Van Jones


Expert Expediter
According to this Mornings News, Van Jones Has Resigned his Job at the Whitehouse and Apologized for his Involvement in the 911 report that accused the Federal Government of being Involved in it!! I Say Good Riddance to another one of Barry's Clowns!! Hopefully the Rest of Obumma's Criminals will follow suit, One can only Hope and Wish! :D


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
One up for OUR side! Main X-tream "Brainwashing" Koolaid drinkers Media didn't cover a word about him in ALL this-- UNTIL NOW!! GOOD BYE MR. JONES!
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Veteran Expediter
From the AP article, these interesting quotes;
Howard Dean, former head of the Democratic National Committee, told "Fox News Sunday" that he thought Jones "was brought down" and that his resignation was "a loss to the country."


Fox News Channel host Glenn Beck repeatedly denounced Jones after a group the adviser co-founded,, led an advertising boycott against Beck's show to protest his claim that Obama is a racist.

James Rucker, the organization's executive director, has said Jones had nothing to do with now and didn't even know about the campaign before it started.

What makes this really interesting is that no one has heard about his environmental work until recent. It is like he was in the background doing not much other than speaking about jobs and just jobs.

If Obama wanted to get someone who really could get things rolling, Ed Begly Jr. would be a better choice but then again he isn't the 'right' person for the job.
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Veteran Expediter
One up for OUR side! Main X-tream "Brainwashing" Koolaid drinkers Media didn't cover a word about him in ALL this-- UNTIL NOW!! GOOD BYE MR. JONES!

The numbers for you in red......

-The Van Jones Mistake
The President has been known to appoint open Communists and big government thugs to powerful “Czar” positions for some time now. But perhaps none of them have been quite as bad as Van Jones, the Communist appointed to the position of “Green Jobs Csar.”
You know… this Van Jones.

Van Jones could quite possibly be one of the worst appointments I’ve seen in my political lifetime. His position was immediately met with fierce opposition. I mean… who wants an open Communist who would prefer Israel not exist and would end free speech (Fox News) if given the chance?
But shockingly, virtually every mainstream media outlet failed to cover the story. In fact, the Washington Examiner pointed this out.
Total words about the Van Jones controversy in the New York Times: 0.
Total words about the Van Jones controversy in the Washington Post: 0.
Total words about the Van Jones controversy on NBC Nightly News: 0.
Total words about the Van Jones controversy on ABC World News: 0.
Total words about the Van Jones controversy on CBS Evening News: 0.

If you were to receive all your news from any one of these outlets, or even all of them together, and you heard about some sort of controversy involving President Obama’s Special Adviser for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, your response would be, “Huh?” If you heard that that adviser, Van Jones, had apologized for a number of remarks and positions in the recent past, your response would be, “What?” And if you were in the Obama White House monitoring the Jones situation, you would be hoping that the news organizations listed above continue to hold the line — otherwise, Jones, who is quite well thought of in Obama circles, would be history.

Finally, in the middle of the night on Labor Day weekend, Van Jones called it quits.

Bloggers lead this charge, but according to many in the media, bloggers cannot be trusted. How many times will we need to point out real news before these creeps and their ilk get it?
A note about the bloggers. BEFORE the election, I spent a lot of time in other places trying to bring forth the TRUTH about Obama. One of the arguments I often heard was that some of my quotes were from bloggers, never mind that the bloggers quoted their sources. I believe that it's the bloggers, the CITIZEN reporters that are carrying the responsibility for the TRUTH that the media chooses to ignore.

With that said..........what would be happening in our government today if not for the modern technology of the internet and the willingness of the individual citizens to push through to the truth? That's a pretty scary scenario.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
If Obama wanted to get someone who really could get things rolling, Ed Begly Jr. would be a better choice but then again he isn't the 'right' person for the job.

He's definitely exuberantly for "green" but I guess green alone doesn't make him colorful enough for the job.


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
The numbers for you in red......

A note about the bloggers. BEFORE the election, I spent a lot of time in other places trying to bring forth the TRUTH about Obama. One of the arguments I often heard was that some of my quotes were from bloggers, never mind that the bloggers quoted their sources. I believe that it's the bloggers, the CITIZEN reporters that are carrying the responsibility for the TRUTH that the media chooses to ignore.

With that said..........what would be happening in our government today if not for the modern technology of the internet and the willingness of the individual citizens to push through to the truth? That's a pretty scary scenario.

Acorn went thru the gutters to get POWER!-- and the "informed" TEA PARTY brought down the GREEN GIANT!!


Veteran Expediter
This Valerie Jarrett has been given way too much power and influence in this administration......again proving how radical his thinking is by looking at who he trusts, and that's not to say that I think he was ignorant of Van Jones' agenda......he knew and we know that he knew.

The Van Jones resignation raises more serious questions

Posted by Erick Erickson (Profile)
Monday, September 7th at 10:36AM EDT

The Politico has a detailed article on the Van Jones resignation that raises some serious questions.

At two separate points in the article, we’re treated to this bit of White House spin:
a White House official conceded Sunday that Jones’ past statements weren’t as thoroughly scrubbed due to his relatively low rank
A White House official conceded that Jones “was not as thoroughly vetted as other administration officials,” though the official suggested it had more to do with the relatively low level of Jones’s job than with the power of his patrons.
In other words, according to the White House, Jones was not high enough up the totem pole to be of sufficient power and, consequently, they did not vet him thoroughly.
But there is a problem with this. According to the last paragraph of the Politico article
There was little immediate talk of possible successors to Jones, largely due to the sense he would be difficult to replace in an advisory post designed specifically for him, due to his past work in promoting “green jobs.”
The White House created a specific post for Van Jones. What sort of low level muckety muck gets his own specific post without being vetted. More importantly, according to Van Jones in an interview with the Washington Post, he had a sizable role in shaping where some serious money went:
S. ROMANO: The stimulus bill—earmarked $60 billion. Am I correct in that?

MR. JONES: It’s close to $80 billion for–for–

MS. ROMANO: It’s $80 billion.
You and the Administration have estimated what, 2 to 5 million jobs could be created?

MR. JONES: Well, you know, there are–we have a potential in the total $787 billion
–that is a part of the energy package, according to the Council for Economic Advisors, to create about 6.8 million job years total, and then, as–as we go forward, the subset of that, which is about that $80 billion, will produce green jobs. So, the total–the total number of jobs for the entire recovery package is 6.8 million job years.
The White House argument that they did not “vet” Van Jones because of his low level role does not add up. Van Jones was in charge of $80 billion and his role was specially created for him.

All of this obfuscates the serious questions now raised: Who created this special job for Van Jones and what vetting of any sort did he get?

In fact, I’m being told that Valerie Jarrett overruled objections raised by the White House Counsel’s Office and insisted Van Jones be put in that spot. Jarrett has been a cheerleader of Jones for a while, as has Michelle Obama. Specifically, I’m told the Counsel’s Office raised objections to Jones based on Jones’ past activities and associations, including with a 9/11 Truther organization. Jarrett overruled them and Jones in his job.

So, the third great question is this: Does Valerie Jarrett think 9/11 Trutherism is an acceptable view point? That position would put her to the left of Daily Kos, which banned 9/11 Truthers from their site.