Time to Print more "Funny Money"


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The earthquakes are amazing this year so far. I wonder what is causing this uptick in activity? Will there be an increase in volcanic activity as well? That would be great. Fire off a few volcanoes, get all that ash in the air and cool down the earth for 40-50 years like Kracatoa did.

Chile does not need our money to recover. They are a socialist nation, they have no needs. They can take care of themselves. Socialism cures all known ills. Let them handle it.


Expert Expediter
I was in the Pilot Truck Stop in Dunn N.Carolina and Overheard a Conversation while Eating my Sub, It Goes Something Like this: First Guy asks How a Earthquake Happens? 2nd Guy answers: The Military is Dropping too Many Bombs and the Earth is Vibrating From Them! The First Guy Agrees! I Left right after that! How's That Answer Joe? :) :D


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Is that not what Hugo Chavez said after the earthquake in Haiti? Maybe we should consult with him, eh? LOL!! It must be true. I was never involved in "earthquake bombs" only nukes. I can't answer to it. :rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
the libs all jump up and down about the money we spend to be as they put it "the worlds police force"...so why in the hell should they not be jumping up and down about us spending money on "earthwake" victims!?!? I mean we are the enemy to the libs one day, but they sure want our help the next. But then either why we are using "funny money" that we don't have!!

But talking about using "funny money"...i think barry is printing a hand full for this....

February 26, 2010

Obama, the Chicago Boys, and their 30 Billion Dollar Slush Fund

By Ed Lasky

American Thinker: Obama, the Chicago Boys, and their 30 Billion Dollar Slush Fund


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
But socialism is the answer to the world's ills!! Chile surely cannot need the help of a "mean ole" Country like the U.S. that still believes in outmoded ideas, like hard work and making a profit. Let's see the world's great socialist country, like China, Russia, Cuba etc handle this one with no help from us. Just look at just how much Cuba did in Haiti. We still had to us Homestead AFB to stage, why not Havana?


Veteran Expediter
Chile ...... They are a socialist nation,
Really ?

I thought that they were a democratic, representative republic, who just recently, in this past January, elected as their president, Sebastián Piñera, a billionaire capitalist and economist - the head of the conservative center-right coalition.

Both houses are controlled by coalitions of various parties, and are, at best, only marginally center-left.

But that's probably just some far-fetched propaganda coming out of the Soviet Union or Red China ...... :rolleyes:

Oh well ..... I guess if one just has an opinion - even if it's thoroughly uninformed - then the actual facts really don't matter ....... :confused:
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Retired Expediter
Question....Besides the US...name one other country that could not be named socialist..or have a so called Socialist agenda.?
I can not think of one....wonder who is wrong? or is there a wrong or right?

And DON'T include the Communist countries...


Veteran Expediter
Yup - the Reds must have a mole in there at Wikipedia:

"Currently, Chile is one of South America's most stable and prosperous nations. It leads Latin American nations in human development, competitiveness, quality of life, political stability, globalization, economic freedom, low perception of corruption and comparatively low poverty rates. It also ranks high regionally in freedom of the press and democratic development. However, it has a high income inequality, as measured by the Gini index."

Clearly, I think that they should go back to that nice little right-wing military dictatorship they had under Augusto Pinochet (criminal, under 300 indictments for tax evasion, embezzlement, and various human rights violations at the time of his death, and under whose watch occurred all manner of torture and extra-judicial assassinations and murder)

You know - that one that the CIA (a criminal organization) helped to bring about by engineering the coup d'etat of the popularly and democratically elected President at the time, Salvador Allende ...... apparently ordered by the US President Richard "Tricky Dick" Nixon ..... a fellow who had his own legal .... issues ..... :rolleyes:
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Retired Expediter
Ahh, but one can't have not enough enemies to keep the great American propaganda machine churning out scary stories...
enough conflicts to feed all those rich military contractors...
true peace would be economic collapse...


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Chile is a country who is more than familiar with earthquakes - they are a part of life down there, and as a result they are far more prepared for them than many people realize. They have probably the strictest building codes in the world, and have the emergency services and funds to deal with most any quake related emergency.

As for the reason behind the uptick in earthquake activity, well, there hasn't been an uptick in activity. There are nearly constant earthquakes of one magnitude or another happening somewhere in the world. In my neck of the woods, for example, ever since they installed seismic stations in the area they have recorded more than 200 seismic events annually centered around the New Madrid Fault (near New Madrid, MO, including west TN, KY, southern IN).

According to the USGS, since 1900 there have been an average of 18 major earthquakes (magnitude 7.0-7.9) and one great earthquake (magnitude 8.0 or greater) per year, and that this average has been relatively stable (see, Common Myths about Earthquakes). There are a couple of reason why we are more aware of these and the smaller quakes. One is that there are a bazillion seismic monitoring stations worldwide now, when in the recent past there were but a few, so, duh, we know about them. The other reason is that news organizations with play up the sensational as hard as they can to keep people tuned in.

Earlier I was listening to CNN on XM radio, and not three minutes after the head of the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii stated that large Tsunami waves were not likely to hit Hawaii or anywhere else as a result of the earthquake in Chile, but would instead be 1-3 feet quick rushes similar to that of high and low tides, the goober on CNN stated that the "potential for widespread and deadly large Tsunami waves still exists. CNN will keep you updated as events unfold."


