

Expert Expediter
Why is it that Flying J builds 10 new truckstops every year, but Petro, TA and Pilot haven't built a single new one in the 8 years that I've been on the road?


Veteran Expediter
Well maybe it's economics. But TA took over the truckstop in Woodstock, Ontario last year. So they have expanded and I would assume into other markets as well.
BTW Happy New Year and may it be a profitable one for one and all.
Rob Fis


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Pilot has added quite a few new truckstops through acquistions of other brands. They took over the Williams and Speedway chains. There have been some new Petro 2 stops built and TA has also aquired existing independents.
I think putting in a brand new truck stop is a long and expensive project. EPA approvals, permits, the usual lawsiuts as someone or some enviromental group will always object makes a major hurdle for a truck stop chain.


Veteran Expediter
I agree with you on the truckstops. It seems that most are just acquiring existing stops. TA did well to buy up the WG stops. It's funny to see 2 Pilot stops oppposite each other. I like having Pilots to spend the night at when there is nothing else, but I'll be damned if I'll buy their fuel!!!

I feel Flying J is much more aggressive in establishing new locations. I only know of them acquiring the El Paso truck stop at exit 37. I'm so pleased they are building one now in Laredo and I just love the Edinburg location. That TA in Edinburg really should be torn down and rebuilt along with its parking lot.

Also, I'm biting my nails waiting for the new FJ location at exit 18 on I-75 in Monroe, MI. The TA fills up too fast at exit 15 and I refuse to pay at the Detroiter.

Flying J is also remodeling a lot of their locations.


Veteran Expediter
Exactly what I was thinking, Chet. The J in Newport would knock the Pilot down a notch.

The thing I don't like about Js is getting something quick to eat. I don't like the looks of their fuel island deli, and their sandwiches are expensive. I'll go to the Pilot for a couple hotdogs if I'm in a hurry, but rarely buy their fuel. Their smokes are generally the cheapest of the truckstops.


Veteran Expediter
I am glad someone brought this issue up cause everytime I leave a J I think how poorley managed these places are.

#1 they put all these tables to make us jig jag thru and you ever noticed how many people have to say EXCUSE ME- Pardon me etc.. We are tripping all over each other because they want to put more crap on there floor than people. I will not buy poop off of there discount tables its all junk.

#2 T hawk is right on there Deli stuff aint worth a nickle let alone a dollar. I mean a DELI is a DELI Cornbeef, fresh bread, a large pickle Roastbeef etc... not this fried crap let to sit for a day it should say Saturated Fat Early to a Grave.

#3 The Restaurant is overpriced on everything, the AM buffet is $10.00 with a tip, a $1.79 for a coffee is a rip off than add $6.99 plus tax your up to almost $9.00 than a tip of a buck and change WOW. I resent paying that much for so little and thats not even speaking of the overpriced dinner or lunch if you like Tree Bark they serve of for so called Chicken. The only somewhat bargin is the Soup and Salad Bar.

# 4 Has anyone noticed they sell no Bread in the Store. Could that be so that we cannot make our own Sandwhich and have to rely on there overpriced Restaurant? I think so.

I will give them credit on a couple of items. The staff is usually more friendly than PILOT even though they are stretched just as thin fuel is less expensive and I get the same MPG as do anywhere else except for Hesco/Wilco I get 1 mpg more from them than anyone else.

The parking lots are generally cleaner and the facilities are nicer or more driver friendly. Showers vary from location to location as to how clean they are. But one thing I cannot beat is the Debit Card they offer and being able to use the ATM for cash this is what keeps me going to the J vs the other locations.

I do my very best to stock up at my local Grocery Store when I leave thus I can avoid using there services except for showers and fuel for about 7-8 days than after that I am at the Truckers Mercy. Really feel sorry for the 18 wheelers who have no choice but to use these overpriced understaffed overcrowded miss managed facilities day in and day out. Please feel free to add your comments, all these locatins could take a lesson from Jabez in Portland OR what a truck stop for us drivers they put us first and let the $ flow and they sure seem to making a profit and making us happy at the same time.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
T/A bought the Rip Griffin chain of a dozen or a few more locations. They got them rebranded during this year so as far as I know they all say T/A now. As others have said, it seems most of them buy rather than build. I do look forward to the new stops opening in Laredo and near Detroit. Hopefully that will force the Laredo Pilot to quit charging for parking. I doubt anything will ever get the Detroiter to quit charging but at least there will be another option up there.

Leo Bricker, owner trucks 3034, 4958
OOIDA 677319
73's K5LDB
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Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
INMHO it was a sad day when Flying J took over the Exxon Travel Plaza on I10,mm37 in El Paso. That place had absolutely great food,it was clean,well run and friendly Hispanic clerks.Now you have the dried out buffet,rude clerks,heated fuel and so on. I simply will not give a dime to the Flying J chain,at one time they were up and coming but no more.they sort of remind me of the old Union 76 Truck Stops.
I like Wilco's and Loves aren't too bad,there seems to be 8-9 new Loves every year. Another good independent chain that bit the dust last year was Bosselman's in Nebreska. I think they are Pilot's now.


Veteran Expediter
Ok ok ok. Flying J has some faults. But, I like the price of fuel. I like their debit card. I love having 2 towels in my shower. My co-driver thinks their deli chicken wings are awesome. And, the food is fresh during the day. I see them restocking it all the time. Yes, it is greasy. I don't care. I'm a vegetarian. Eat your junk and clog those arteries!!! :)

Their salad bar has the best selection. They will cook a meatless meal for me. The lots are large.

I hate the Dallas Flying J. It is just plain NASTY!!!!!

We cook in the truck. I rarely purchase food at Flying J other than a meal once in a while and those greasy chicken wings. An 18-wheeler doesn't have to eat truck stop food. If he has a cooler, he can carry meat and cheese and frozen dinners will last at least 3-4 days. If they can't find a Wal-Mart every 3 days to restock, then they deserve to pay those outrageous prices. No sympathy here. I was trained by a driver who never ate at a truck stop.


Expert Expediter
# 4 Has anyone noticed they sell no Bread in the Store. Could that be so that we cannot make our own Sandwhich and have to rely on there overpriced Restaurant? I think so.

Broompilot you are not going to believe this, but I just purchased a loaf of bread at the J in Jackson, MS. I will agree that normally you cannot purchase bread at the J's, in fact this is the first time I have ever seen it! Hopefully this is a change in the works, however I think it is probably just a local thing here in Jackson.

Happy New Years,