To all the Sprinter vans Whats your CPM?


Expert Expediter
I am in the process of building a business plan am an interested in knowing what:

1. The average Cost Per Mile you sprinter drivers are using?

2. How much is QC every week?

3. How much is Insurance? To include what type of insurance. i.e. Bobtail, workers comp ect...

4. Basicly what is your average weekly payments for the above and anything else I can't think of or dont know about?

5. Is the average wkly miles still around 1200-1400?

6. If you take a week vacation, sick, or broke down are you still charged the above even though your out of service?

I realize this will very from person to person, company to company, Im just trying to get an average. If you dont mind listing the company you are with, please do so.

Please feel free to add opinions you have about the above.



Veteran Expediter
occupational ins 14.56
qualcomm 35.00
truck ins escrow 30.00
passenger ins 4.00
vehicle payment 125.00 these are weekly costs...i make double payments on my vehicle a month so its double of what you see...i average 22 mpg with the sprinter, average 1800-2000 miles a week. with a average of .08 per mile fuel surcharge.. so lets see on the generous side payments 205 a week plus fuel income coming in
1530-1700 income per week ..this is prior to last week with the huge increase of fuel prices, in which surcharges will go up also, just at a slower pace...


Expert Expediter
hondaking38, thanks for your response. Anyone else out there that wish to answer my questions?



Expert Expediter
I do not own a Sprinter yet, Im trying to get an idea of how much a CPM on average that the Sprinter drivers pays. to find this out I was trying to get the info I asked above. The cost for fuel I will figure into the rest of the equation.



Veteran Expediter
Well my costs are a little diferent being in Canada but basically I do the same mileage.
Fuel and maint run about 0.35/mile at this time (so far low maint on sprinter)
Insurance runs $75.00/wk as I have commercial, cargo gen liability, income replacement (incase of injury, sickness, too many probs with workers comp here)
Food runs about $70 per week minimum (2 meals only per day plus stuff I take from home)
The Sprinter is definitely cheaper to fuel and run and insurance seems to be a little higher than a GM or Ford (at this time). I am getting 23-24mpg (US gal). My GM 3500 ext with 6.5 diesel got about 20mpg (US gal) on the highway (keeping speed to 60mph and under and having less than 1200lbs onboard). I have gotten 25mpg out of the sprinter so that's over 650 miles for the tank.
I have reduced my oil changes from $200/month + taxes (cdn) to $150/month tax incld (cdn)