Trucks & Motorcycles


Veteran Expediter
Found this comment most intresting. Last Friday the President of CFI was being interviewed. Yes he (CFI) advertises regulary on the XM171 but this guy truley seems to care deeply about the Transporation industry and his drivers. Anyway I am impressed. One comment I listened to that he was asked was driving saftey. His answer or comment was not to quote him word for word.

But if there was one thing you could tell Americas drivers to make them better drivers what would it be. (To drive your truck as if it were a motorcycle) To drive with that much defense in mind. One mistake on a bike and its all over, the same should apply when driving a truck. Take no chances as to what the other guy might do expect the dumbest foul possible from both 4 wheelers and trucks.

As a motorcylce driver myself, I completely understand. I find the response most intresting.

Drive Safe.


Expert Expediter
As a 40+ year motorcycle abuser, his comments make very good sense. I have always ridden with the attitude that "they're ALL out to get me"!!!

Force of habit has me using the same attitude if I'm driving my 4wheeler or my 10wheeler. I'm not paranoid, I KNOW they're after me!!!!!}>
