Trip-Pak Scan


Veteran Expediter
Did anyone have trouble with Trip-Pak's scanning service last night? I tried scanning some bills about 20:00 and got a message on the monitor from Trip-Pak that service was unavailable.


Veteran Expediter
I tried at a different T/A this afternoon and had no problem.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
I usually do the Transflo scanning in the van, cause I have a scanner in the van, duh. But otherwise I've never had any problems at truck stops.


Veteran Expediter
This was apparently a Trip-Pak problem as the message originated from Trip-Pak. Another day, another truck stop and all is cool.


Veteran Expediter
I had a TP issue at the TA this morning as well but it was fixed before I departed..

I had a TP issue at an oasis in Illinois once and the guy in the stall next to me was kind enough to... man this just ain't sounding right! I think I better feed the pigeons some Greg's cats.

highway star

Veteran Expediter
I had a TP issue at an oasis in Illinois once and the guy in the stall next to me was kind enough to

As long as you've been on the road and you haven't learned to check first? How big was the bus you took to school?


Veteran Expediter
As long as you've been on the road and you haven't learned to check first? How big was the bus you took to school?

We didn't have short buses when I was a kid. But had there been short buses I'm sure I would have sat in the front seat right next to the bus monitor/aide.

As for the TP situation, I was in a hurry and was careless. Usually I check first and wipe the seat.


Veteran Expediter
TP reaction drill anyone?

Exactly! Had I practiced the TP reaction drill I would have been prepared. There would have been no need to bother my "next door neighbor". I do carry a Swiss Army Knife and know how to use it.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Keep in mind that if you find yourselfs in an "outdoor" setting and forget your "supplies" and opt for leaves, be sure those leaves are NOT posion ivy!!!! :eek:


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
LOL!!! No, it was not. I had not been out in the field since deer season. That one is still and will forever remain a mystery!! :confused: