To all the Sprinter vans Whats your CPM?


Expert Expediter
I asked this question in the Newbies Forum but It was suggested to ask it in here.

I am in the process of building a business plan am an interested in knowing what:
1. The average Cost Per Mile you sprinter drivers are using?

2. How much is QC every week?

3. How much is Insurance? To include what type of insurance. i.e. Bobtail, workers comp ect...

4. Basicly what is your average weekly payments for the above and anything else I can't think of or dont know about?

5. Is the average wkly miles still around 1200-1400?

6. If you take a week vacation, sick, or broke down are you still charged the above even though your out of service?

I realize this will very from person to person, company to company, Im just trying to get an average. If you dont mind listing the company you are with, please do so.

Please feel free to add opinions you have about the above.



Expert Expediter
I cant beleive that there are no Van drivers that would take the time to help a newbie out. Or is it that you have no ideal what the cpm is? Is there another expediter site that anyone can recommend?



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You've found the best expediter site. The sad fact is that the majority of drivers don't know their costs. I suspect it's worst in vans because more of them are being driven by drivers and not owners. They have a "job" and don't see the importance of knowing this information. There also are far fewer Sprinters than other vans so the pool of potential respondees is smaller. Go to and get your own spreadsheet. It's available free. While you are there join! If you use my name and number below you can get a $20 discount on your first year. If you know someone else you can use their's if you prefer. You'll be helping yourself and everyone else by being a member. Here's the link to the spreadsheet.

Good luck.

Leo Bricker
OOIDA 677319
truck 4958
73's K5LDB
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
Sorry it took so long for someone to answer your questions.Since new fuel surcharges went into effect I've been running my behind off.I own a 2002 Ford E350 with 7.3 diesel instead of a Sprinter so I hope this still helps.
This is from Jan thru Jun. 53462 total miles- 33888 loaded miles=19574 empty miles.
1. avg cost per mile fuel(.125cpm)tolls(.04)maintanence(.02)meals at $20.00 per day(.04)QC(.02)showers(.01)truck washes(.02)truck payment(.05)cell phone(.016)bobtail(.008)workers comp(.006) for a total 35.5 cents per mile. Subtracted this from gross revenue divided by all miles 57 cents per mile =21.5 cents per mile profit.
2. QC = $35.00 p


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter

You show almost 37% deadhead miles. That seems like a huge amount of deadhead. Is it just that much higher in vans or were there other factors in that as well? I'm running about 17% deadhead in my D unit when I pull out a couple of personal choice moves. I don't calculate them into my d/h percentage when I could have stayed put but chose to move. It looks like your net cpm could make a big jump if the d/h could be moderated. Just curious if that's the facts of life for vans. Take care.

Leo Bricker
OOIDA 677319
truck 4958
73's K5LDB
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
Most van drivers I've talked to do deadhead more than bigger trucks.In my case though where I live is a major problem.Alot of freight going out but, never had aload deliver within 100 miles of the house.
Don't know why all of my reply didn't show up.So I'll try the last part again. 3.Bobtail $18.56 workers comp $14.56 4.Meals, showers, washes ,tolls and cell phone. 5.Total weekly miles 2227 and total loaded miles 1412 6. yes


Expert Expediter
Brian, Thanks for the response. That is what I was looking for. Is your van payed for? Im assuming it is since its not part of your CPM.
