But your post did not address the topic of the thread. The original question of the thread is "What is the FedEx Custom Critical load board?" and it's a question to which you have yet to provide any information, insight or answers to.
Prolly should have said that, instead of suggesting that both members SHUT UP and stop talking about a subject they want to discuss... in a public forum... in a thread which one of them started.
Of course you did. Attack: to direct unfavorable criticism against; criticize severely; argue with strongly. Instead of talking about the FECC load board, you tried to make the thread about them, suggesting they could keep their mouths shut about a topic you don't think they should be discussing. Suggesting they keep their mouths shut, and giving your opinion about how the thread broke down into a pissing contest is both unfavorable and severe criticism, and doesn't add to the topic of discussion at all.
Obviously, before you even know it yourself. When you single out participants in a discussion for comment, instead of what they are saying, you're attacking them. Reply to the post, not the poster. If you want to state that it's premature to compare the FedEx load board to Lanstar's or anyone else's load board, that's fine. If you want to tell them to SHUT UP and not talk about it because they aren't at FedEx, that's not fine.
Even better would be to just offer up some information about the load board, what it is, how it works for FedEx contractors, why it's good or bad, or any other information that might be helpful to current, future and former contractors, both EO members and non-members alike. But that would require (A) posting on-topic, and (B) effort on your part.
Crystal. I trust what I have said had been just as clear to you.