Trying To Get My lips Wet


Expert Expediter
I do have an option of getting into CDL-A school next week (classes take 3 weeks). I also have an option of getting a loan and buying a cargo van - loan approved. I have never been in the transport business but I KNOW i can succeed, I have run a succesful lawn mowing company (not trying to be a smart A...)I know they are totally different but my drive and zeal has not wavered.
With a CDL I will be looking for a local job but if I buy a cargo van, I will be doing cross country.
My math tells me that having a cdl and doing local runs for some truck company would be more profitable than running my own cargo van.
Truck - 3,200 gross
Van 2,500 gross - then there are business taxes etc
I'm just trying to be a realist - are my numbers in the ballpark?
I'm solo, so being home aint no biggie for me.
I'm in the Jersey area.
Given what you know and you are in my shoes, what would you do?


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
I think you answered your own question. Obtain the CDL A to give yourself some options and flexibility. Van freight is slow at this time of year.
If your credit is good as you indicate, complete the school then make a decision on a van purchase or utilizing your new license.
Good luck

21 years
EO moderator


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
There are dozens of good threads about getting started, vans, straight trucks, etc. that you can read. I don't know what time period your numbers represent with 3200/2500 gross but that's too high for the average week and definitely too low for a month.

It's not a bad idea to drive for someone else for a while to learn the business and confirm it's truly for you. Rather than commit to a large loss on a new van try it out in somebody else's equipment for 3-6 months and if you still want to do it then take on the obligation when you're better equipped to handle it. Good luck to you.

Leo Bricker, owner trucks 3034, 4958
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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
One thing you have going for you is your location. New Jersey is an excellent area for a solo driver. I know FedEx runs some regional straight-truck solo drivers in that area. It might be worth checking out.


Veteran Expediter
Most companies have a hold on cargo vans at this point in time.

Recruiters will tell you that they are not adding any additional cargo vans.

I'd go for the schooling!

As others have wisely said, "You will have more options."


Veteran Expediter
OPTIONS you can buy a Van and have only one Option and if that option falls apart you now are a proud owner of ONE VAN. Not much of an option in my opinion even being in a great area SO WHAT this industry puts you in many different locations so where you live is only good for a starting point right A Team what about New Orleans, Jackson MS or Omaha?

CDL gives you many doors to choose from just put in your time (six months) and the doors should be wide open for a safe, drug free, no DWIs well groomed and dressed Class A CDL holder...

Any more questions?