Van capacity


Expert Expediter
I was just wondering how many skids can you guys get in your van when you have a sleeper set up in your van? Hawk


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I can (by choice) put two 48X48 skids in the van. When I started I sacraficed what little room I had for comfort for cargo space. I soon found out that once in about 6 months I might get a load that
took up more space than 96 inches, the length of two skids. So I elected to put a sleeper and have not regreted it. If your going to sit you might as well do it in comfort.:)


Staff member
I think most "B Units" have the two (48x48) skid rule. The exeption might be a full size Freightliner Sprinter that may be able to handle 4 double stacked.