To team or not to team?


Veteran Expediter
Seeing a ‘hire alert’ for teams out of Chicago for UPS got me to thinking. Yes it is early in the morn and I haven’t had my coffee yet but I think I make a coherent statement.

It is a fact that load offers have been in many cases getting to the point that many will not take them at all and acceptance rates going down for a lot of contractors. This trend will continue because we really don’t have the power to control it or force companies to change their attitude.

This leads me to think that there are some advantages of being a solo owner/driver over a team. I am wondering; when it will come a point that a solo owner/driver will become more of a needed commodity over a team because a solo driver can take a load at a reduced rate over a team due to a reduced operating cost that is incurred?

There is more to my thoughts but I won't bore you with that.


Veteran Expediter
Its only a matter of time before REALITY sits in with UPS, unless all the runs are like Line Hauls. Every company struggles with keeping teams.

It only works in Expediting if its Family or close to you know what I mean. Sure you can start out with high hopes, but it all is gona come back to the same, they are gona struggle just like Panther, FECC or everyone else out there keeping TEAMS TOGETHER. Just the nature of it goes against human logic.

Long haul, etc.. it can work cause its consistant Expedite forget it.