Transport Topics


Veteran Expediter
Just read an article in Transport Topics if someone who knows computers better than me (everyone) than go ahead and find the article and post it. It is estimated (suprise uncle same) that there is going to be 111,000 drivers short to fill trucks in less than ten years.

Drivers are retiring at that rate, and younger people who have ever stepped foot in a college classroom have no desire for this industry.

And we are worried?

It was also mentioned that Uncle Sam is NOW beginning to see the big picture, not enough drivers hmmm could mean inflation if all of these drivers start thinking (I WANT MORE $) and we will right?

Supply & Demand. About time consumers started feeling a pinch for getting there goods since they hate us on the roads.. Don't drive during my rush hour. Ever had that feeling in traffic?

They spoke on the Supply & Demand that wages, benefits and home time all need to be improved not only to recrute but retain drivers. Now let me ask you all this, if they want to cut hours of service back to 10 a day how many more trucks will that put on the roads? After 9:00 PM I find it very difficult to find an open parking space in a truck stop let alone a rest area. So decreasing hours/increasing trucks is the answer?


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Many of the large truckload carriers are turning to foreign labor. That is there answer to the current driver shortage. Probably their answer to future labor issues as well.

Gulf Relay LLC

Gulf Relay LLC

OTR Class A CDL Truck Drivers

Gulf Relay is one of the fastest growing companies in the industry.  We are a family-oriented company that wants to take care of their drivers, not just please the customers. With one of the nicest fleets on the road, we want our drivers to be comfortable while getting the miles they need and the hometime they deserve.NEW OTR CDL-A CAREER OPPORTU ... Apply Today!


Expert Expediter
Foreign labor is the last thing this country needs especially in the trucking industry. I'm not a racist or nothing but the last thing I want to hear on my CB radio is spanish and chinese when I'm asking for directions. If these trucking companies start importing and hiring a bunch of Mexican truckers hell there'd be no reason to raise driver pay and increase home time. Telling Juan you'll pay him .15 cents a mile is like telling him he's won the lottery and then all us American drivers will be out of a job because we won't work for chump change.


Expert Expediter
DrLuvv, you talk out of both sides of your mouth...from another post,

"That's why a lot of these companies are moving their manufaturing plants to places like Mexico, China, and where ever they can find cheap labor. When some idiot at a loading dock is giving me problems and acting nasty, I just smile in his or her face knowing that they are just one paycheck away from getting laid off. It sounds mean but it's true."

Those out-of-work auto workers will be laughing at you as that Chinese driver yells at the Mexican dock worker who won't unload him...enjoy your ride while you can...:-(



Veteran Expediter
Not saying its impossible, but its gona be very difficult to replace drivers who cannot read or write English. DOT will put them out of Service hell we shake when we see them even thought we are legal and our trucks have just been inspected.

Second is we have this large force of whinning people who hate trucks, it will happen if foreginers are allowed to drive these. Miserable accidents and thats where the big carriers, and insurance companies rule our industry.

Saftey people thats what Americans want on the road and they are gona get. Citizens look at us as more of a Hazard than a 17 year old Graduate on a Friday night in Late June. How many times have you heard from someone, "oh I hate it when a big truck takes up my whole rearview mirrior" My response, well thats probably because you were doing 60 when he came up on you and now youve dropped to 50 so wheres he suppost to go?

That is the only good thing about saving this industry, Americans will demand and are getting it safe drivers, that is what will keep our jobs intact and profitable. Sure a foreign driver may get a CDL but for how long will he keep it. I can tell you from past employees the foreigners I hired all of the attitude Screw your government and there system I will do it my way until I get cought. Sure enough, DWI, not paying there taxes, child support, you name it I saw almost all of them go down.


Expert Expediter
Loose Cannon your not too bright. Truck drivers aren't milking their companies left and right, like the auto workers at the "Big Three", and other other manufacturing companies that have either closed their plants or down sized. Truckers have been unber paid for a long time, and if you don't think so then you must be from Mexico.


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The current woes at GM are being felt by other automakers as well.
Much of it is poor planning and demands from unions. Each new vehicle from GM has a $1600 cost built in, just to cover health care.
That coupled with rising fuel costs have left them stuck with a ton of large SUVs and trucks. The latter is a management problem, and not the union. You put those two together, and it looks ugly.

