Whats effecting Fuel Costs?


Veteran Expediter
My theory is based somewhat on Economics.

Here me out.

The U.S. dollar is sinking, homes are being foreclosed on with Foreign $ backing them (Greed on there part). Making the dollar even weaker.

U.S. Manufacturing shippping overseas has in my opinion no chance to pull us out of a Recession as it has in the past when the dollar sinks and foreign purchasing has gobbled up our goods to bring us out of hard times just aint gona happen since CHINA now produces all those goods. (a plan they long played us fools for + Walmart = harder times for us to pull out of the next one hard times)

Thus since the dollar is falling so fast it costs more to purchase oil. Now since the rest of the world now has Economic power as well and is demanding fuel its who ever bids the highest WINS the Oil purdchase game.

We are now at a point of no return, China and other Countries really do have ownership in the U.S. all the way to the very top, and believe you me who ever looks like they are leading in the Polls are gona get the support of our Financial Enemies and thats exactly what these other Economies are, out to destroy our Economey for there benefit just like King of the Hill and we have been lazy and dumb enough to buy and buy and buy cheaper to benefit there bottom line.

Great Example, Levi Jeans. What an American Staple. Now the Denim is not even produced here and Jeans do not last as long as they once did, no part of Levi is made here anymore. Use to be made right here in North Carolina the Material that is.

P.S. Phil do not need your posting other sites to go to just to prove what ever it is your gona react to.