Treatment of employees by some owners


Seasoned Expediter
I worked this past winter and part of the summer for a Panther van owner and let me tell you, I would have made more working @ Mc Donalds than that clown I drove for.
I ran into other drivers who actually made something and so did the folks they drove for so I quit the owner I was driving for and was able through the VA (Iraq war vet) able to get a loan to get three vans.

My drivers have come from other Panther owners including one from the clown I drove for and they make twice what I was paid and I go the extra mile for my team and we all make money.

Just wanted to add this to the cheap skate and scrooge owners this Christmas season. :)


Seasoned Expediter
Good for you! Pay it forward is a good motto. We are drivers for owners and have not experienced that kind of treatment- but we know how hard a this job can be, and to make no money doing it would really be just too much! Have a merry christmas!


Expert Expediter
I could probaly post some questions that might make the owner sound less evil than you have. Instead, I thank you for your service to our country and I sincerely call all of who went to war a hero. I am glad the va stepped up and helped out. I wish you success in the new year in this crazy world of expediting..


I've heard from a driver who just quit today unit 11955 a cargo van..was paying for the QC and got 60% and the contract was to pay 300 $ penalty for quiting before 6 mths period. Did you ever heard about something similar?


Expert Expediter
>I've heard from a driver who just quit today unit 11955 a
>cargo van..was paying for the QC and got 60% and the
>contract was to pay 300 $ penalty for quiting before 6 mths
>period. Did you ever heard about something similar?

No, but in my opinion, sounds like a good idea, do you have any idea what it cost to hire a driver and have a driver go thru class, and everything and then to have them just up and quit? 300 sounds a little cheap to me.


Veteran Expediter
Being charged for quitting in under 6 months.

It must have been in his contract. I you don't like what's in a contract DON'T SIGN IT. It's that simple

Panther Solo Tractor


Seasoned Expediter
yeah, there our some real bad owner out here, and real bad drivers. It is hard to find a good one we our on our third owner in two years. First one stop paying. Second one always want you sign on to some get rich contract that only payed him then rape you at end. Current owner is great we just need the heard to thin out a little and freight to pickup.

If it dont make dollars it dont make cents


Seasoned Expediter
>I could probaly post some questions that might make the
>owner sound less evil than you have. Instead, I thank you
>for your service to our country and I sincerely call all of
>who went to war a hero. I am glad the va stepped up and
>helped out. I wish you success in the new year in this
>crazy world of expediting..

No I doubt that.
Tried twice with this guy and he was/is screwing his employees left and right.
I treat my guys with a couple of mottoes I used when I was Sgt with my men in Iraq.

"Never have anyone do something you are not willing to do yourself."

"Treat others as you would expect them to treat you."

I have a fair and balanced contract with them and they understand it and are more than happy with it.

Thank you for the compliments on my service, but the real heroes are those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice since the founding of this great nation and Republic.
We owe them so much that so many forget.


Seasoned Expediter
I drive for panther. the person that owend the van still has not payed me what he owes me .and thats been 2months ago.there was weeks that I would sit in TX and FL for 4 to 6 days at a time with out a load and he would get ##### If I made a empty move to a better area. he told me all this stuff about how much money I would make .It turned out to be a joke .I talked to other drivers that had problems with there owners .I think the companys should do somthing to the owners that treat there drivers like crap!After all there name is on the truck and van x(