Time for a Republican extreme makeover?


Veteran Expediter
A Voice of Sanity
Robert Ringer:

"Jon Voight is a true champion of liberty. When he appeared on "Huckabee" last Saturday, it was a refreshing change from the usual cast of progressives and radicals whom Huckabee welcomes on board each week.

Voight is one of those rare celebrities who is not afraid to be specific in his criticisms of Barack Obama and his congressional allies. In his "Huckabee" appearance, he was clear and adamant in assuring the audience that the charges of hatred and racism against the tea-party people are completely without merit. He then read a letter he had written to "the people of America ....

..... So much for Huckabee … now let's segue to Monday and "The O'Reilly Factor," which is always a good bet if you're in a masochistic mood. With great interest, I watched O'Reilly's interview of Mitt Romney. Once again, Romney tried to defend Romneycare in Massachusetts, the forerunner of the totalitarian-implemented, economy-crushing Obamacare. I was truly embarrassed for the man .......

..... Don't get me wrong. Romney is not Mike Huckabee, who dreams of pulling together a coalition of evangelicals, disenchanted Democrats and liberal-leaning independents as a way to sneak into the White House. Romney is basically a good man with a great deal of business acumen. And, by today's standards, I guess you could call him a capitalist – meaning that he is a philosophically confused capitalist ........

...... After watching Huckabee and Romney, I've decided, in my typical thoughtful manner, to warn Republicans that in the event a presidential election takes place in 2012, they had better start looking for some new blood. Huckabee and Romney are more of the same – big-spending politicians who have dominated the Republican Party for decades ....

..... From where I sit at this point in time, the Republicans to whom the majority of Americans (read, tea-party people) can most relate to are Sen. Jim DeMint, Rep. Michelle Bachman and, of course, Rep. Ron Paul ......

Full article here:

Time for a Republican extreme makeover?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It is not possible to makeover either of those two criminal enterprises that we call political parties. The problems with the Dumb-O-Crats and the ReBumLiCans are so deeply entrenched that there is just no longer a way to fix them. They are far too corrupt and control far too much power. They will not give it up.
The only way is a viable 3rd party with fresh candidates.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
And the problem with that is you can't elect a third party candidate and all that candidate does is guarantee a win for the greater evil of the two evils in the R/D parties.


Seasoned Expediter
I totally agree layoutshooter! Ross Perot proved that if 20% of the vote goes to a 3rd party, the 2 majors start to change their treasonous ways.
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