We have absolutely no standards....


Veteran Expediter
...in this country.

I read an article about Keith Ellison and his speech at the Atheists for Human Rights meeting in which he compare Bush to Hitler with the context of the Reichstag fire and 9/11 to grab power.

After reading the speech, I am inclined to say this is true hate speech and nothing less.

Now for some who follow lock step with the very left leaning ‘people’, this speech is a perfect and justifiable comparison between two leaders of a country because of the absolute hatred of Bush and anything to do with him but where are the standards here with a representative of the US congress and of the people of his district in Minnesota?

Does he reflect the thoughts and feelings of the people he represents?

If so, the people of his district are pretty d*mn pathetic bunch for electing him.

To me it don’t matter if it is Clinton or Bush in the white house, the comparisons that are being made to Hitler, the NAZIs to our elected officials and troops should never ever happen by a member of an elected body and Keith Ellison, ##### Durban and the other few who made comments along the same lines should be censured without hesitation and the people they represent should remove them from office unless they feel that the comments are what they think.

Is by chance Keith Ellison following in Farrakhan rhetoric policies, it seems that we heard this before with N.O. and how bush planted the bombs to flood the city?


Veteran Expediter
>After reading the speech, I am inclined to say this is true
>hate speech and nothing less.

Keith Ellison is a black Muslim and therefor is incapable of hatred or racism

>Does he reflect the thoughts and feelings of the people he

He most certainly does.

>If so, the people of his district are pretty d*mn pathetic
>bunch for electing him.

Pathetic???? Hardly. They are proud. They elected the first black Muslim to Congress. They are politically correct. They embrace multiculturalism. They saved the whale.

Ellison distanced himself from Farrakhan while campaigning. At one time he was a member of the nation of islam. And at one time I was proud to say I was born and raised in Minneapolis.