Truck Insurance


Expert Expediter
Just wondering what are the better companies to look for general truck insurance, everything but cargo - company carries their own on Cargo. It would be on one 24-28' straight truck, tandems, likely class 8 and for one Chevy/GMC cutaway with 16' box.

Are rates based on the class/size/weight or specific to the trucks make, model, value, etc? How does driver experience level play into it?
What if a driver employee has an at fault accident? (minor rear ender)
Do they extend coverage into Canada as standard?

Current trucks are running at $700 for the 24' and $550 for the 16' - are these numbers high, low, average?


call john at commercial insurance. his company represents progressive insurance. they advertise on this site and they really do know this industry. his number is 866-864-1511 or 330-864-1511. anyone there can help but john is my agent and he has dug down deep to help us in some situations.
as far as the rates go - alot has to do with the size of the truck, the bigger the truck, the more damage can be done, the higher the rate. i am sure the driver has something to do with it of course but the rates you mentioned seem right about in line for the industry. but give him a call, no hard sales pitch is what i like. tell him what you want and that is what he will quote you as well. take care and be safe.


Veteran Expediter
Are insurance rates really THAT different between US and Canada???
Those rates seem incredibly LOW!
Here the rates are hardly affected by the size/ type/ value of vehicle, having more to do with liability risk, where you're travelling, driver history, etc.
Some carriers here don't even bother signing on sprinters/cargo vans becuz their insurer will charge basically the same rates for them, as they do for the TTs.
Here an insurer wants a minimum of 3 years experience driving a similar size/type vehicle.
Extending coverage into Canada should add quite a bit to the premium.
And a preventable/ at-fault accident will also add quite a bit.


Expert Expediter
Actually the figures I gave were for the two current trucks we are running and both trucks are plated in Ontario, even though they are based out of Washington state and run around 80% BC/20% WA With only 2 trucks in the fleet being out west I am looking at changing that to WA plates for two similar trucks doing the same job - I just wasn't sure if these figures were high/low, if better rates are available that's great, they just cant be higher. Those are of course monthly rates but I'm sure everyone knows that already.


Expert Expediter
Haha! Well leave it to me to think you were quoting annual rates! Jeeze Louise!!!! That sounds more LIKE it! Bombay are you also a Canuck?

In BC you couldn't insure your pickup truck annually for that. LOL I have both, live in the states and work in Canada.


Expert Expediter
Haha! Well leave it to me to think you were quoting annual rates! Jeeze Louise!!!! That sounds more LIKE it! Bombay are you also a Canuck?

Well this may burst your bubble. For the above mentioned trucks I just go a quote off a broker south of the 49th and the difference is simply amazing, to the tune of nearly $6000 amazing for both of them.