What was that?


Seasoned Expediter
Being a trucker we all see crazy things on the road, as for us we've seen alot of police action, in houston we saw a police officer and an undercover cop with guns out pointed at two individuals trying to leave a mall parking garage. In New Orleans we saw a dead body covered with a white sheet and officers surrounding the auto discount store, and Today sitting at a walmart we noticed a cop car circling the parking lot then noticed an individual running in a field next to us ( the field is wet and muddy) he just falls to the ground and I'm like what the f is this guy doing? he sees the cop leave then gets up and starts to run, I lay on the air horns and keep them on.
The cop circles towards us and spots the guy, then 3 more patrol cars come and arrest him.... crazy stuff

thas just a few things we've seen on the road
any exciting stuff happen along your travels
