Truckers to be hit with massive tax increase.


Veteran Expediter
This is breaking news. Truckers will be hit with a 18% tax increase now being proposed in California and Philadelphia. This tax will hit home with mostly truckers while the rest of society remains unburdened by this Tax.

Here is the article.

Junk Food Tax Could Improve Health
The Pricier Junk Food Is, the Less of It People Eat, Research Suggests
MedPage Today
March 10, 2010 to affect millions of Over the road drivers
Taxing junk food may help reduce obesity and improve health, researchers have found.

Researchers have found that taxing junk food, such as soda and pizza, hay help reduce obesity and improve health.
(Getty Images)
Patients got significantly less of their calories from soda or pizza when there was a 10 percent increase in the price of either, Penny Gordon-Larsen of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and colleagues reported in the March 8 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine.

"Policies aimed at altering the price of soda or ... pizza may be effective mechanisms to steer U.S. adults toward a more healthful diet and help reduce long-term weight gain or insulin levels over time," the researchers wrote.

Talk of a soda tax has sparked debate across the country, particularly in New York and Philadelphia, where such legislation is currently under consideration. However, not much research has been done to study how price changes would affect health outcomes.

So the researchers looked at data from 5,115 patients enrolled in the longitudinal Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study from 1985 to 2006.

Coke on Soda Tax for Obesity: It's You, Not UsProposed Soda Tax: Pop Hit or Total Fizzle?Should the U.S. Tax High-Sugar Drinks?
During that time, the inflation-adjusted price of soda and pizza actually decreased, with the largest drop observed for soda, falling from $2.71 to $1.42 for a 2-liter bottle -- a 48 percent decline.

In their analyses, the researchers found that changes in the price of soda and pizza were associated with changes in the probability of consuming those foods, as well as in the amounts consumed.

A 10 percent increase in the price of soda was associated with a 7.12 percent decrease in calories consumed from it, while the same increase in the price of pizza led to an 11.5 percent drop.

Price was also significantly associated with total caloric intake and body weight. A $1.00 increase in soda prices, for example, was tied to a mean of 124 fewer total daily calories, which amounted to an average weight loss of 2.34 pounds.

The researchers noted that similar trends were seen for pizza, adding that a $1.00 increase in the price of both soda and pizza together was associated with even greater changes in total energy intake, body weight, and insulin resistance.
Made you look didn't I. :rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Food Police, Thought Police, what is next? Still think that this government is NOT trying to take over your life? Oh what fools the Sheeple are.


Expert Expediter
Because we are Easy Targets That's Why! Just Look at the way "Some" Cops see us! They Figure that if they Give us a Ticket for Whatever Reason, then we Aren't Going to Fight It in Court so It's Easy Revenue for the State,City,County or Where ever they Represent! So why Not Come with the Tax, Knowing that we Usually Don't have time for 3 Sitdown Meals a Day and that we Would just Pick up a Twinkie and a Pop and Get on down the Road! Easy Pickings For Sure!


Not a Member
This is breaking news. Truckers will be hit with a 18% tax increase now being proposed in California and Philadelphia. This tax will hit home with mostly truckers while the rest of society remains unburdened by this Tax.

Here is the article.

Junk Food Tax Could Improve Health
The Pricier Junk Food Is, the Less of It People Eat, Research Suggests
MedPage Today
March 10, 2010 to affect millions of Over the road drivers
Taxing junk food may help reduce obesity and improve health, researchers have found.

Researchers have found that taxing junk food, such as soda and pizza, hay help reduce obesity and improve health.
(Getty Images)
Patients got significantly less of their calories from soda or pizza when there was a 10 percent increase in the price of either, Penny Gordon-Larsen of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and colleagues reported in the March 8 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine.

"Policies aimed at altering the price of soda or ... pizza may be effective mechanisms to steer U.S. adults toward a more healthful diet and help reduce long-term weight gain or insulin levels over time," the researchers wrote.

Talk of a soda tax has sparked debate across the country, particularly in New York and Philadelphia, where such legislation is currently under consideration. However, not much research has been done to study how price changes would affect health outcomes.

So the researchers looked at data from 5,115 patients enrolled in the longitudinal Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study from 1985 to 2006.

Coke on Soda Tax for Obesity: It's You, Not UsProposed Soda Tax: Pop Hit or Total Fizzle?Should the U.S. Tax High-Sugar Drinks?
During that time, the inflation-adjusted price of soda and pizza actually decreased, with the largest drop observed for soda, falling from $2.71 to $1.42 for a 2-liter bottle -- a 48 percent decline.

In their analyses, the researchers found that changes in the price of soda and pizza were associated with changes in the probability of consuming those foods, as well as in the amounts consumed.

A 10 percent increase in the price of soda was associated with a 7.12 percent decrease in calories consumed from it, while the same increase in the price of pizza led to an 11.5 percent drop.

Price was also significantly associated with total caloric intake and body weight. A $1.00 increase in soda prices, for example, was tied to a mean of 124 fewer total daily calories, which amounted to an average weight loss of 2.34 pounds.

The researchers noted that similar trends were seen for pizza, adding that a $1.00 increase in the price of both soda and pizza together was associated with even greater changes in total energy intake, body weight, and insulin resistance.
Made you look didn't I. :rolleyes:
Guess we will just have to order in the restaurants and use a "Doggie" bag.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Guess I'll have more reason to skip California and Philadelphia.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Guess I'll have more reason to skip California and Philadelphia.

There is only one problem with that Leo, if I started skipping all of the places that suck to go to, there would be no where left to run freight!!! :p


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yeah, my atlas is on the thin side but it's sure pretty darn good, what's left.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You forgot to say "Zeig Heil" :mad:

No, I did not forget, I was just taming down my rants. Can you believe that there are some who think that I don't know what these sleezebag leftists are up too? It amazes me how 20 years of experience are worth nothing, even to Slick Willie. He had a college degree.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
No, I did not forget, I was just taming down my rants. Can you believe that there are some who think that I don't know what these sleezebag leftists are up too? It amazes me how 20 years of experience are worth nothing, even to Slick Willie. He had a college degree.

A pox on both houses :mad:. Both the right and left have forgotten what America is about:mad:.


Veteran Expediter
Old news... it all started when they taxed cigarettes...
Whanna bet they'll find a way to tax se*x ???...


Retired Expediter
they taxed junk food long ago in most states cept Ohio and thats their own fault...

Junk foods should be taxed it is a luxury item...if you can afford a bag of chips or chocolate bars then you have excess money that should be used to help buy your health care or pay down your truck payment...

Instead of feeling the need to rewarding yourself with crap, reward yourself with a better lifestyle....:)


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You want to pay higher taxes? Whew, maybe you need to see a doctor!! :p They should be cutting or eliminated taxes as much as possible. Then they need to start spending LESS!! Pay more taxscan't believe you said that!!! If you have that much extra money send it to me!! I would do a much better job of spending it than the government does!! :D


Retired Expediter
Reality check..they are going to tax matter...

so tax the things I don't have to buy instead of the things I do have to buy....


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The old "sin tax" idea. It won't be enough money for them, they want it all!! This is not about raising funds, it is about control of every aspect of your life. We gave the government an inch and they are taking the mile!! We should be fighting every tax increase and taking away their power. If we allow them to control what we eat, though taxes for now and health care reform later, there will be no end to their control. Imagine how vile, a government controlling what you can or cannot eat!! Why would you want to give in to this? Just wait, a black market on pop is just around the corner. :eek: