to punish the people for not being part of the system, and the congress has put in features that allow states to opt out and not people.

"Nutrition is not an option" comes to mind and if you know what that means, then you can't argue with the health care position I have.

He is in over his head and he knows it. He's not a nuts and bolts or hands on kind of guy. he delegates everything, which explains why there are so many czars in his administration. Fascists don't delegate.

Yes deligates, yep it matters who are these czars, it matters how they get their job and how much power and influence they have. A lot like the health care 'debate', these people who are czars don't want the debate because it will bring into question who they are. The chief of staff has already told congress to stick it up their a** when congress wanted to have these czars before some of the congressional panels to answer questions. It is a move that has all the makings of a move towards a more hidden administration and we the people should not stand for it a bit. It goes far far beyond anything that anyone in the Bush administration did because these are not people who went through a process that made sure they were not a risk to the country but rather plucking people off the street and putting them into high level positions.

They are generally power hungry psychotics. Obama is certainly a narcissist, highly arrogant and full of self importance, but he is definitely not a fascist.

How do you know what a Fascist is? You would be surprised to know it is not always the Mussolini type of person.

I mean when isn't any leader not power hungry?

I see Pelosi and Reid on the same footings as McCain and other senators and they are pushing for more power.

So by that regards, Lenin and others during the Soviet revolution were not power hungry?

How about these 'radicals' of the 60's, when haven't they been not power hungry? I haven't seen any of them give up their material goods to help anyone out, or in other words most of them are worth millions - isn't that power?

I am not saying Obama is a Fascist, I am saying we are becoming a Fascist state very quickly through his policies and it is something that is just as bad as becoming a socialist state but it is also one step away from a socialist state. It also is something that I feel has happened in Europe with the EU but over there the people seem to be happy about it.

Oh and if you made it through all of that, here is something else to digest; Obama hasn't really shifted a lot from the Bush administration on key issues, like immigration and bail outs. It is odd that everyone beats up on people in the Bush administration like Cheney but seem to ignore that Obama is extending the policies, maybe they are two alike?
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Part of the problem Greg is that many STILL cast blame based SOLEY on what party a person belongs too. Few ever REALLY pay attention to what these people in government are really doing. So many see to be willing to accept being rulled and controlled. How very sad to be weak minded enough to all that to happen to you. I cannot even imagine thinking that someone else knows what is good for me more than I do. I am insulted by any politition that thinks that I am unable to do for my self and feels that I need taken care of and looked after. I am NOT a pet. Then, to top it off, the will use FORCE to insure that I willingly accept their control, benevolence and loving care. Well, Nancy, Obama and the rest, go suck an egg, I will NOT lay down and become a "lap dog" for you. May you all rot in the regions below.


Veteran Expediter
I hate to say it but Layout is the only one who has offered any solution. Having said that, the problem with voting everyone out under the current campaign finance rules would simply allow the same type of individuals, i.e., those beholden to special interests to get back in. Until we have real public campaign finance reform and the big money gets out of financing these campaigns, we are screwed. By the way, fascism involves egomania, though egomania does not necessarily involve facism. These people are egomaniacs, no doubt about it. The term Fascism gets thrown around too much. Each time it gets loosely thrown around it loses some of it's value as power word. If those of you who throw these kind of words around would expand your vocabulary a little bit, We'd all be a little better off...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well Rocket, maybe, just maybe, if we DO vote out all these clowns we can get someone in there to CHANGE the finance laws to insure that the PEOPLE retain the power in this nation. As is rightfully ours.


Veteran Expediter
Well LEtzrock, how do you propose we expand it, by throwing around words that others may not understand?

Just like Racism, it has been redefined for the times and used to bash someone, you did it with the Cheney statement(s), right?

OK campaign finance reform, here it is - the candidate can not take a dime of money from pooled donations, PACs or any other entity other than the individual voters and that individual has to be from the state where the election takes place.

Get rid of the public funding cr*p, it doens't work when you try to level the playing field with loopholes and a lack of accountablity, just look at Kilpatrick and Conyers election in 2008, they have money that just appeared and no one knows who gave it to them and then Kilpatrick funnled her money into her sons charity to help with his defense - and some of that is public money.

Layout, it is true we have too many dumb citizens among us but that has always been the case since 1787.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
What about John Dingell's finances? Some reports that as much 98% of his money came from soureces outside of the State. IF that is the case, who would you think he represents? Us or those who bought his election? I know what my guess would be. :(


Veteran Expediter
He is the perfect example of why we need term limits but that's beside the point. Yes it is true that he is funded by outside money but the people still have to get off their lazy a** and think about how good he is. He has had some real chances to help with jobs but failed to do so, I see Biden has landed work for his state and a closed GM plant which I think is a joke because if they gave me a $500B loan I could produce an electric car and employ people.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You got that right Greg. The auto industry SHOULD be a major GROWTH industry right now, not falling about. Give me that 500 billion and between the two of us we could rule the auto world!! There is SO much opportunity right now and it is being wasted. What else would you expect with the government running things. Just wait till they run healty care.