Twin Phreaks Sighting


Veteran Expediter
Friday, December 29 I spotted a red KW T-300 with a red box traveling westbound on I-94 about an hour(60 something MM ?) out of Billings. It was afternoon so the lumin factor didn't come into play. I think I saw the C & M logo in the lower front corner of the box. No cats. Definitely no cats.

Phreak did you change carriers or was that your twin I saw?


Expert Expediter
Never changed carriers. I did however, spot another red t300 with an older, more angular style bentz when I was passing thru Madison, WI. May have been him. I have been home since the 19th, and I'm leaving out this coming Sunday. Had to get some things in order, some minor repairs, and give myself a reminder as to what a normal person's life consists of. Hope to see everybody soon.

BTW, If I do have a twin, I'll beat him on Chrome and Chicken Lights.


Veteran Expediter
>BTW, If I do have a twin, I'll beat him on Chrome and
>Chicken Lights.

I have no doubts about that! Like I said it was daylight and only had a quick glimpse. Even without the chrome and lights your red truck with matching box is eye catching. Saw you that one time near Des Moines and will keep looking. Take care.

p.s. Keep your eyes peeled for a white Chevrolet 3500 cargo van. It just might be me.


Veteran Expediter
Maybe the blue twin is the red twin I saw in Montana with some oxygen problems.