To the environmentalist out there


Veteran Expediter
I really couldn't think of a name for the thread.

I read a really funny article about Mentos and Diet Coke and how one person now has a caramel colored walls with a hole in it.

It seems that kids have learned (and some parents) that if you take Mentos and add it to a Diet Coke, it kind of..... like explodes – BOOM.

When I worked at the lab, we would take dry ice, a little water and a 2 liter bottle to do the same thing, it was loud!

Well the funny thing is;
1 – many decide to do this indoors and big mess to clean up. I would say not an intelligent idea.

2 – a few decided to stand near the device and ended up in the hospital to remove plastic shrapnel out of their skin and eyes – a few have been the parents themselves.

But reading a little furthering to the article about the chemistry of this reaction between Diet Coke and Mentos, it pointed out that Diet Coke has more co2, a.k.a. carbon dioxide, than regular Coke.

More carbon dioxide?

That’s interesting!

So I thought that carbon dioxide was a greenhouse gas, looked it up and yep it sure is. It is big time.

This led me to think of the environmentalist and how they live. Ok I guess that driving a hybrid, using ethanol or bio-diesel. They may even recycle but would they give up their Coke or any carbonated drink to save the environment?

I should see if there is a government grant for a 5 years study to determine the amount of carbon dioxide put into the atmosphere by an average carbonated drink consumer.


Veteran Expediter
Anyone who drinks any diet(or non diet)cola drink should have their head examined.Period,end of subject.


Veteran Expediter
>Anyone who drinks any diet(or non diet)cola drink should
>have their head examined.Period,end of subject.



Veteran Expediter
Lets see,the only long term studies on artificial sweetners are very discouaging(I know,Coca Cola really care's about the health of their customers).The chemicals (read whats inside your coke can)have little to do with actual "food" or "nutrition",but alot to do with caffine(even artificial caffine these days)and instant gratification.
These concoctions were developed in test tubes.
However,I never short change the American thirst and appitite for ulcer producing,fat generating arificially colord crapola that corporate America so succesfully markets to our ever fatter and unhealthy population.When I visit China,it amaze's me how fit and un bloated the Chinese people are.And brother,they can eat.
It's all freash,does not come in a box with rainbows on it,and is cooked without hydrogenated fat products(thank you Kentucky Fried)!I'll have mine with a large Coke please!(Okay,a Pepsi if thats all you have.)It's all chemicals,what the f*** difference does it make?
Oh Greg,please tell me I'm all wrong,so I can dig up my garden,quit fighting with snails,and the drip contraption I have set up(with timer)and just believe the pre processed fat mongers when they tell me"don't worry,our food is low fat".Compared to what,a dead skunk in the road?


Veteran Expediter
You know I have to side with you 100% about this. I just wanted to hear your opinion.

See to me home grown foods the best with commercial farming at the other end of the scale. The same with Coke or any carbonated drinks, which I no long drink, all of it is questionable to the point that what secret formula is locked away in the vault in Atlanta is not been useful formula since the late 50’s.

I got to say some people think I am crazy but once a upon a time I bought a building in northwest PA that had a soda shop in front and a auto repair/parts store in the basement. We discovered 15 cases of coke, little bottles, that was left there in 1952 when the owner left for Korea. Being 40 years old you would think that it was all bad but there were a few bottles that still were carbonated and the moving crew and I tried them out. I got to say what a big difference and even though it was 40 years old it was still better than the c**p we have today, it is too bad no one makes coke like that anymore. There were also other brands but not in the quality.

So you are into drip irrigation? Ever thought of hydroponics?

Snails? Isn’t there a snail farm somewhere in the SF area that is famous for escargot snails?

Oh back to the thread, I can’t find any studies done to see if the consumption of a carbonated drink contributes to global warming.


Veteran Expediter
Anyone who drinks the diet crap needs to look up aspertame on the internet.

I had a thought yesterday. (big surprise? :7 ) I wondered how much water we're taking out circulation by all the bottled water that gets thrown away without emptying it first. Something to ponder...