What actually caused this


Veteran Expediter
Cleaning the truck on Saturday the Van Body was impossible to get clean (or seemed) from the stacks. All the other times I have cleaned it, it has been easy. Very sooty.

Diesel Additive to much?

Running in sub below 0 causing frost on the body than the diesel smoke sticking to that than sticking to the paint after the sun came up.

Also ran for the last day in heavy, heavy rain.

Just wondering, washed the truck two weeks to the day earlier.

Glen Rice

Veteran Expediter
Unfortunately that is why Blue Beacon uses there acid to clean thes type of surfaces. Sounds like you better try washing unit every week if possible? Good Luck, and remember a clean truck is much cooler to drive than a dirty one!!


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Soot is staining your paint. Put a high quality wax on it and it should take care of it. Wax will have to reapplied every 3 to 6 months.
Hope that helps
20 years