Trying to break into the biz ???


Seasoned Expediter
i've been a tractor trailer driver for over 16 yrs.I'm also looking for a change i was wondering if expediting would be worth my while is it still thriving or do ya do alot of sitting... i meen no disrespect but i see alot of panther trucks sitting alot in my local truckstop. was wondering what the deal is ??? would really like to get into it but i do'nt need to sit i can do that at home.... need help any info would be helpful and appreciated... Thanks BigShem


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Here is an excerpt from "Introduction to Expediting."

"Unless they place themselves out of service, expediters are on call twenty-four hours a day, seven days
a week. Most loads are booked with short notice. When expediters sit and wait for a load, they do not
know where their next load will take them. It could be across the street or across the nation. Expediters
rarely go to the same place twice in a row. Loads may come one after another; or after a day or two, or
even more of waiting.

While expediters try to minimize their waiting time by positioning themselves in busy freight areas,
deliveries are not always in busy areas. Freight availability varies by season and even by day of the week.
In other words, expedited freight can be slow in certain times and places, and busy in others."

If you have not already read the entire piece, it may be wise to do so. The link is:

Just because you see an expediting truck sitting, it does not necessarily mean it is not busy. The truck may already be under load and is waiting to deliver. Or, the truck may be predispatched on a load and waiting to pick up. Or, the drivers may be whooped from running hard for two or three weeks and they are taking a couple days off to sleep.


Seasoned Expediter
ATeam thanks for the insight... and like i said i understand what your saying about drivers sitting and waiting,resting hanging out whatever... i've been there and done that so i understand believe me when i tell you... what i was refering to was i see alot panther expidite trucks sitting in groups of three sometimes 4 then i see other expiditecompanyies hauling #####... I guys i'm trying to say here is that i want to find a great expidite comp to work for i like the panther team i also like the fedexteam both have excellent equipment..i just don't like moving from company to company i'd like like to find a place that takes care of there drivers and not put them in the poor house...any input on who is a good company to work with would be deeply appreciated.... Thanks BigShem


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
There are many many threads on which companies are busy, which are good, which treat operators the best etc. and the common denominator is it depends on the person as to which gets the nod. Just as in the OTR companies, there are enough variables to make good a totally subjective call. Go back through the last year or so of postings in general and newbies forums and you'll get a good feel for the various companies. If possible, attend the expo in a couple of weeks. Good luck in your research and decision.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5507, 5508, 5509
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
The reason you see alot of expediters sitting alot at times... check the time you see them sitting... it's more than likely during the day - because they've run all nite to get a load to it's destination. Expediters run thru the middle of the nite and often times deliver in the early morning hours and then sleep all day and then start the routine all over again in the afternoon. And they run hard too, much harder than most regular 18 wheeler operations with large truckin' co.'s.



Veteran Expediter
If you don't like sitting you aren't going to like expedite. To put it quite frankly I'm on my way out because I can't find a company to keep me rollin. The one I'm with now tri-state every weekend I'm out I sit at least half of the weekend. With Panther it seemed I only ran every other day. TranStewart keep me moving, but the freight they had was all like a 1.09 so it was cheap.


Seasoned Expediter
Well thanks all for the insight... Sounds alot like driving big trucks... i did how ever find someone who wants to do a 60/40 split .... i pay for the fuel and they take care of the this sounds great and everything.... they want me to lease on with tri state... not really interested in waiting a month to get paid ... was thinkinking of Epes or conway or even landstar.... any input on these companies would be great.... but in my experiance with dispatchers and recruiter's are the much are like good lawers, lol
anyway tell me what ya think on this.... should i go for it or should i just get my own truck+ headeachs and you all know what i'm talking about.... Thanks BigShem


Veteran Expediter
expedite is just what youve been told ,hurry up and wait,but with one thing that was not said,you make more money with the sitting around than you will busting your butt for 7 days of hard running.
in expedite,its a pleasure to sit,you need the rest
20+years fedex c c
ooida 263839
steve gilbert


Veteran Expediter
I my self believe in 1 company,I've had truck on with panther,and also con-way now,which i guess are in the same now.
I'm on with fed ex cc,been here since 1984,in the expedite business,they are king,since the con-way buy with panther,we may not be number 1 anymore,but if you want to make a great living driving a truck,fed ex cc is what you need to try.
tractor trailers are in very much demand,and teams are needed even more.
The miles I run team are less than a good single driver will do with one of the major companies,but my income is around 1/4 million bucks a year,gross,
dont think the other companies can show you this kind of revenue for the mileage
I did this revenue at con-way,but my miles were equal to the money,much less profit,when i had truck at panther my truck wasnt close to the revenue my truck at fed ex had.
Not trying to recruite you,just trying to give you an idea what can be made.
steve gilbert


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
>The miles I run team are less than a good single driver will
>do with one of the major companies,but my income is around
>1/4 million bucks a year,gross,
>dont think the other companies can show you this kind of
>revenue for the mileage
>I did this revenue at con-way,but my miles were equal to the
>money,much less profit,when i had truck at panther my truck
>wasnt close to the revenue my truck at fed ex had.
>Not trying to recruite you,just trying to give you an idea
>what can be made.
>steve gilbert

You are grossing around $250,000 per year in a non-reefer E-unit? How much do you have to be in service to do that? That's a team-driven truck, right?


Seasoned Expediter
I thought Transtewart paid $1.20 per mile. Do they fluctuate on per mile pay? Was thinking about them to sign on with


Expert Expediter
Just a Clarification on TranStewart rates: Our premium expedite rate is 1.20 per loaded mile. In 2005 TranStewart ran 89% of all shipments at premium, which included the period of 1st quarter which was one of the slowest periods in our business.
We will at times discount a nickle or dime to exit a bad area and in the interest of moving drivers and equipment. Most of our operators appreciate this aggressive strategy and in fact profit from it. But remember, this is not forced dispatch and no one is ever under obligation to accept a shipment. The operator is truly the captain of his own ship and more than welcome to hold out for the "mother load."
Also included in the 11% non premium business was double loads which as a company we do a lot of. Many times we will discount the 2nd load to insure its acceptance. In this case, the operator gets 65% of tariff and not merely a stop fee of 50-75 dollars.
For more information, feel free to call 517-2265.

Be careful!! Jerry Stewart


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Thanks Jerry for the clarification. That will be useful to many members in their research.

22 years
EO moderator