UN says GUstav caused by....


Veteran Expediter
Global Warming.

Hurricanes, floods show risks of climate change: UN | Markets | Reuters

Did anyone hear or know where there is information about the scientists who are suing the UN over the false information in the UN global warming report? The bbc had a small thing on it but I can't find the info. It would be kind of interesting to see in print why they are suing, but the report said that the UN ignored the real facts, the earth naturally warms up and cools down.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The group is being spearheaded by guy by the name of Kullman or Coolman or something like that. He is the co-founder of the "Weather Channel" His group claims that there is little to no evidence of man's involement with climate change. They say that this is all part of a normal cycle that has been going on for several hundred millions of years. They say that the Norhern polar ice is no older than 32,000 years. They have geological evidence showing no ice on Greenland prior to that. I don't know if they are totally correct or not. I do know that I have had a fair number of geolgy classes in college and what the UN and ALGORE are saying is bull hockey. Nothing they spout matches up with "G" time. The time used to measure geological time due to the vast numbers of years involed. Much like "light years" are used to measure distance (and time) in space. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The group is planning a seperate suit against ALGORE in U.S. courts for consummer fraud. They claim that this climate change bunk is just a way for him to manipulate world energy and manufacturing markets. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Gobal climate change is being caused by all the "Blow Hards" and hot air in congress!!! All the "gloom" that we see here in Baton Rouge is being brought in by the News Media. Layouthsooter


Veteran Expediter
I think Global Warming is a bunch of bs. Last month we had one week where the temps. were in the 70s in south Arkansas. It's usually pushing 100 that time of year. During the first quarter of the year we got snowed and iced on 4 or 5 times which is very rare. We tend to get it about once a year, and not very much when we do. I just have a time believing in Global Warming.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
If you want some interesing reads start looking up information on meteoroligists that study ancient weather events and patterns. (archilogical, sorry my spelling sucks) There have been decades of heavy tropical activity and decades of slow periods. We had been in a very slow period for the last 50-60 years and now it's picking up. Nothing new under the sun. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
The way the temps were a couple weeks ago I thought we were in Global Cooling. The deer were really out at dusk were they hadn't been so much because of the higher temps. I like reading, studying, and learning, but sometimes you can learn alot just by being open to the world around you.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You do learn by watching what goes on around you. Only thing is that with global type climate changes human beings don't live long enough to know what is going on. Some of these cycles may take hundreds of millions of years. Hard for a being with a life span of only 70 to see them take place. Also Man is a bit arrogant and self-centered as a species. Many think that because they are there all the natural cycles have stopped. Those were only in history. ALGORE is proof of what an arrogant dummy can do. I sure hope that they file that law suit and win. Would do my soul wonders. Of course we do have him to thank for the internet. (not really, that ******* voted against EVERYONE of the military spending bills that the internet came out) Thanks AL, your "invention" makes it easier for me to look up all the "stuff" that proves your as stupid as I think you are. Been seeing any nice bucks when them deer come out? Layoutshooter


Retired Expediter
The way the temps were a couple weeks ago I thought we were in Global Cooling. The deer were really out at dusk were they hadn't been so much because of the higher temps. I like reading, studying, and learning, but sometimes you can learn alot just by being open to the world around you.

Joe..I think climate change is a more accurate description since the climate is constantly changing...what was, isn't and what is, is not....understand? *LOL*


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You are correct OVM. I learned many many years ago that there is only ONE thing on this earth that never changes. That is the fact that EVERYTHING changes. Man, how wise and profound that is!!! The weather cycles that this earth as experianced and continues to show us are not things to be argured or fought over. They are awsome. They pale our ability to understand them. I think that is why so many point fingers and blame ourselfs for what we see. To not do this is to admit that we are little and have little understanding of the complexities of the universe. That fact is hard for those who wish to control every thing and every body. It scares them so they strike out much like a child. They should instead study it and learn it and use what knowlege we gain from those endevors to further understanding of each other. Whew, I am really tired now. Way to deep for this late at night. Layoutshooter