Too much time on my hands?


Veteran Expediter
I have had more time on my hands than normal so I have been reading the news and watching news conferences. The more I read and hear the madder I get. This country has changed so much over the years that you can't recognize it. It's kind of like seeing a young nephew after several years and you can barely recognize them, you know they went from baby face to a full beard from one visit to the next.

I'm not even sure if what should be discussed are the types of change or the specific articles that I read. Lets try both.

First one was a news conference with Polosi. She was asked about Obama's campaign promise to put Healthcare negotiations on C-Span. She laughed and said words to the effect that "there are a lot of things said during the campaign."

I take that to mean we will say what ever we need to say to get elected but will only follow thru on things that we want. While this is no real surprise, I was flabbergasted to hear one of the elected officials say it.

The next news story deals with Sheriff Arpaio Backlash Over Arpaio's 'Mexican' Comment

Racial Profiling. So does this mean if you look like a Mexican that they can't pull you over for possibly being here illegally? Kind of like checking the shoes of a 80 year old grandmother at the airport.

And now comes the meeting that you and I are not allowed to be involved in.

How can anyone in their right mind think that this meeting should take place?


Retired Expediter
I have had more time on my hands than normal so I have been reading the news and watching news conferences. The more I read and hear the madder I get. This country has changed so much over the years that you can't recognize it. It's kind of like seeing a young nephew after several years and you can barely recognize them, you know they went from baby face to a full beard from one visit to the next.

I'm not even sure if what should be discussed are the types of change or the specific articles that I read. Lets try both.

First one was a news conference with Polosi. She was asked about Obama's campaign promise to put Healthcare negotiations on C-Span. She laughed and said words to the effect that "there are a lot of things said during the campaign."

I take that to mean we will say what ever we need to say to get elected but will only follow thru on things that we want. While this is no real surprise, I was flabbergasted to hear one of the elected officials say it.

The next news story deals with Sheriff Arpaio Backlash Over Arpaio's 'Mexican' Comment

Racial Profiling. So does this mean if you look like a Mexican that they can't pull you over for possibly being here illegally? Kind of like checking the shoes of a 80 year old grandmother at the airport.

And now comes the meeting that you and I are not allowed to be involved in.

How can anyone in their right mind think that this meeting should take place?

Whats wrong with meeting with a powerful lobby group? Explain Please...


Veteran Expediter
Whats wrong with meeting with a powerful lobby group? Explain Please...

When the Union VOTES, then they should have access and a hand in some things to form or craft legislation but they don't vote nor do they represent the majority of people who do.

See OVM here is the real problem, this country is a republic and not a majority run government. If it was a majority, we would have had this mess with Health Care reform done a long time ago in the 60's but it didn't happen then when we actually had the money. The union mentality has been the real cause for the health care "crisis" and this country is setup in such a way that Unions and collective groups never had a voice because they shouldn't.

The unions, more specifically the Teamsters and the UAW will end up screwing their rank and file over healthcare - the unions do not pay a dime into the present health care system and when a public run health care is made, the blind retired union member will be sold a bill of goods that it is in their best interest to follow the unions lead.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
First one was a news conference with Polosi. She was asked about Obama's campaign promise to put Healthcare negotiations on C-Span. She laughed and said words to the effect that "there are a lot of things said during the campaign."

I take that to mean we will say what ever we need to say to get elected but will only follow thru on things that we want. While this is no real surprise, I was flabbergasted to hear one of the elected officials say it.
I saw that clip also, and it just demonstrates once again the attitude of not only the Speaker of the House, but also the entire liberal Democrat contingency in both houses of congress: they've got the majority, they're going to pass whatever legislation they want, and the opinion of the unwashed masses doesn't matter. Pelosi demonstrated the same attitude a couple of months ago when a reporter asked her if she could cite a constitutional basis for requiring US citizens to buy health insurance. "Are you serious?" is the only reply she could muster. It's frightening to think that this dim-witted, arrogant, radially liberal woman is third in line to the US Presidency.
The next news story deals with Sheriff Arpaio Backlash Over Arpaio's 'Mexican' Comment
Racial Profiling. So does this mean if you look like a Mexican that they can't pull you over for possibly being here illegally? Kind of like checking the shoes of a 80 year old grandmother at the airport.

Sherrif Joe is a hero to a lot of people in the American Southwest. In spite of being targeted for years by liberal advocates of illegal immigration he keeps going like the Energizer Bunny, and remains extremely popular with the people of AZ. That's not to say his skirts are snowy white in all his anti-illegal immigrant tactics, but his efforts seem to be having the desired effect of catching criminals and incarcerating them. We need more law enforcement officers that are less concerned with political correctness and more concerned with enforcing existing laws.


Veteran Expediter
Transparency heresy! Democrats do it in the dark. Just wait til immigration reform gets pushed through in secret fashion. Amnesty is the next issue on Obama's domestic agenda. Happy days for Socialists. We could be facing a permanent Democrat majority if amnesty squeaks by in the middle of the night.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Transparency heresy! Democrats do it in the dark. Just wait til immigration reform gets pushed through in secret fashion. Amnesty is the next issue on Obama's domestic agenda. Happy days for Socialists. We could be facing a permanent Democrat majority if amnesty squeaks by in the middle of the night.

The plan all along, destroy the country from within with as much help as possible from the "sheeple" By the time the "sheeple" figure out that they too are being shafted it will be too late. The chains grow tighter every day and still the "sheeple" say things like "give it a chance" or they know what is best for us. Sooner or latter they too shall be fleeced. Then at least I can laugh at them from my hole.