What should I do now?


Expert Expediter
Life if full of decisions, and I guess I got a few to make-- and soon too!
Here's the story. I'v been on this site for a good while and as many of you know I write, sing and have just released my 2nd CD titled "Cowboys Do Rock"
On the other hand--In February of this year, I found the driving job that most people only dream about. Know what I mean--Sort of like a TEAMSTERS job as far as the benefits and pay goes, but without any of the forced dispatch and hassels. I actually earn more now in about 30 hours as I once did in 70 hours. On top of that, I took a 2 week paid vacation after being with the company only 90 days.
Now heres the problem. I guess a person--In a high place--- heard some of the songs on my latest CD. Within a week I got at least a dozen calls and e-mails from an agent. He has offerd me 80 or more contracts to be an opening act for some of todays top artist and at least 20 of the contracts are Head liner or main billing contracts. So, what does all this amount to? Well its this simple---I can earn as much as 10 grand for a 30 to 45 minute appearance at least 80 times or I can continue driving and entertain part time.
WANNA KNOW WHERE MY HEART IS? I really enjoy doing benefit shows. I love finding a person or family who is down and out and with no other means of help---doing a show--- and sending them some funds to help with their crisis. They do'nt know me, and all I know is that they need help. That is what makes this enjoyable for me.
Now---everyone who reads this will know that I do have a heart. So to all my truck driving friends---MY question to you today is WHAT DO I DO WITH THE REST OF MY LIFE?

37 years and over 6 million miles
:) :) :)


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Army
Pappy, I'd say, with 6 million miles and 37 years, you have seen all the geography you need to out the windshield of a truck. Try a nice Winnebago for a while. It's really kinda fun for a change. Good Luck!!


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
If you are wondering whether to go for a possible $800,000.00 or keep on trucking makes me think you were darn lucky to make it 6 million miles. :)


Seasoned Expediter
Pappy, as someone that has been on tour on the production side, the entertainment industry is not what it used to be, thats why I am driving expedite. Be VERY careful in reading the contracts and have a lawyer look at it too. 10k a show is an average rate for a opener or a small venue headliner. That being said that money won't always be there no matter what the "higher ups" tell you. Sometimes it will be more and sometime less. I've been on tours that were going well till the hit a certain area and ticket sales were bad and they had to shut the tour down because they had no money to keep it going. I have also been a a run that shut down after the second show because the promoter got in over his head, and nobody got paid. Please keep in mind that it's not all doom and gloom. Many tours and artist I have worked with do well for themselves. It all comes down to what you want to do. I can tell you that if I had the oppertunity to go back on the road touring and park the van, I'd be back on the road in a heartbeat. There is money to be made touring, and to get it you have to have top notch promotion. Make sure that those contracts cover your promotion. And the best advice I can give is NO number 2 on the bus, EVER! :)


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
Ya got to go with your heart on this one. In my opinion, you've got a gift you should share. Your music gives a raw emotion, and some of your songs made me laugh right out loud!

Good luck with your decision!

Forums Administrator


"The present is what slips by us while we're pondering the past and worrying about the future."

- Ziggy



Veteran Expediter
As a former road crew member, I have great reservations when it comes to the entertainment industry.

The pride factor alone is a very difficult aspect to properly handle.

Second, the after concert parties with the "In Crowd" can lead to a myriad of problems! Alcohol and drug abuse are rampart in show biz. Nobody starts out thinking of the impact this type of life will have on them, but the reality of such is quite apparent.

Third, the huge increase in one's income is just another stumbling block that adds more fuel to fire. I have seen so many folks ruined by wealth; even if their intentions are good. In fact, I heard an old preacher say, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

Some folks are just better off being plain and poor.

I am one of them.


Veteran Expediter
What Dreamer said - because it's where your heart is. Besides, if it doesn't work out as you hoped, you can always get back into driving, no? But - will the contract offers remain, if you pass on them now?
Aim for the stars, Pappy - what have you got to lose?! :)


Veteran Expediter
As a former fan of many musicians and former purchaser of music, I think that there is something to be said with all the posts.

I think out of all of them, x06col may have said it the best on the side of life but David, ABlairVanRunner and Dreamer, oh and Cheri all have some good advice too.

I wish you luck and hope to see your CD on the shelves soon.


Not a Member
To thine own self be true.
DUH get the hell off my highway.
Good luck to ya Pappy see ya at the Rascal Flatts show;)


Expert Expediter
I have to agree with Dreamer and Cheri on this one.

Life is too short so do what makes you happy and you will not look back on your life and have regrets. You know, the nasty: I should have, could have but didn't.

We wish you all the best on whatever you choose.

tom tinker

Expert Expediter
Pappy go for your dream,grab the brass ring as Merry Go Round of life goes by only once. Your a good singer, we need good country sound back in country music. Coming from country boy form years and years back. The best to you. We're pulling and praying for you.
Hurrier you go the be hinder you get! Tom Tinker:+


Expert Expediter
Way to go Pappy!

My next door neighbor played baseball in the Dodgers organization. He finally gave it up at age 26, because he was still playing "A" ball. His chances to make the "show" were slim to none, as he was no longer considered a prospect. But yet he still wonders if he could have made it, did he give up too soon?

If you don't take this chance, you'll always wonder, too.

I would look at it as a great way to get your songs promoted. The record companies and the radio stations think anyone over 30 is too old, so your chances for a big recording career are slim. Your chances at a song writing career are much better, and like I said, this is a great way to promote your songs. So I'd go for it.

Just don't sell the rights to your songs. If they are willing to buy your songs, then they are most certainly worth much, much, more.
Most singer/songwriters write songs that others record, before having success as a recording artist. If you like singing and entertaining, it's a no-brainer, ya gotta go for it.


Veteran Expediter
Safety & Compliance
US Coast Guard

You can have it both ways; take your music on the road and tell the bus driver he's no longer needed 'cause you're the new driver.

Good Luck!


Expert Expediter
Hiya Pappy,
As you can see from my handle I'm a Hammond B3 player.
I've been in "The Business" on and
off for a long time. I'm 55 and now run a very high
end, extremely private studio.
Over the years I've seen many people's dreams
destroyed by Nashville hype artists. There
seem to be more of these types in Nashville than
anywhere else. Please be mindful of this fact
as you ponder big changes.
The "Mooks" in today's entertainment world set-up
tours to promote records. So unless the contract
offer includes CD promotion, I'd be wary.
If the "agent" does include CD promotion
watch for "recouping of costs" clauses related to
recording and distribution of your disk.
Agents do not traditionaly arrange tours.
They generally sell artists to tour promoters
who are packing talent. These promoters are
interested in filling seats...thus packing known draws.
Record companies on the other hand arrange tours
to market performers on whom the've invested
recording and promotional dollars.
Which catagory do you fall into? Of course you may have a strong reginal following and draw a couple thousand folks to your shows, or sold 20'000 CDs and come to the "Mooks" attention.
In which case offers may be legit.
Perhaps info helps see if the offered
contracts are the real deal. Just can't stand to
see another good person hurt by the foul
dream stealers. Never never ever pay to play.


tom tinker

Expert Expediter
Hay Pappy ever play in Sandstone Mn. at Midwest Country Music Theater watched it on R.F.D. TV tonight??? Good down home music.
Hurrier you go the be hinder you get! Tom Tinker