I haven't posted in a while but feeling the need to vent. I had a run last week going west about 70 mile. On my way back in had dispatch from another company call me to do a pick up. Told them I was about 45minutes to a hour away from the pickup. He says let me call you back. Meanwhile I had a good idea how long it was going to take me to get there, so I googled just to make sure. He calls back and says if I can get there by such and such time you can have the load. I didn't like the challenge, as what I heard was "I'm going to dispatch another driver, whomever get there first its theirs" So I say hey if you got someone else to grab by all means let them have it. Let me add, I'm passing thru hometown to go and pick up this delivery and I had work that was sitting in my home town, that paid 10 times this pick up and less hassle. In return he says " we have no one else to pick it up. . I'm dumb founded by his reply of if I get there its mine..lol.. So I ask what time is the plane coming in he says 4pm. Cool i can beat the 5 o'clock traffic, so I head over to hospital. I get to the hospital, lady tells me the plane should get there by 430, and wait on pilot to make sure it gets on plane. So as I'm leaving I had another dispatcher call and ask could I do a run going 2 hours away. I'm like sure I'm working on a run right now, give me like 30-45 to deliver this and you know I will get it there! Low and behold after arriving to airport and asking lady at the desk about plane arrival, she says it hasn't left the ground yet. Keep it mind its 415 at this time, 430 still no plane, 5 o'clock pilot comes in rushing me like i'm the one who late. lol.. He provides pod, I leave, I get wait time that wasn't worth the wait. To top it off, I call dispatch back to jump on the other run, all to hear they cancelled the run until later that day. Now I'm sitting in 5 o'clock traffic for a hour calculating up my loses dealing with this one company. Get back to home base was so wore out the delivery here went the next day. All good with shipper when you provide A1 service. Alright now I got that off my chest... What was your moment of the week, month , or year..