On foreign drivers, it is already in progress. The top three truckload carriers are in full swing and hiring foreigners at all the border states in record numbers. They all have new facilities in TX,AZ,and CA.
These carriers have already announced publicly that this is their long range solution to address driver shortages.
I see little to get in the way of that progression.



Veteran Expediter
I disagree, When I have a difficult time insuraing my truck with no points or accidents. Than an insurance oompany is gona shut these idiots down its only a matter of time. Why should a Mexican not a US Citizen care? They wont and there attitudes will show it.

Insurance companies rule this industry (TRUCKING) No one ever needs to forget this.

I for one am very positive about the future in Trucking, it may be tough now but it aint gona last.


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It is a much different issue when obtaining insurance. You are going to a insurance company that underwrites your policy.
The majority of the large truckload carriers are self insured.
Insurance from a liability standpoint is moot for them, verses cheaper wages and freight coverage.

20 years


Expert Expediter
DrLuvv, sorry, but I won't stoop to name point, in case you missed it, was that you seem quite amused that some autoworker is going to loose his job to cheap foreign labor, while at the same time you are bitching because you might loose your job to cheap foreign labor...I'm sorry, but you can't have it both ways...while it is true that unions have contributed to the transfer of American jobs to offshore plants, a lot of the fault falls on management as well...GM is crying the blues over their stockpile of gas guzzling trucks and SUV's...the unions and the working class autoworker did not design these vehicles, nor did they decide the quantities to be can blame that on know, those folks that tell US what type of automobile we want and need, and how we need to replace it every couple of years...the autoworkers just assemble what ever management tells them to...and while there may be quality control issues with the cars (and trucks) you buy, remember where the design and assembly specifications come lowly autoworker could ever be held responsible for those 'exploding' Pinto's, or the lousy paint that GM used on their late80's/early 90's automobiles...I personally hate to see anyone loose their job, but at some point, corporations will find that the American worker can no longer afford to buy the products they have to sell when we are all working for minimum wage at Wal-Mart... :(



Expert Expediter
Loose the auto workers are loosing their jobs because they are greedy and want way more than what they deserve. Their jobs are going to other countries because the foreign workers will work for pennies on the dollar and without health care or a lunch break. I know they are not the only ones to blame for their companies money woes, but they have contibuted to the dilema by sucking profits made yearly. GM spent 5.5 billion last year just in health benefits, justify that for me? I spent 0 dollars last year in health benefits and I'm still alive.

The hiring of foreign truckes that has begone in the U.S. isn't because the American Trucker is milking the their companies dry, its because there is a shortage of drivers. The point I'm trying to make is that, we are already under paid and aren't getting that many loads as it is. Many O/O and company drivers are having to throw in the towel because truck payment, insurance, maintenance, family home time fuel costs and other bills are leaving them broke and bankrupt.

The days of the O/O and "American Trucker" are numbered because of the mass hiring of Mexican and other foreign truckers who are signing up to be "Company Drivers". These big trucking companies know that they can pay these foreign drivers less and get more work done out of them. In the short term hiring foreigners fills in the driver shortage gap. But in the long term (5 to 10 years from now) there will be no reason to hire O/O or American Drivers and pay them the higher pay because Mexicans have filled in the gap and will work for way less. Theres no DOT rule saying there can only be two drivers in a truck. In the next five years your gonna start seeing three to four Mexican drivers in one truck driving around and if you think a company is gonna hire you when all you want to do is be a single driver, think again. Think about it, when you go through the driving school setup by a trucking company they make you sign a contract stating that you'll work for them for a year in exchange for the company paying for your schooling. I can only imagine what kind of contract these foreign drivers are signing but I think it says that because Acme Trucking is sponsering them to work in the U.S., helping them to learn english, helping to become American citizens, and giving them a job that they promise to work for Acme Trucking for the next 5 years. I know it sounds racist but its true.
Gulf Relay LLC

Gulf Relay LLC

OTR Class A CDL Truck Drivers

Gulf Relay is one of the fastest growing companies in the industry.  We are a family-oriented company that wants to take care of their drivers, not just please the customers. With one of the nicest fleets on the road, we want our drivers to be comfortable while getting the miles they need and the hometime they deserve.NEW OTR CDL-A CAREER OPPORTU ... Apply Today!
