We are all in the wrong business...


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
But are you praying for the $20 donors,if you up the ante to $1,000 and offer a 2 minute phone prayer chat for that 1k you may get quite a few takers.


Expert Expediter
Even though I consider myself a Christian...I have always felt this ministry was all about money. I havent liked some of the services I have seen on tv as well. Have spent some time in Pentecostal churches and I always enjoy them. So...I believe in what the Bible calls "gifts of the spirit". But...in my books, Benny Hinn has made a joke of it.

I remember as a kid watching Oral Roberts and his boy on tv begging for money like they was poor. While wearing expensive suits and flashing bling watches and rings. My mom and dad used to get so mad.

Moral of the story. Follow God, not man.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
It is interesting that my browser considers the Benny Hinn site to suspect,and you must agree to be on your own(warned)if you wish to continue.

I choose to abort.


Veteran Expediter
My browser wanted me to automaticly give by credit card info. That scumbag should be hung.


Veteran Expediter
WOW look at the reaction.

I thought I would offend many but I was wrong.

You know I did a lot of work helping others and found that very few churches that are like this and even Oprah (of whom I have a long personal story about and know her Angel network needs an overhaul) don’t come through. To be exact, instead of giving to a big church, give to a small church, they seem to help more.

But as I am thinking about this and am in a sarcastic mode this morning, I thought about opening up an online ministry; seeing I am an online ordained minister but never found the time to do so. Setting up the ministry is easy, the IRS forms and state stuff is a breeze. Website is also really easy but the problem I see is the congregation – who shall that be?

What surprises me the most is some of the ministers, not the prefessional ones I might add, I have met in the past are no more than repeaters of a script (I later found out their source) so I guess I can use their source to start with.

Being online, I can have downloadable services that hearken back to the pre-Henry Ward Beecher days (if you know about Christian history, you'll know what I am talking about) and I could keep my congregation up to date on political matters with even have a PAC and a get the vote out campaign - don't vote Democrat or you will go to h*ll!

I could have a pray line for truckers, you call my 900 number (or call my other 900 number ... ah never mind about that one) and ask for a pray in your name - all for $10 a minute (or that's right expediters are rich so make that $40 a minute with a $10 connect fee, have your credit card ready). I could offer prays for good loads at say $50 each.

But the best thing is that I will not pay a dime in taxes seeing my truck is my church and I too can get a Gulf Stream jet with your donation of $5000 each.

See I think it is like the alarm industry, you are selling piece of mind for most who need guidence and a direction.

Oh yea, don't forget this is the holiday season, help someone in need.


Expert Expediter
Reminds me of a quote.

"If money is the root of all evil, why to churches beg for it"

I think we should just start up some charities and hype it up. Here is mine.

The Truck 4839 needs a Generator program.

With your donation of $10 you will contribute to a wealthy cause. I'm a truck driver that is in desperate need of a generator. A generator will use less fuel and reduces the pollution in the air. Less polution means that the air that you and your children, and your childrens children breath will be more enjoyable. Just think your simple donation of $10 is benifiting the future generations. Also with a generator i will be using less fuel and with using less fuel we are sending less money to the middle east and keeping the extra money means more spent on US goods and not funding AL-Quada (sp?) and will help fight the war on terror and defeat the axis of evil. Just think all this can be done with a simple donation of $10 or more. You can be saving the world....

See, just touch base on all the touchy topics and then people will just shell the money out....

Sorry for the long post. I'm bored sitting in the East St Louis, Flying J.


Expert Expediter
Money is not evil, it is the "root" of all evil, that makes a big differance. How you regard money, makes you evil. Is money your god? how do you use it? for evil or good?


Veteran Expediter
>Money is not evil, it is the "root" of all evil, that makes
>a big differance. How you regard money, makes you evil. Is
>money your god? how do you use it? for evil or good?
Gentlemen , lets get it right . 1 Timothy 6:10 " For the love of money is the root of all evil .. "


Veteran Expediter
the more i make,means im doing something right,and besides the one that dies with the most toys wins


Seasoned Expediter
Perhaps this is not the right place to hype something I truly believe in but I will anyway. This is a Christian organization that has touched my family directly. I know them to be exactly as described and truly work wonders in the lives they touch. They are 100 percent donation funded and accept nothing from any govt. entity. If you want a truly deserving and needy charity to donate to this is it. I will donate to them for the rest of my life.

Rest assured there are no jets or Mercedes or any other extravangance to be found connected to this. They only have 18 boys maximum at any given time. These are truly people who have answered a calling and are not richly compensated for what they do.


Veteran Expediter
Lanier1: this is exactly the place for your comments - the Loading Dock is here to share comments about current events, FAITH, etc. Thank you for sharing what you consider to be a worthy cause, especially now: tis the season for gift giving, after all. And the very best gifts don't usually fit into a box. :)