

Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Those are the ones my dad says are "too stupid to be allowed to vote.".


Veteran Expediter

No I am not thinking that at all.

It amazes me that the number of truckers are avctually voting for Obama. I can not understand why they, the owner/operators want to even consider voting for him - their business will be more endanger than ever before under his administration with this congress.

If we complain about HOS, about fuel prices, about emissions and about black boxes in the truck, why are many in this profession so dumb to vote for someone who will make sure life is harder and make less money.

By the way, 95% of the jobs in this country are provided for by companies who are less than 100 people - small business. Everyone of the owners of small businesses need to think about voting for Obama too.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Health care my hind leg. I pay for my own. I earn the money my self. I don't want a national health care "system". I don't want more socialism. If I can earn and pay my way thru life so can most every one else. If they can't they should fix what ever is wrong with themselfs, get off thier butts and EARN thier way through life. I will not longer support bums. Earning your own way in life is what ADULTS do. You know, take full resposiblity for your own life? What a strange concept. Lazy bums. Layoutshooter