Veteran Expediter
Is that not what Hugo Chavez said after the earthquake in Haiti?
Uhhhh ...... apparently not:

Truth over delusion: Hugo Chavez did not accuse the U.S. of causing the Haitian earthquake

But then you probably already knew that it wasn't accurate when you repeated it ....... maybe an intel thing ? (the repeating of false and/or planted stories, lies, etc.)

Maybe we should consult with him, eh? LOL!! It must be true.
Yeah, hey sure .... we could also get some chickens, kill 'em, and then do a little reading of the entrails .... whatever floats your boat ...... :rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Uhhhh ...... apparently not:

Truth over delusion: Hugo Chavez did not accuse the U.S. of causing the Haitian earthquake

But then you probably already knew that it wasn't accurate when you repeated it ....... maybe an intel thing ? (the repeating of false and/or planted stories, lies, etc.)

Yeah, hey sure .... we could also get some chickens, kill 'em, and then do a little reading of the entrails .... whatever floats your boat ...... :rolleyes:

It looks as if I was wrong about Chile, I don't know where I heard that, my mistake.

As to Chavez, where did that news clip come from? I thought is was real. Looked real to me. I seem to remember seeing in on broadcast news at the time. Must be getting old.

I am no longer in intel and when I was I was not in a "misinformation" branch. I never worked in an area that even put out information to anyone except other intel agencies or government officials. That was NOT our mission. In fact, the only time anything that I ever worked on got out is when an elected official would "leak" information" for some reason or another.

I read that news report you posted, can that paper be considered "un-biased"? Just asking. Is our press? Was Pravda?
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Veteran Expediter
It looks as if I was wrong about Chile, I don't know where I heard that, my mistake.
Well, it's not like what you said was entirely wrong or didn't some basis in historical events - afterall the Chilean people, at one point in the past did elect (but only by a plurality, not a majority) Salvador Allende - who was certainly a Marxist and a socialist, if not a closet communist.

But that was around 40 years ago.

To call the country socialist at this point I don't think would be accurate. There are at this time, no doubt, many Chilean people and politicians, who are indeed socialist - but that does not make the entire country socialist by any means.

As to Chavez, where did that news clip come from?
From some news organization .....

I thought is was real. Looked real to me. I seem to remember seeing in on broadcast news at the time.
The news clip was indeed real - it's just that what it reported wasn't accurate.

The apparent realism was heightened by the use of a standard device in video and film production, the inclusion of B-roll footage (of Hugo Chavez speaking)

B-roll footage is secondary footage that adds meaning to a sequence or disguises the elimination of unwanted content. It's purpose is illustrate something about the subject that is being treated or discussed, when you don't have actual footage of whatever it is that you are talking about.

Video and film producers (and as a consequence, news organizations) do this all the time. (Been there, done that, got the t-shirt)

The actual footage of Chavez that was used in the broadcast segment could have been from anything .... from holding a press conference on Castro's current health condition ..... to addressing a classroom of school children and telling them to be good little socialists.

One thing that was actually accurate in the news clip was that it pinpointed the original source of the report (listen to the talking head - she mentions the name of the organization) - and that source (and their inaccuracy) was discussed specifically in the link that I posted.

It (the video news organization relying on another news organization's reporting) just goes to show the potential liabilities of relying on secondhand information from another, as opposed to direct observation.
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Veteran Expediter
To answer your other questions:

I read that news report you posted, can that paper be considered "un-biased"? Just asking.
It's a totally legitimate question - my answer would be:

Probably not, at least to some extent ... (likely unknown, without some in-depth research) ....

Any news organization is composed of individuals, and all individuals have some degree of bias - whether as a consequence of their own political beliefs and ideology (and their willingness to compromise their own personal integrity for a cause), or as just the sum total of their own life experiences.

But without having done in-depth research into the organization itself, and the individuals who comprise it, I can come to no definitive evaluation, but it would appear that they view their mandate to be as source of accurate news about what is going on in Venezuela.

It's not hard to for me to imagine - in face of the blatant propagandizing of Chavez, and the rather sordid past history of the US government (or parts thereof) to misrepresent and outright lie about matters in Latin America (to say nothing of the tendency to meddle in others affairs - something we seem unwilling to tolerate ourselves - and engage in un-democratic criminal activity, such as the subversion of democratically elected governments, coups, etc. etc.), that some idealistic people thought it might be a good idea to provide some relatively accurate reporting of what is happening.

Was Pravda?
Of course, not .....

Is our press?
You're kidding right ? :p

However, you do realize that just because an organization, or the individuals that compose it is biased, it doesn't necessarily follow that everything that they report is entirely inaccurate, or a outright lie.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
"However, you do realize that just because an organization, or the individuals that compose it is biased, it doesn't necessarily follow that everything that they report is entirely inaccurate, or a outright lie."

Off course not, but almost always heavily slanted.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Something else I have noticed. When watching a report on a subject that I have a lot of background in I find that they often have no idea in the world as to what they are talking about. Example: Dick Cheney's hunting accident. The reporting was sad as best. I heard one reporter talking about having to remove the "shotgun shells" from the victims face. Another "expert" did not know what a "gauge" was and kept talking about the "caliber" of the shotgun. Another was surprised to learn that there is a rather big difference between "bird or fine shot" compared to "buck shot" and kept calling it buckshot. Another expert, a lawyer, was talking about the need for having a hunting license. After all, hunting licenses are required for anyone using a deadly weapon. Hunting licenses have nothing to do with the tools one uses to take game, they are used to raise money for game management and often not required on private property.

They took no pains to learn the subject. If it is that way when I know the mistakes, how can I trust their reporting on subjects that I am less famlure with?