WOW look at the reaction.
I thought I would offend many but I was wrong.
You know I did a lot of work helping others and found that very few churches that are like this and even Oprah (of whom I have a long personal story about and know her Angel network needs an overhaul) don’t come through. To be exact, instead of giving to a big church, give to a small church, they seem to help more.
But as I am thinking about this and am in a sarcastic mode this morning, I thought about opening up an online ministry; seeing I am an online ordained minister but never found the time to do so. Setting up the ministry is easy, the IRS forms and state stuff is a breeze. Website is also really easy but the problem I see is the congregation – who shall that be?
What surprises me the most is some of the ministers, not the prefessional ones I might add, I have met in the past are no more than repeaters of a script (I later found out their source) so I guess I can use their source to start with.
Being online, I can have downloadable services that hearken back to the pre-Henry Ward Beecher days (if you know about Christian history, you'll know what I am talking about) and I could keep my congregation up to date on political matters with even have a PAC and a get the vote out campaign - don't vote Democrat or you will go to h*ll!
I could have a pray line for truckers, you call my 900 number (or call my other 900 number ... ah never mind about that one) and ask for a pray in your name - all for $10 a minute (or that's right expediters are rich so make that $40 a minute with a $10 connect fee, have your credit card ready). I could offer prays for good loads at say $50 each.
But the best thing is that I will not pay a dime in taxes seeing my truck is my church and I too can get a Gulf Stream jet with your donation of $5000 each.
See I think it is like the alarm industry, you are selling piece of mind for most who need guidence and a direction.
Oh yea, don't forget this is the holiday season, help someone in need.