I am so utterly sick and tired of all this "GREEN" stuff. It is nothing but a **** farce from people who think the earth is going to be here forever. It is not. The earth's days are numbered and it is completely out of our control. You cannot walk 10 feet in this country without reading or hearing about this product is green or how much carbon we are producing. Let me tell you my 95% efficiency gas furnace puts out barely a fragment of the carbon that folks with potbelly woodstoves used back in the old days. Whoever buys into the carbon credit nonsense is an absolute moron. If you have that much money to throw away give it to me so I can fill my SUV with gas. This has almost reached "cult" status . I keep waiting for Jim Jones to show back up with a big pitcher of Kool-Aid. Don't get me wrong I thing we should treat the earth with some dignity and not litter or dump used motor oil into the river but I refuse to worship the earth. The problem is with these fanatics is they only want us, the United States, to change our ways. While all the developing countries i.e. India, China and Mexico.....the one's stealing our jobs and exporting cheap dangerous and inferior products, they get to be exempt and pollute as much as they want. What kind of sense does that make? I plan on enjoying my life to the fullest without guilt and driving whatever type of vehicle I choose and can afford. The only time you'll see me "goin' green" will be at a traffic light!!!